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AAPG Bulletin
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Segmentation of an obliquely rifted margin, Campos and Santos basins, southeastern Brazil
Kristian E. Meisling, Peter R. Cobbold, Van S. Mount
Reactivation of an obliquely rifted margin, Campos and Santos basins, southeastern Brazil
Peter R. Cobbold, Kristian E. Meisling, Van S. Mount
The effects of salt evolution, structural development, and fault propagation on Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oil migration: A two-dimensional fluid-flow study along a megaregional profile in the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
S. Cheree Stover, Shemin Ge, Paul Weimer, Barry C. McBride
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy: Updip expression of sequence boundaries and systems tracts in a high-resolution framework, Cenomanian Dunvegan Formation, Alberta foreland basin, Canada
A. Guy Plint, Paul J. McCarthy, Ubiratan F. Faccini
Recognition of cyclicity in the petrophysical properties of a Maastrichtian pelagic chalk oil field reservoir from the Danish North Sea
Morten Stage
Sequence architecture, depositional systems, and controls on development of lacustrine basin fills in part of the Erlian basin, northeast China
Lin Changsong, Kenneth Eriksson, Li Sitian, Wan Yongxian, Ren Jianye, Zhang Yanmei
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