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AAPG Bulletin
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Subsalt (pre-Jurassic) exploration play in the northern Lusitanian basin of Portugal
Thomas L. Uphoff
Site-specific sequence-stratigraphic section benchmark charts are key to regional chronostratigraphic systems tract analysis in growth-faulted basins
L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, Ramn H. Trevio
Neogene tectonic, stratigraphic, and play framework of the southern Laguna Madre–Tuxpan continental shelf, Gulf of Mexico
William A. Ambrose, Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Khaled Fouad, Shinichi Sakurai, David C. Jennette, L. F. Brown Jr., Edgar H. Guevara, Dallas B. Dunlap, Suhas C. Talukdar, Mario Aranda Garcia, Ulises Hernndez Romano, Juan Alvarado Vega, Eduardo Macas Zamora, Hector Ruiz Ruiz, Ramn Crdenas Hernndez
Structural styles in the deep-water fold and thrust belts of the Niger Delta
Freddy Corredor, John H. Shaw, Frank Bilotti
Sandbox models of downward-steepening normal faults
Thomas L. Patton
Stratigraphic evolution of Oligocene–Miocene carbonates and siliciclastics, East Java basin, Indonesia
Essam Sharaf, J. A. (Toni) Simo, Alan R. Carroll, Martin Shields
Geothermal heat flow in the northeast margin of the Gulf of Mexico
Seiichi Nagihara, Kelly Opre Jones
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