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AAPG Bulletin
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Super basin thinking: Fulfilling the promise—Introduction
Charles A. Sternbach, Robert K. Merrill
Origins and habitats of supergiant fields: An interpretation
Richard S. Bishop
The Songliao Super Basin in northeastern China
Bo Liu, Lingbo Liu, Jian Fu, Tiefeng Lin, Junling He, Xingzhou Liu, Yuchen Liu, Xiaofei Fu
The North West Shelf, Western Australia’s super basin, in the twenty-first century
Peter Purcell, Ian Longley
The presalt Santos Basin, a super basin of the twenty-first century
Rui Jorge Baptista, Andre Etienne Ferraz, Cristiano Sombra, Eugenio Vaz dos Santos Neto, Rafael Plawiak, Christiano Lopes Lops Silva, André Luiz Ferrari, Naresh Kumar, Luiz Antônio Pierantoni Gamboa
The Pannonian Super Basin: A brief overview
Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, David R. D. Boote, Csaba Krézsek, Balázs Koroknai, Gábor Kovács, Viktor Lemberkovics, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, Tamás Tóth
Use of exploration methods to repurpose and extend the life of a super basin as a carbon storage hub for the energy transition
J. R. Underhill, I. de Jonge-Anderson, A. D. Hollinsworth, L. C. Fyfe
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