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AAPG Bulletin
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M. King Hubbert and the rise and fall of peak oil theory
David Deming
Classification of elemental chemofacies as indicators of cement diagenesis in mudrocks of the Permian Spraberry Formation and Wolfcamp formation, western Texas
Autumn L. Eakin, Julia S. Reece, Kitty L. Milliken, Robert Locklair, Andrew P. Rathbun
Sensitivity analysis of geological rule-based subsurface model parameters on fluid flow
Honggeun Jo, Michael J. Pyrcz, Fabien Laugier, Morgan Sullivan
Machine learning classification of Austin Chalk chemofacies from high-resolution x-ray fluorescence core characterization
Toti E. Larson, Robert G. Loucks, J. Evan Sivil, Kelly E. Hattori, Christopher K. Zahm
Diagenetic alterations in Eocene, deeply buried volcaniclastic sandstones with implications for reservoir quality in the Huizhou depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China
Benben Ma, Jiachen Gao, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Hongtao Zhu, Qianghu Liu, Xianquan Ping, Zhang Yang,
Gravity-flow deposits and implications for unconventional oil and gas in the Ordovician–Silurian Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, South China
Leifu Zhang, Hongyan Wang, Dazhong Dong, Qun Zhao, Wu Chenjun
Organic petrology of the Upper Ordovician Red River kukersite tight oil and gas play, Williston Basin, North Dakota, United States
Wayne K. Camp, Juergen Schieber, Maria Mastalerz, Timothy O. Nesheim
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