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AAPG Bulletin
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Effect of pore structure on electrical resistivity in carbonates
Klaas Verwer, Gregor P. Eberli, Ralf J. Weger
Geochemical analysis of Atlantic Rim water, Carbon County, Wyoming: New applications for characterizing coalbed natural gas reservoirs
J. Fred McLaughlin, Carol D. Frost, Shikha Sharma
Primary basins and their boundaries in the deep-water northern Gulf of Mexico: Origin, trap types, and petroleum system implications
Robin S. Pilcher, Bill Kilsdonk, James Trude
Sequence stratigraphy, seismic sedimentology, and lithostratigraphic plays: Upper Cretaceous, Sifangtuozi area, southwest Songliao Basin, China
Wenzhi Zhao, Caineng Zou, Yingliu Chi, Hongliu Zeng
Dynamic spatial and temporal prediction of changes in depositional processes on clastic shorelines: Toward improved subsurface uncertainty reduction and management
R. Bruce Ainsworth, Boyan K. Vakarelov, Rachel A. Nanson
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