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AAPG Bulletin

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What to expect when you are prospecting: How new information changes our estimate of the chance of success of a prospect

Frank J. Peel, John R. V. Brooks

The Barnett Shale: Compositional fractionation associated with intraformational petroleum migration, retention, and expulsion

Yuanjia Han, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, Brian Horsfield

Characterization of natural fracture systems: Analysis of uncertainty effects in linear scanline results

Rafael F. V. C. Santos, Tiago S. Miranda, José A. Barbosa, Igor F. Gomes, Gabriel C. Matos, Julia F. W. Gale, Virginio H. L. M. Neumann, Leonardo J. N. Guimarães

Pitfalls of using entrenched fracture relationships: Fractures in bedded carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas

Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Alan P. Morris, Camilo Higuera-Diaz, Daniel Prawica

Also in this Issue

For Members and Subscribers Only

2015 Annual Report


Gratitude to the Editors

