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Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
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2D and 3D Structural Balancing in a Deformed Foreland Basin, Peruvian Subandean Belt
D.R. Richards, S.J. Calvert, H. Yamamoto
Actividad Tectónica y Evolución Sedimentaria de los depósitos Tithoniano / Valanginiano Temprano, porción oriental de la Cuenca Neuquina – Argentina [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonics Activity and Sedimentary Evolution of Tithonian / Early Valanginian Deposits
M. L. Fernández, H. Verzi, E. Sanchez
The Agrio Fold and Thrust Belt: Structural Analysis and its Relationship with the Petroleum System Vaca Muerta-Agrio-Troncoso Inferior (!), Argentina
T. R. Zapata, G. Zamora, A. Ansa
The Andean Santander-Oriental Tectonic Syntaxis: A first-order pattern controlling exploration play-model concepts In Colombia.
A.V. Nevistic, E.A. Rossello, C.E. Haring, G. Covellone, F. Bettini, H. Rodríguez, R. Salvay, C. Colo, L. Araque, E. Castro, C. Pinilla, C.P. Bordarampé
Aplicaciones de la Técnica de Microsonda Electrónica de Rayos-X (EPMA) al Estudio de Rocas Madres [PAPER IN SPANISH] Applications of Electron Microprobe Technique X-rays (EMPA) to the Study of Bedrocks
S. Lo Mónaco, L. López, H. Rojas, P. Lugo, D. García, J. Gastiel
Aplicación de la Técnica SPARSE en Adquisición Sísmica 3D, Bloque Tángara-Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Technical implementation of SPARSE in 3D Seismic Acquisition, Bloque Tángara-Colombia.
R. Petton, M. Pareja
Aplicación De Metodologías En Tiempo Real Para Optimizar Los Procesos De Perforación En Yacimientos Petrolíferos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Application of Methodologies in Real Time to Optimize the Processes of Oilfield Drilling
C. E. Rodriguez Cadena
Aspectos Sociales y Ambientales de la Técnica SPARSE 3D Bloque Tángara Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Social and Environmental Aspects of Technology SPARSE 3D Block Tángara Colombia
A. Garcia, L. Cifuentes
Basin Modeling in Complex Area: Example from Venezuela
F. Schneider
Building a discrete fracture network based on the deformation history: A case study from the Guaduas Field, Colombia
A. Kloppenburg, J. C. Alzate, G. Rodriguez Charry
Cajones Formation Geometry and Regional Facies distribution in the Boomerang Hills area, Bolivia
M. E. Kusiak, D. Zubieta Rossetti
Camisea Gas Fields, Peru. First Development and New Technologies Applied.
J. Luquez, J. Cruells, F. Seminario, A. Viera, D. Gamez, A. Disalvo
Campo GUANDO, Primer Descubrimiento de la Antesala del Siglo XXI en el Valle Superior del Magdalena, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Field GUANDO, First Discovery at the beginning of the XXI Century in the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
G. Rincón, J. C. Garzon, J.J. De Moraes
Campo Libertador, Cuenca Oriente, Ecuador; existen más reservas por recuperar? [PAPER IN SPANISH] Field Libertador, Basin Oriente, Ecuador; are there more reserves to recover?
H. San-Martin, J.Forney, P.Enwere, C.Davila, M.Gallaraga, O. Carrera
Caracterizaciónade Crudos de la Subsuenca de Barinas, Venezuela: Cromatografía de Gases de Alta Temperatura Y de Crudo Total. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Crude characterization of Barinas Subbasin, Venezuela: Chromatography of High Temperature Gas and of Total Cr
L. López, J. Torrealba, S. Lo Mónaco
Caracterización de las Unidades Arenosas del Grupo Villeta en el Sector Suroccidental del Valle Superior del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Characterization of the Sandy Units of the Villeta Group in the Southwest Sector of the Upper Magdalena Valley
L. Maya, J. C. Alzate, T. England, R. Higgs
Caracterización Estocástica de Yacimientos Estratigráficamente Complejos mediante la Integración de Información Dinámica del Yacimiento usando Técnicas de Computación Evolutiva [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stochastic Characterization of Stratigraphically Complex R
S. Gonzalez F., E. A. Idrobo, J. Mantilla
Características Sedimentológicas, Mineralógicas y Diagenéticas de la Arenisca Dura en el Campo GUANDO. Valle Superior del Magdalena. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary, Mineralogical and Diagenetic Characteristics of the Arenisca Dura in the GUANDO Field. Up
R. Reyes, J. Barón, M. Chacón
Complex Imbricate Systems in the Southern Caribbean Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia: Advanced Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis, and Implications for Regional Oil Exploration
F. Corredor, J. H. Shaw, T. Villamil
Correlación de registros eléctricos del campo Puerto Colón – Loro (Cuenca del Putumayo, Colombia) usando redes neuronales artificiales [PAPER IN SPANISH] Correlation of electric logs of the Puerto Colón field - Loro (Putumayo Basin, Colombia) using artif
G.A. Alzate, W. Parra, J.A. Coronel, J.W. Branch
Cuencas Sedimentarias de Brasil: Reevaluación de los Sistemas Petrolíferos y Perspectivas Exploratorias Futuras [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary Basins of Brazil: Reassessment of the Petroleum Systems and Future Exploration Perspectives
R.P. Bedregal, F.T.T. Gonçalves, G. Bacoccoli
Desarrollo de un Yacimiento con Geometría Compleja en Faja Plegada Mediante la Perforación de Pozos Horizontales: Yacimiento EL PORTON (ARGENTINA) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Site Development with Complex Geometry in Faja Plegada through Drilling of Horizontal We
G. Zamora Valcarce, A. Ansa, G. Selva, T. Zapata
Desarrollo Óptimo del Campo Valdivia y Almagro [PAPER IN SPANISH] Optimum field development of Valdivia and Almagro
V. Galindo, M. Poveda
Discrete Fracture Characterization Applied To The Margarita Field, Bolivia
T. Zapata, H. Araujo
Eastward Extent of the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Onset of Deformation across the Northern Andes: Constraints from the Northern Portion of the Eastern Cordillera Fold Belt, Colombia, and Implications for Regional Oil Exploration
F. Corredor
El Potencial de Generación de Gas y Petróleo de los Carbones de la Formación Guaduas, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] The Potential of Oil and Gas Production from Coal of Formación Guaduas, Colombia.
A. Valenzuela Camacho, M. Garcia Gonzalez
El Pre-Aptense en la Cuenca Oriente Ecuatoriana [PAPER IN SPANISH] The Pre-Aptian in the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin
M. Diaz, P. Baby, R. Marco, C. Frederic
Empleo del Modelo Geomecánico MEM (Mechanical Earth Model) para reducir los costos y riesgos de Perforación en Formaciones sobrepresurizadas, un caso histórico Cuenca de Putumayo/Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Utilization of MEM (Mechanical Earth Model) Geo
M. E. Torres, M. Frydman, H. Arias
Equipos de trabajo Interdisciplinarios permiten tomar grandes decisiones Ejemplo: Estudio Integrado del Campo Yaguará. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Interdisciplinary team WORK can make important decisions Example: Integrated Field Study Yaguará.
W. Barbosa, N. Tyler
Estructuras sencillas, un objetivo a explorar: Ejemplos de campos en las Cuencas de los Llanos y el Putumayo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Simple structures, an objective to explore: Examples of fields in the Llanos Basin and in the Putumayo
N. A. Rojas Avella
Estudio Sedimentológico y Diagenético en la Sección Oligoceno- Mioceno al Norte del estado Anzoátegui - Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Study of the Sedimentological and Diagenetic of the Oligocene-Miocene Section in the North of Anzoategui State - Venezuel
S. R. Rojas, Y. C. Peña, J.H Sanchez, G. Gedler
Evaluación de los Procesos de Biodegradación en la Cuenca Valle Medio del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Evaluation of Biodegradation Processes in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin
A. Rangel, D. Garcia, C. Mora, M. Suarez
Evaluación del Riesgo de Carga de Hidrocarburos a través de la Integración de Nuevas Tecnologías de Modelamiento de Cuencas y Métodos Tradicionales de Exploración [PAPER IN SPANISH] Evaluation of the Risk of the Quantity of Hydrocarbons across the Integr
F.T.T. Gonçalves, R.P. Bedregal
Evaluación Geoquímica de la Subcuenca de Guarumen, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geochemical Evaluation of the Subbasin of Guarumen, Venezuela
J. F. Rodriguez, H. Belotti, P. Kraemer, G. Conforto, J. Silvestro
Evaluación Geoquímica Integrada de los Gases y Crudos Colombianos: Un Nuevo Enfoque para la Exploración de Hidrocarburos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Integrated Assessment of Gas Geochemistry and Colombian Crudes: A New Approach to Hydrocarbon Exploration
A. Rangel, C. Escalante, C Mora
Evidencias Sísmicas de una Discordancia Intra-Villeta en la región Nor-Oriental del Valle Superior del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Seismic Evidence of an Unconformity in Intra-Villeta in the North-Eastern Region of the Upper Magdalena Valley
E. J. Jaimes
Evolucion Geohistórica de las Cuencas del Norte de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geo-Historical Evolution of the North Basin of Colombia
R. Hernandez, V. Ramirez, J.P. Reyes
Evolución Estructural del Flanco Oriental del Valle Superior del Magdalena y sus Implicación en la Carga de Hidrocarburos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural evolution of the Eastern Slope of the Upper Magdalena Valley and its Implication on the Quantity of Hy
G. Rodriguez, L. Maya, C. Mora
Evolución Tectono – Estratigráfica de la Terminación Meridional del Flanco Sur de los Andes de Mérida, Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonic Evolution - Stratigraphy of the southern end of the South Flank of the Andes in Merida, Venezuela.
M. Parra, E. Novoa
Evolución Tectosedimentaria y Arquitectura Estratigráfica de los Principales Reservorios del Area Camisea. Cuenca de Ucayali, Oriente del Perú. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectosedimentary and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Evolution of Main Reservoir of Area
A. F. Viera, J. Chung Ching, S. Blanco Ibañez
Exploración en la Cuenca Frontera Guajira Costa-afuera: Nuevos Conceptos y Plays [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Play Concepts in the Offshore Guajira Frontier Basin
I. D. Olaya, V. O. Ramirez
Exploring Sub-Basement Traps in the Upper Magdalena Valley of Colombia
C.E. Macellari, J. Amaral, J.F. Salel, M. Osorio
Facies Analysis and Stratigraphic Model for the Carboniferous–Cretaceous Sequences in Eastern Central Subandean/Chaco Plain, Bolivia
C. E. Souza Cruz, A. C. A. Rocha
From Frontal Subduction to a Compressional Transform System: New Geophysical Data on the Structure of the Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary in southeastern Caribbean
E. Deville, A. Mascle, R. Griboulard, P. Huyghe, C. Padron De Carillo, J.-F. Lebrun
Geología Estructural de la Zona de Yaguará-Palermo, Piedemonte de la Cordillera Central con Valle Superior del Magdalena, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] 3D Structural Modeling and Applications in Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the Thrust B
J. A. Martinez
Geología Estructural de la Zona de Yaguará-Palermo, Piedemonte de la Cordillera Central con Valle Superior del Magdalena, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Geology of the Area of Yaguará-Palermo, Piedmont of the Central Cordillera in the Upper
M. A. Blanco, M. G. De Freitas
Geometría y Cinemática de Micropliegues del Cretáceo Basal Aplicados a la Interpretación Estructural de Zonas de Piedemonte [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geometry and Kinematics of Cretaceous Period Micro Folds Applied to Structural Interpretation Piedmont Areas
M.H. Murillo, C.A. Sarquez, R. Linares
Geoquímica de Producción para la Reexploración de Areas Cicuco-Boquete, Cuenca Valle Inferior del Magdalena, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geochemistry of the Production for the reexploration of the Cicuco-Boquete Areas, Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia
A. Rangel, S. González, C. Posada
The Gibraltar case study, northern Llanos Foothills, Colombia. Success of a complex technical business in complicated environments.
T. Villamil, J. Muñoz, J. Sanchez, J. J. Aristizabal, J. Velasco, A. Fajardo, P. E. Luna, A. Mantilla, L. E. Peña, M. G. Paz, O. Silva, E. Sanchez, N. S. Meza, J. Martinez, L. A. Pachon, E. Gallardo
Herramienta Sistematizada para Preservar la Heterogeneidad de los Yacimientos en Modelos Escalados [PAPER IN SPANISH] Systematized Tool to Preserve the Heterogeneity of the Deposits in Scaled Models
E. A. Idrobo, E. A. Jimenez, A. A. Ospino, E. A. Arroyo
Historia de la Cuenca Cretacea del VSM en un Marco Cronoestratigrafico. Implicaciones Ambientales [PAPER IN SPANISH] VSM History of the Cretaceous Basin in a Chronostratigraphic Framework. Environmental Implications
L. M. Duarte
Hydrocarbon Habitat in the Southern Ucayali Basin, Perú.
I. Brisson, M. Ayala, L. Anzulovich, O. Jofre, S. Corsico, S. Sciamanna
Hábitat de hidrocarburos en el Pie de Sierra de la Faja Corrida Subandina, Cuenca de Tarija. Area de Santa Cruz, Bolivia.[PAPER IN SPANISH] Reservoirs of hydrocarbons in the Foothills of the Subandean Thrustbelt of the Tarija Basin. Area of Santa Cruz, B
C.E. Cruz, C. Mombrú A. Cangini, C. Segui, J. Conti
Imaging of the Guando Field Colombia in Time and Depth
M.A. Hall, V. Avramovic, J.T. Basick, I. Novianti, D.T. Maucione, P.Kroshko, J.C. Garzon
Imaging Seismic Data with High Resolution Gravity Data.
R. Opfer
Implantación de una barrera artificial (Bottom Screen Out), para controlar el crecimiento vertical de una fractura hidráulica, realizada en un pozo exploratorio [PAPER IN SPANISH] Implantation of an artificial barrier (Bottom Screen Out), to control the
D. G. García, O. A. Furlán, G. F. Kruse
Lote 88 “ CAMISEA”. Geometría y Origen de las trampas de gas. Cuenca de Ucayali. Este de Peru. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Lote 88 “CAMISEA”. Geometry and Origin of the hydrocarbon traps. Ucayali Basin. Eastern Perú.
A. Disalvo, M. Arteaga, J. Chung Ching
Making the difference: A story of pitfalls and successes in seismic imaging in a thrust belt environment
C.A. Estrada, J.A. Jaramillo
Modelamiento y Análisis Estructural del Anticlinal de Zipaquirá y su Aplicación a la Interpretación a Zonas de Piedemonte [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Modeling and Analysis of Zipaquirá Anticline and its Application to the Interpretation of Piedmont Are
A. J. Lozano, W. J. Castro, R. Linares
Modelo Estratigráfico para el Cretácico Basal (Aptiano-Albiano) en el norte de la Sub-cuenca de Neiva, Valle Superior del Magdalena, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stratigraphic Model for the Basal Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) in the Northern Sub-Basin of Ne
No Drilling Surprises Process and the value of the real time update, a case history in Camisea/Peru
M. Frydman, J. Palacio, D. Lee, G. Pidcock, R. Delgado, J.P. Cassanelli
The Occurrence of Shear-Torn Palynomacerals in Middle to Early Late Devonian Strata of Southern Subandean Bolivia: Their Geological Significance
M. Arai, J.H.G. Melo
Optimización del Modelo Volumétrico, Formación Misoa, Eoceno, Campo La Concepción, Venezuela, Aplicando Nuevas Tecnologías de Registros. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Optimization of the Volume Model, Formation Misoa, Eoceno, Field of the La Concepción, Venezuela,
Raúl Sánchez, Israel Nieves, Denis Marchal, Germán Gomez, Marla Garcia
Paleogeographic Implications Of The Lower Guadalupe (Dura) Formation In The Guando Oil Field, Colombia
D. A. Leckie, J. M. De Armas, C. Du Toit, K. Glazebrook, E. Gomez, P. Kroshko, B. Norris, A. Parsons, R. Peñas
Paleogeography during the Aptian – Albian in the Neiva Subbasin (Upper Magdalena Basin,Colombia)
C. Osorio, M. De Freitas, G.Téllez, J. Amaral
Petroleum System Characterization, Sinu Area (Offshore, Colombia)
J. Amaral, N. Crepieux, D. Levache, E. Cauquil, B. Mouly, C. Osorio
Petroleum Systems and Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Madre de Dios Basin and its Associated Thrustbelt in Perú and Bolivia
A. M. Aleman, D. Valasek, C. Ardiles, G. D. Wood, G. P. Wahlman, J. R. Groves
Predicción de Propiedades Petrofísicas de la Formación Caballos en el Campo Puerto Colón – Putumayo, a partir de Inversión Sísmica para Impedancia Acústica y Shear. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Predicting Petrophysical Properties of the Formación Caballos in the C
H. Acevedo
Prospección Geoquímica de Superficie. Valle Superior del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Prospecting Geochemical Surface. Upper Magdalena Valley
L.F. Sarmiento, J.I. Moreno, Kairuz Edgar Chajid, F. Gonçalves T.
Prospect Evaluation Methodology of Structure Trap in Subandean Basin, Bolivia
P. Bonillo Martinez, W. Prayitno, T. Zapata
Quantitative Assessment of Regional Siliciclastic Top-Seal Potential: a new application of proven technology in frontier and maturing South American basins
J. A. Deckelman, S. Lou, P. S. D’onfro, R. W. Lahann
Remaining Oil Accumulations in Northern Marañón Basin. A Complex History Entrapment of Oils.
W.I. Martinez Cabañas, M. Erquiaga Aguirre
Reservoir Description using hybrid seismic inversion: A 3D case study from María Inés Oeste field, Argentina
M. Benabentos, S. Mallick, M. Sigismondi, J. Soldo
Role of Extensional Structures in the development of the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin – Colombia
L. Rolon, J. Toro
Seismic Acquisition and Processing for Sub-thrust Imaging and Prospecting, Suaza Valley, Colombia
G.W.Paukert, G. Billings, I.Dawes, T.D.J. England, G.Rait
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Silurian – Devonian Subandean Basin in Southern Bolivia & Northern Argentina
A. P. Miranda, C. E. Souza Cruz, J. H. G. Melo, J. Oller
Shushufindi Field: Ecuador’s Giant Revisited
J.Forney, H.San Martin, P.Enwere, J.Vega, P.Acuna, J.Ochoa
Single-sensor towed streamer acquisition: a case study from the Gulf of Mexico
P. Munoz, J. Uribe, N. Moldoveanu
Sistema Petrolero Terciario PAGÜEY - PAGÜEY INFERIOR (!) en la Subcuenca de Guarumen, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tertiary Petroleum Systems PAGÜEY - PAGÜEY Downstream (!) In the Subbasin of Guarumen, Venezuela
H. Belotti, G. Conforto, J. Silvestro, J. Rodriguez, P. Kraemer
Strike Line Methodology as an Optimization to Exploring in Fold and Thrust Belts
B. A. Blake, D. Figueroa, A. Otero, R. Manceda, W. Prayitno
Structural interpretation and source rock maturation modeling along two distinct transects in the Upper/Middle Magdalena basin, Colombia
J. Acosta, R.H. Graham, W. Sassi
Structural Style, Sequence and Timing in the Acevedo Block: Implications for Subthrust Exploration in the Upper Magdalena Valley
G. J. Rait, I. Dawes, T. D. J. England, G. W. Paukert
Structure of the Offshore Sinu Accretionary Wedge. Northern Colombia
J. Flinch, J. Amaral, A. Doulcet, B. Mouly, C. Osorio, J. M. Pince
Sub Andean Basins and the Independents: the Future
C. A. Garibaldi, D. G. Gerold
Tectonic Influence in Trap Generation during the Early Eocene, Talara Forearc Basin, NW Perú: A case study of the Mogollón Formation
J. Leyva Ore, J. Daudt
Tertiary Depositional Environments and Reservoir Properties in the Sinu Accretionary Prism (Offshore – Colombia)
J. M. Pince, C. Osorio, Mouly B, J. Amaral
The Tertiary Fusagasugá Succession; a record of the complex Latest Cretaceous-pre-Miocene deformation in an area between the Magdalena Valley and Sabana de Bogotá
G. Bayona, M. Cortes, C. Jaramillo, R. Llinas
Thermogenic Hydrocarbon Processes in The Guajira Basin – A Petroleum Systems Approach.
V. Ramírez, A. Rangel, R. Hernández
Thrust Kinematics Of The Tangara/Mundonuevo Area: New Insight From Apatite Fission Track Análisis
P. Rochat, A. Rosero, R. Gonzalez, I. Florez, M. Lozada, R. Petton
Transectas Regionales de la Corteza Superior de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Regional Transects the Upper Crust of Colombia
Eduardo López, Darío Barrero
VSP por Polarización de Onda: Acabando con el Descontento Actual. [PAPER IN SPANISH] VSP Wave Polarization: Ending Current Dissatisfaction.
A. Rivera, A.A. Tabakov
Áreas con Mayor Potencial de Carga de Petróleo: Cuenca Valle Medio del Magdalena (VMM) y Occidente de la Cordillera Oriental, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Areas with Important Potential of Oil Quantity: Basin of Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) and West of t
D. F. García, P. Parra