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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

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Memorial: Aaron Leland Sauder, Jr. (1925-1997)

Suzanne Sauder-Winston

Memorial: Andrew G. Alpha (1912-1997)

George W. Berry

Memorial: Ann Marie Stanley (1923-1997)

Lila Williams

Memorial: Antoni Hendrik “Anton” Brink (1930-1997)

Fred W. Kelly Jr.

Memorial: Arthur F. Brunton (1926-1997)

Frederick L. Stead

Memorial: Calvin L. Badon (1933-1997)

Glen C. Ware

Memorial: Carl E. Jenkins (1918-1997)

Robert M. Grace

Memorial: David Goshorn Bowen (1933-1998)

David Goshorn Bowen

Memorial: Donald Cameron Keen, Sr. (1925-1996)

Mary Ellen Keen

Memorial: Donald West Rockwell (1918-1997)

Richard L. Conroy

Memorial: E. Bruce Shade (1915-1997)

Fritzi Shade, Sanford G. Andrew

Memorial: Evander McIver Ross, Jr. (1908-1997)

The E. M. Ross, Jr. family

Memorial: Everett Eaves (1909-1996)

C. Lane Sartor

Memorial: Frank Allen Exum (1930-1997)

John C. Harms

Memorial: H. Philip Raveling (1934-1998)

Aaron Chauvin, Bruce Appelbaum, Grace Raveling

Memorial: H. Victor Church (1915-1997)

William L. Fisher

Memorial: Halbert Sawyer (1925-1998)

Donald I. Andrews

Memorial: Harry W. Williamson (1914-1996)

Turner Williamson

Memorial: Heber Beardmore, Jr. (1917-1996)

Robert D. Cowdery

Memorial: Hugh Williams O’Keeffe (1905-1996)

Robert A. Morton

Memorial: J. Walter Johnson (1910-1998)

Philip W. Johnson

Memorial: Jack Charles Kern, Sr. (1921-1997)

Robert H. Shepard

Memorial: James J. “Jerry” Bellamy (1937-1996)

James W. Fambrough

Memorial: Joe S. Farmer (1932-1997)

Joe E. Guyer, Dan Brown, Hank Gruy, George Hardin, Boone Pickens, Chase Ritts

Memorial: John Jacob Barnes (1945-1996)

Dave Cromwell

Memorial: John T. (Jack) Isberg (1915-1997)

Ted L. Bear, Peter H. Gardett

Memorial: Julian C. Krumholz (1915-1998)

Alcuin J. Krumholz

Memorial: Michael C. Smith (1939-1997)

Sue Stoker

Memorial: Miguel A. Uliana (1944-1997)

Kevin T. Biddle, Robert M. Mitchum Jr.

Memorial: N. Raymond Lamb (1914-1997)

Betty Lamb

Memorial: Norman Leslie Falcon (1904-1996)

A. John Martin

Memorial: Paul H. Dudley (1903-1997)

Paul H. Dudley Jr.

Memorial: Richard D. Meditz (1926-1997)

Robert R. Johnston

Memorial: Richard D. “Dick” Jons (1929-1997)

A. T. “Toby” Carleton, Bernold M. “Bruno” Hanson

Memorial: Richard P. Sheldon (1924-1996)

Charles D. Masters

Memorial: Roger S. Plummer, Jr. (1922-1996)

John D. Tuohy

Memorial: Ronald F. Lestina (1923-1997)

James C. Peterson

Memorial: Suzanne Takken (1925-1997)

Robert A. Northcutt, Victor J. Veroda, Ralph H. Espach Jr.

Memorial: Thomas A. Simpson, Sr. (1925-1997)

Philip E. LaMoreaux, Charles Copeland

Memorial: Urban Earl Neese (1914-1996)

Robert Urban Neese

Memorial: Val M. Hebertson (1935-1997)

Gregory F. Hebertson

Memorial: Wallace Woodrow Hagan (1913-1997)

Carol L. Ruthven, Elizabeth Wade Hall

Memorial: Ziad Rafic Beydoun (1924-1998)

Roxane Besse