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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society

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Ambler Schist Belt of Northwest Alaska–Terrane for World Class Massive Sulfide Deposits - Abstract

Murray W. Hitzman, Thomas E. Smith, John M. Proffett

Anomalous Seismic Character of the Bering Sea Shelf*

Roger D. Hammond, John R. Gaither

Biostratigraphy, Thermal Maturity, and Visual Kerogen Analysis of the Pan American Napatuk Creek No.1, Bethel Basin, Alaska - Abstract

J. A. Patricelli, T. A. Timmcke, W. H. Abbott

Deep-water Basins of the Bering Sea–Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Potential - Abstract

Alan K. Cooper, Michael S. Marlow

Diagenesis of Sandstones in Lower Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, and its Implications for Petroleum Plays

J. G. Bolm, Thane H. McCulloh, Richard J. Stewart

Engineering Geology of the Bering Shelf - Abstract

Kerry J. Campbell, Rosanne Son-Hindmarsh

Frontmatter, TOC: Journal of the Alaska Geological Society, third volume. Proceedings of the 1982 Symposium: Western Alaska Geology and Resource Potential, Anchorage, Alaska, 1983

Gil Mull, Katherine Reed

Geologic Evolution of the Aleutian Ridge–Implications for Petroleum Resources

David W. Scholl, Tracy L. Vallier, Andrew J. Stevenson

Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Norton Basin Area - Abstract

Michael A. Fisher, Mark L. Holmes

Geology and Quality of Coal Beds in the Cretaceous Corwin Formation in the Northern Foothills of Western Arctic Alaska - Abstract

James E. Callahan

Geology of the Norton Sound as Inferred from Seismic Reflection Data - Abstract

Changsheng Wu

Granulite, Peridotite, and Blueschist: Precambrian to Mesozoic History of Seward Peninsula

Alison B. Till

High-Temperature Hydrothermal Resources in the Aleutian Arc

Roman J. Motyka

Hydrocarbon Potential of Sedimentary Basins of the Bering Sea Shelf - Abstract

Michael S. Marlow, Alan K. Cooper

Jurassic Magmatic Arc in the Alaska-Aleutian Range Batholith–Chemical Variations and Polarity*

Bruce L. Reed, Alfred T. Miesch, Marvin A. Lanphere

Late Mesozoic and Tertiary Stratigraphy for the Alaska Peninsula - Abstract

Robert L. Detterman

Outline of Geology and Mineral Resources of Upper Kuskokwim Region, Alaska

Thomas K. Bundtzen, Wyatt G. Gilbert

Petroleum Potential of Upper Mesozoic Strata in Lower Cook Inlet Basin on the Basis of Outcrops in Katmai National Monument - Abstract

Thomas N. Smith, George W. Petering

Plate-tectonic Setting and Earthquake Potential of the St. George Basin, Bering Shelf, Alaska - Abstract

John N. Davies

A Preliminary Look at the Geologic Structure of the United States Chukchi Shelf - Abstract

Arthur Qrantz, Steven D. May

Present Day Plate Boundaries in Alaska and the Arctic

David B. Stone

Regional Geology and Tectonic History of Western Alaska

I. Gemuts, C. C. Puchner, C. I. Steffel

Tectonics of West-central Alaska and the Adjoining Bering Sea Region - Abstract

William W. Patton, Wyatt G. Gilbert

Upper Cretaceous Sedimentation on the Alaska Peninsula

Thomas M. Deeter, Frederick H. Wingate, Ernest A. Mancini