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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Augustin Pyre (1912-2000)
Eric K. Ericson
Memorial: Barbara Sue McBride (1956-2000)
ExxonMobil Exploration
Memorial: Bernold M. “Bruno” Hanson (1928-2000)
A. T. (Toby) Carleton
Memorial: Bob Slamal (1951-2001)
Robert D. Cowdery
Memorial: Clarence I. “Klip” Klipfel (1928-2000)
Greg Klipfel
Memorial: Cyril Bloomfield Roach (1906-2000)
William C. Bridges
Memorial: Dallas “Jake” Fiandt, Jr. (1924-2000)
Wesley Fiandt, F. Robert Bussey
Memorial: David George Penner (1913-2000)
Ralph W. Edie
Memorial: Dick G. H. Williams (1934-2001)
T. J. Thompson
Memorial: Donald Gladstone Crosby, Jr. (1927-2000)
Jeannette Oundjian-Crosby
Memorial: Edward McFarlan, Jr. (1921-2000)
Duane O. LeRoy
Memorial: Eugene “Gene” C. Eaton (1922-2000)
Inda Eaton
Memorial: Frank E. Lozo, Jr. (1914-1981)
Fred L. Stricklin Jr., C. I. “Ike” Smith, B. F. Perkins, D. L. Amsbury, Clyde H. Moore, Johnnie B. Brown
Memorial: Frank Edward Kottlowski (1921-2001)
David Schoderbek
Memorial: Garth William Caylor (1915-2001)
Diane Caylor Galloway
Memorial: H. Grady Collier, Jr. (1926-2001)
Carlo C. Christina
Memorial: James B. Powell, Jr. (1925-2000)
Charles J. Hoke, Glenn M. Fedderson, Curt Morrill
Memorial: James E. Rolf, Jr. (1952-2000)
Eric C. Broadbridge, Reese B. Pinney, Michael A. Fogarty
Memorial: Jerome Thornburg (1949-2000)
Janet Bauder Thornburg, Elsa Kapitan-White
Memorial: John Alexander Forman (1927-2000)
Chuck Cline, Lloyd Edwards, John Marshall, Thane McCulloh, Paul Moody, Bob Plumb, Bill Sinclair, Bob Smart, Jim Wildharber
Memorial: John Floyd Harris (1926-2000)
William V. Knight
Memorial: John G. Seay, Jr. (1943-2000)
Bruce Brady
Memorial: John William Ruwwe (1914-2001)
John Ruwwe Jr.
Memorial: Keith L. Rathbun (1911-2000)
Daniel C. B. Rathbun
Memorial: Kenneth Stewart Cronin (1909-2000)
Harry Ptasynski
Memorial: Kenneth “Ken” Wood (1928-2001)
Ann Wood
Memorial: Larry Clark Simpson (1950-1999)
Daniel L. Pearson
Memorial: Lee Edwin Garner (1935-1999)
Douglas C. Ratcliff, William L. Fisher
Memorial: Marion Leon “M. L.” Randall (1914-2000)
Stephanie Hrabar
Memorial: Mingchou Lee (1956-2001)
Joann E. Welton
Memorial: Mortimer Allen Kline, Jr. (1932-2000)
Ed. W. Heath, Joe Guyer, Joe Irwin, Murray McKinnon, Mathew Szygowski, Jack Wahl, Elizabeth Kline
Memorial: Norman H. Foster (1934-1999)
Janet Foster, Kimberly (Foster) Garneau, Stephen Foster, Ted Beaumont, Ben Garneau, Christopher Lewis, Keith Murray
Memorial: Steven Hesse Harris (1924-2001)
Wayne Harris
Memorial: Thomas Anthony Mazza (1956-2001)
Scott W. Tinker
Memorial: Travis J. Parker (1913-2000)
Robert R. Berg
Memorial: Virgil E. Barnes (1903-1998)
William L. Fisher, Ernest L. Lundelius, William R. Muehlberger
Memorial: William C. Penttila (1933-2001)
Richard Church
Memorial: Willis E. “Bill” Rector (1935-2000)
Jerry N. Namy