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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Allen Theodore “Ted” Lee (1908-1971)
John E. Kilkenny
Memorial: Bill Lloyd Bloodworth (1916-1971)
Jerald Alliger
Memorial: Carey Croneis (1901-1972)
James Lee Wilson
Memorial: Carlton Mann Carson (1898-1972)
Henry H. Neel
Memorial: Charles A. Hauptman (1891-1971)
Howard R. Ritzma
Memorial: Charles Albert Milner, Jr. (1900-1971)
Everett C. Parker
Memorial: Donald Meredith Allen (1899-1971)
Roy P. Lehman
Memorial: Edward J. Foley (1908-1971)
H. M. Kirk
Memorial: Elmer Michael Rice (1900-1971)
Theo H. Dinkins Jr.
Memorial: Everett C. Edwards (1897-1972)
Thomas A. Edwards
Memorial: Fielding Breeden Dickson (1912-1972)
Howard R. Born
Memorial: George H. Murray, Jr. (1928-1971)
Arden F. Blair, A. Rex Hafer Jr., John R. Warne
Memorial: George Leavitt Harrington (1883-1972)
J. Herbert Sawyer
Memorial: Harry Roland Johnson (1880-1971)
C. L. (Luke) Severy
Memorial: Henry Nunn Sweeney (1914-1972)
Robert H. Cress
Memorial: Jesse Vernon (1894-1972)
John P. Thompson
Memorial: John E. F. Caston (1925-1972)
R. B. Palmer
Memorial: John Miller Sickler, Jr. (1891-1970)
Homer J. Steiny
Memorial: John Robert Suman (1890-1972)
Carl E. Reistle Jr.
Memorial: Kenneth Albert Simmons (1906-1971)
Noel H. Stearn
Memorial: Kenneth C. Heald (1888-1971)
Kirtley F. Mather
Memorial: O. Robert Lamsens (1922-1971)
Don B. Gould
Memorial: Sam Zimerman (1905-1972)
Bess Zimerman
Memorial: Virgil August Brill (1905-1972)
J. Ben Carsey
Memorial: W. Harlan Taylor (1908-1972)
Sam M. Penn
Memorial: William D. Miller (1930-1972)
C. C. Reeves Jr.