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AAPG Bulletin - Semicentennial Issue - Vol 50, No. 4

Harold T. Morley

Memorial: Charles Arthur Janes (1928-1966)

Jim W. Adams

Memorial: Daniel J. Jones (1889-1965)

Preston McGrain

Memorial: Frank Alfred Herald (1887-1965)

Virgil E. Barnes

Memorial: Frederick Andrew Menken (1905-1965)

John C. May, L. C. Decius, Robert M. Kleinpell

Memorial: G. Scott Hammonds (1910-1966)

Dan E. Boone

Memorial: George D. Stevens (1898-1965)

Thoburn Taggart, R. C. Bowles

Memorial: Guy Emmett Green (1896-1965)

Wm. H. Curry

Memorial: Harold E. McNeil (1910-1965)

Delbert Costa

Memorial: Harold Tague Weichbrodt (1921-1966)

L. E. Weichbrodt

Memorial: James Harold Poteet (1896-1965)

Hillard W. Bodkin, Wallace W. Hagan

Memorial: John Haviland Maxson (1906-1966)

B. W. Beebe, George R. Downs

Memorial: John P. Hurndall (1902-1966)

Roe A. Gray

Memorial: Karl A. Schmidt (1900-1965)

D. W. Love

Memorial: Luther Eugene Kennedy (1891-1966)

Lewis B. Peters Jr.

Memorial: Maurice Goldsmith Mehl (1887-1966)

Samuel P. Ellison Jr.

Memorial: Max Birkhauser (1899-1965)

Rosmarie Ellingson, Glenn Ellingson

Memorial: Maynard Herman Steig (1904-1965)

Raymond A. Stehr, R. C. Bowles

Memorial: Morris Rones (1922-1965)

Herbert P. Woodward

Memorial: Sidney Edward Bouchard (1923-1965)

Ken Shouse, Glen West

Memorial: Stanley Battershill White (1899-1965)

Fritz G. Nagel

Memorial: Vernon Leslie King (1892-1965)

Homer Steiny

Memorial: William Owsley George (1892-1966)

A. G. Winslow

Memorial: Wyckliff Riley Foxworth (1936-1965)

Hillord Hinson