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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Charles F. Dodge (1924-2001)
Rebecca Dodge
Memorial: Danny Conklin (1934-2001)
Jim Matthews
Memorial: Danny Joe Towns (1955-2000)
Herbert G. Davis
Memorial: Don G. Calvin (1931-2002)
Robert Cowdery
Memorial: Don R. Boyd (1934-2000)
William L. Fisher
Memorial: Earl West (1923-2001)
Walter S. Fees, III
Memorial: Elizabeth “Betty” Anne Elliott (1918-2001)
Bill Sinclair
Memorial: Fred C. Ackman (1931-2001)
Edward J. Ackman, Bill D. Holland
Memorial: Gladys Peyser Louke (1922-2002)
Monzell Louke
Memorial: H. Douglas Klemme (1921-2001)
Anny B. Coury, Gregory Ulmishek
Memorial: Howard Lee Tipsword (1915-2001)
Howard L. Tipsword
Memorial: Howard Stark (1923-2002)
Tom Hopps, Thane McCulloh
Memorial: J. Ralph Wilson Jr. (1921-2001)
J. Ralph Wilson family
Memorial: Jesse L. George, Jr. (1921-2001)
L. Bruce Forney
Memorial: Julius Alexander Buchanan (1917-2001)
Elvin M. Hurlbut Jr.
Memorial: Kenneth D. Fore (1926-2002)
Thomas E. O’Connor
Memorial: Malcolm “Max” B. Greene (1930-2001)
Michael B. Mickey
Memorial: Maurice Kamen-Kaye (1905-2001)
Betty May Robertson, Matthew C. Dallett
Memorial: Merrill W. Haas (1910-2001)
Michel T. Halbouty, James O. Lewis
Memorial: Murlind W. Beckman (1932-2002)
Owen Schooler
Memorial: Raymond Lamar Frisby (1934-2002)
Scott Cooley
Memorial: Robert W. Frensley (1920-2001)
Bob Cowdery
Memorial: Rufus Edward Cook (1919-2001)
William R. Merrill
Memorial: Samuel Krasner (1920-2001)
Michael P. Krasner
Memorial: Sol Robert Silverman (1918-2001)
Lora Silverman Bronson, Robert Silverman, David Silverman
Memorial: Stanton Mock Ball (1933-2001)
William D. Pollard
Memorial: Wallace W. Stewart (1929-2001)
John R. Kerns
Memorial: Walter S. Fees, Jr. (1917-2001)
Walter S. Fees, III
Memorial: William H. Curry, Jr. (1904-2001)
John S. Wold
Memorial: William M. Oxford (1932-2001)
John Wauters