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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Increasing Reserves in a Mature Giant: Wilmington Field, Los Angeles Basin, Part II: Improving Heavy Oil Production Through Advanced Reservoir Characterization and Innovative Thermal Technologies
Scott L. Montgomery
Combining Sequence Stratigraphy, Geostatistical Simulations, and Production Data for Modeling a Fluvial Reservoir in the Chaunoy Field (Triassic, France)
R. Eschard, P. Lemouzy, C. Bacchiana, G. Désaubliaux, J. Parpant, and B. Smart
Siliciclastic Slope and Base-of-Slope Depositional Systems: Component Facies, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Classification
W. E. Galloway
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Western Malvinas Basin, Argentina
José Sebastián Galeazzi
Porosity Prediction in Quartzose Sandstones as a Function of Time, Temperature, Depth, Stylolite Frequency, and Hydrocarbon Saturation
Per Arne Bjørkum, Eric H. Oelkers, Paul H. Nadeau, Olav Walderhaug, and William M. Murphy