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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

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Memorial: Arthur Earl Fath (1887-1976)

J. A. Wallace, Walter M. Small

Memorial: Bernard Wright Wilson (1922-1976)

R. H. Nanz

Memorial: Carl Colton Branson (1906-1975)

George G. Huffman, Leonard R. Wilson

Memorial: David Edward Frazier (1931-1976)

J. P. Shannon Jr.

Memorial: Don G. Benson (1905-1977)

Don G. Benson Jr.

Memorial: Drexel Eugene McClure (1928-1977)

W. R. Mendes

Memorial: Dwight H. Bingham, Sr. (1895-1977)

William D. Groves Sr.

Memorial: Dwight J. Edson (1896-1976)

E. M. Peeples Jr.

Memorial: Elmer Fred Davis (1887-1974)

Thomas L. Bailey, Francis E. Vaughan

Memorial: Fred A. Devin (1907-1975)

J. Lee Davis, K. T. Smith

Memorial: George Curtis Crews (1937-1977)

John D. Haun

Memorial: George M. Spalding (1930-1977)

A. C. Baker, Edwin L. Smith

Memorial: Gerald Elgin Knowles (1923-1976)

James B. O’Flynn

Memorial: Gerald Julian Smith (1903-1976)

R. C. Bowles

Memorial: H. Andrew Ireland (1904-1973)

Robert D. Beu

Memorial: Herman T. Ashmore (1916-1976)

R. C. Slocum

Memorial: J. Marvin Weller (1899-1976)

Matthew H. Nitecki

Memorial: James Carlton Taylor (1924-1976)

T. H. McCulloh

Memorial: John Alexander Erdelyi-Fazekas Norden (1912-1977)

George G. Huffman

Memorial: John Roy Sandidge (1897-1976)

Edgar W. Owen

Memorial: Lawrence John Beckmann (1912-1976)

E. G. Dahlgren

Memorial: Ralph Emerson Esarey (1901-1975)

Arthur J. Fritz

Memorial: Richard F. Boss (1923-1976)

H. Mann, F. B. Conger, W. M. Winfrey

Memorial: W. Stanley Knouse (1911-1976)

Charles E. Sturz

Memorial: William Norval Ballard (1906-1976)

Wilbur E. McMurtry