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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

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Memorial: Albert Leon Beekly (1883-1952)

Robert H. Dott

Memorial: Andrew Cowper Lawson (1861-1952)

George D. Louderback

Memorial: Arthur James Williams (1877-1954)

C. A. Merritt

Memorial: Charles Walker Ellison (1897-1953)

Richard L. Soper

Memorial: Chester Charles Clark (1885-1953)

Clarence L. Moody

Memorial: Clifton Wood Johnson (1905-1954)

Homer J. Steiny

Memorial: Daniel Webster Ohern (1870-1953)

Jerry B. Newby

Memorial: Don Llewellyn Carroll (1902-1954)

Alfred H. Bell

Memorial: Earle Winston Johnson (1902-1953)

Clarence L. Moody

Memorial: Ellis William Shuler (1881-1954)

Claude Albritton

Memorial: Eugene Alexander Murchison, III (1931-1953)

William B. Oliver

Memorial: Francis Leonard Lewis, Jr. (1921-1953)

Joe E. Guyer

Memorial: Frederick LeVerne Serviss (1895-1954)

W. S. Levings

Memorial: Geoffrey Jeffreys (1885-1953)

David C. Harrell

Memorial: George Edwin Dorsey (1892-1953)

A. E. Fath

Memorial: George Martin Dorwart (1915-1953)

A. F. Woodward

Memorial: Helen Jeanne Plummer (1891-1951)

Mary Grace Muse Adkins

Memorial: Herschel H. Cooper (1894-1954)

Chas. H. Row

Memorial: James Barr Hoover (1902-1953)

Charles C. King

Memorial: James Mainwaring Douglas (1887-1952)

Sam Grinsfelder

Memorial: James Wilcott Hill (1920-1954)

J. Harlan Johnson

Memorial: John Rice Ball (1881-1953)

E. C. Dapples, A. L. Howland

Memorial: Joseph John Zorichak (1899-1953)

H. E. Christensen

Memorial: Joseph Steffens Hollister (1903-1953)

Robert M. Kleinpell

Memorial: Julius Anthony Heeren (1905-1952)

Clark F. Barb, F. M. Van Tuyl

Memorial: Kent K. Kimball (1892-1953)

Charles G. Carlson

Memorial: Lawrence Vander Leck (1890-1954)

R. G. Whealton

Memorial: Leonard Joseph Neuman (1900-1953)

Shirley L. Mason

Memorial: Louis August Scholl, Jr. (1887-1953)

Roy L. Lay

Memorial: Marvin Lee (1889-1953)

John L. Garlough

Memorial: Paul Theodore Seashore (1898-1954)

Gordon Atwater

Memorial: Ralph Fraser Bailey (1920-1953)

W. I. Wright

Memorial: Raymond Oscar Wingett (1909-1953)

Howard W. Giles, Wayne Z. Burkhead

Memorial: Robert Raymond Thompson (1893-1954)

Ford Bradish

Memorial: Robert Stephen Bogardus (1914-1953)

G. R. Chenot

Memorial: Roger Hiram Sherman (1904-1954)

G. M. Knebel

Memorial: Victor James Hendrickson (1892-1953)

Charles S. Lavington

Memorial: Walter Lowrie McCloy, Jr. (1912-1954)

W. W. Findley

Memorial: William Burrus Armstrong (1917-1954)

Everett C. Parker

Memorial: William Gaspar de Koch (1898-1954)

Homer J. Steiny

Memorial: William Grant Blanchard, Jr. (1894-1952)

Morgan J. Davis

Memorial: Wilson Gordon Saville (1897-1954)

W. A. Reiter