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AAPG Bulletin
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Friedemann Baur, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Kenneth E. Peters
Past, present, and future of basin and petroleum system modeling
Friedemann Baur, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Kenneth E. Peters
How to predict thermal stress in hyperextended margins: Application of a new lithospheric model on the Iberia margin
Marie Callies, Pierre-Yves Filleaudeau, Matthieu Dubille, François Lorant
Petroleum system modeling of the East Coast Basin, Hawke Bay, New Zealand
Blair Burgreen-Chan, Stephan A. Graham
Probability maps of reservoir presence and sensitivity analysis in stratigraphic forward modeling
Véronique Gervais, Mathieu Ducros, Didier Granjeon
Combining seismic reservoir characterization workflows with basin modeling in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico Mississippi Canyon area
Wisam H. AlKawai, Tapan Mukerji, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Stephan A. Graham
Oil, bitumen, and other confusing concepts: What do lab experiments really tell us?
Alan K. Burnham, Andrew E. Pomerantz, Francois Gelin
Importance of evolving fault seals on petroleum systems: Southern Halten terrace, Norwegian Sea
Karthik Iyer, Daniel W. Schmid, Lars H. Rüpke, Jon Erik Skeie, Frode Karlsen, Ebbe H. Hartz
Pore pressure prediction while drilling: Three-dimensional earth model in the Gulf of Mexico
Fausto Mosca, Obren Djordjevic, Thomas Hantschel, Jim McCarthy, Ana Krueger, Dave Phelps, Tayo Akintokunbo, Thorsten Joppen, Klaas Koster, Michael Schupbach, Kenneth Hampshire, Andy MacGregor
Prewell and postwell predictions of oil and gas columns using an iterative Monte Carlo technique with three-dimensional petroleum systems modeling
Are Tømmerås, Øyvind Sylta, Matthias C. Daszinnies, Davide Mencaroni
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