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AAPG Bulletin

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Structurally controlled hydrothermal alteration of carbonate reservoirs: Introduction

Langhorne B. Smith Jr., Graham R. Davies

Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies: An overview

Graham R. Davies, Langhorne B. Smith Jr.

Origin and reservoir characteristics of Upper Ordovician Trenton–Black River hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in New York

Langhorne B. Smith Jr.

Evidence against the Dorag (mixing-zone) model for dolomitization along the Wisconsin archA case for hydrothermal diagenesis

John A. Luczaj

Pervasive dolomitization with subsequent hydrothermal alteration in the Clarke Lake gas field, Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Jeff Lonnee, Hans G. Machel

Three-dimensional seismic-based definition of fault-related porosity development: Trenton–Black River interval, Saybrook, Ohio

Justine A. Sagan, Bruce S. Hart

Fractured hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in the Devonian Dundee Formation of the central Michigan Basin

John A. Luczaj, William B. Harrison III, Natalie Smith Williams

Tectonic-hydrothermal brecciation associated with calcite precipitation and permeability destruction in Mississippian carbonate reservoirs, Montana and Wyoming

David A. Katz, Gregor P. Eberli, Peter K. Swart, Langhorne B. Smith Jr.

Burial dolomitization and dissolution of Upper Jurassic Abenaki platform carbonates, Deep Panuke reservoir, Nova Scotia, Canada

Rick Wierzbicki, Jeffrey J. Dravis, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Nancy Harland

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Memorials: Edward Mackey Anderson, Robert R. Berg, Paul Lawrence Hill Worley