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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Ardmore Geological Society

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Age Classification of the Upper Pushmataha Series in the Ouachita Mountains1

Bruce H. Harlton

The Age of Mineralization in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma

B. J. Scull

The Atoka of the McAlester Basin-Arkansas Valley Region

B. J. Scull, G. D. Glover, Roger Planalp

The Choctaw Nation

James D. Morrison

Correlation of Lower Paleozoic Formations of the Arbuckle and Ouachita Areas as Indicated by Graptolite Zones

Charles E. Decker

Correlation of Pre-Stanley Strata in the Arbuckle-Ouachita Mountain Regions1

William E. Ham


W. J. H.

The Geology of the Ouachita Mountains Symposium

L. M. Cline et al., eds.

Late Mississippian - Early Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma

L. M. Cline, O. B. Shelburne

Oil and Gas Possibilities of the Ouachita Province

J. V. Howell, Paul L. Lyons

Ouachita Problems

C. W. Tomlinson

The Ouachita Structural Belt1

Peter T. Flawn

Petrography of Paleozoic Sandstones from the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma and Arkansas

August Goldstein, Jr.

Regional Relationships of Ouachita Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Rocks

Carl C. Branson

Some Age Relationships of Chesterian and Morrowan Rocks in Eastern Oklahoma

Richard B. Laudon

Some Mississippian Conodonts from the Ouachita Mountains

Maxim K. Elias

Structure of the Frontal Belt of the Ouachita Mountains

Thos. A. Hendricks

Stucture and Vein Quartz of the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma and Arkansas1

Hugh D. Miser

Summary Discussion of the Geology of the Core Areas of the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma

William D. Pitt