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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Atlantic Geology
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Abstract: 40Ar/39Ar ages and the paragenetic sequences in a multi-staged hydrothermal breccia in central Maine
J. C. Lennon, P. H. Reynolds, D. C. Roy
Abstract: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the southeast Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province, Ontario
Emily K. Gesner, P. Reynolds, R. A. Jamieson
Abstract: A 40Ar/39Ar study of whole rock slate samples from Meguma gold deposits, Nova Scotia: implications for the timing and duration of auriferous quartz vein formation
Daniel J. Kontak, Richard J. Horne, Hamish A. Sandeman, Douglas A. Archibald
Abstract: A new interpretation of the geology of the Kingston Peninsula, southern New Brunswick
S. M. Barr, C. E. White, M. J. McLeod
Abstract: An investigation of drumlins in southwestern Nova Scotia: distribution, orientation and mode of formation
Sandra Marshall, Ian S. Spooner
Abstract: An investigation of late-glacial lacustrine sediments from western Nova Scotia: evidence of ice-free conditions during Younger Dryas time
Ian S. Spooner
Abstract: An occurrence of perchloroethylene and implications to groundwater resources at Sussex, New Brunswick
Darryl A. Pupek, Bruce E. Broster
Abstract: A petrographical and geochemical analysis of the Fountain Lake Group, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
G. R. Dessureau
Abstract: A proposal to judge environmental change on Bon Portage Island, Nova Scotia using landsat thematic mapper imagery
Scott Lister, Ian S. Spooner
Abstract: A re-evaluation of the shoreface, channel, and regional sand facies within the Colony and McLaren formations, upper Mannville Group, east central Alberta: implications for reservoir potential
James Newsome
Abstract: A reassessment of ichnofacies, with emphasis on those present in nonmarine strata
Dave G. Keighley, Ron K. Pickerill
Abstract: A review of the Carboniferous petroleum test hole at Flat Bay, western Newfoundland, by London Resources Incorporated
Patrick J. Laracy
Abstract: A review of the geology and mineral potential of Archean greenstone belts in Labrador
Donald T. James
Abstract: Bedrock and Quaternary geology of the Scotian Shelf southwest of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
David J. W. Piper, Gayle Chapman
Abstract: Characterization of outburst channel sandstones in the Phalen Colliery, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Jennifer M. van der Gaag, A. T. Martel, K. Moran
Abstract: Comparative thermoluminescence dating of Quaternary North American obsidians and mafic lavas
Juliet C. Luiz, Dorothy I. Godfrey-Smith
Abstract: Compartmentalization of formation waters in the Prince Colliery, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Angela M. Kennedy, A. T. Martel, J. Shimald
Abstract: Dating of alteration at the Radomiro Tomic porphyry copper deposit, northern Chile, by the high-precision 40Ar/39Ar method
Greg Pemberton
Abstract: Depth imaging of seismic data from structurally complex areas in Canada
Larry Lines, Jinming Zhu
Abstract: Determination of bulk permeability within the Morien Group using the forcing of ocean tides in the Sydney Basin in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Kevin J. Doyle, Kate Moran, Tom Martel, Gary Ellerbrok
Abstract: Digital mapping of the Wentworth plutonic complex, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia, and petrology of its felsic phases
C. Doucette, G. Pe-Piper
Abstract: Discovery of Cretaceous basins in Nova Scotia and the potential for kaolin mining
R. R. Stea, P. W. Finck
Abstract: EdGeo workshops: continuing earth science assistance for Nova Scotia teachers
Jennifer L. Bates, Howard V. Donohoe, Jr., Iris Hardy, Henrietta Mann, Kathy Silverstein, Graham L. Williams
Abstract: ESR and OSL geochronology of the East Milford, Nova Scotia, Canada, mastodon locality, and the timing of the Illinoian-Sangamon transition
Dorothy I. Godfrey-Smith, Alexander Grist, Patricia Scallion
Abstract: Exploration activity in the Dunnage Zone, central Newfoundland
David T. W. Evans, Baxter F. Kean, Kenneth C. M. Andrews
Abstract: Exploration for Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits in northern Labrador : hype or bonanza?
Andrew Kerr
Abstract: Facies correlations within the Ordovician Pointe de la Martinière Formation, Orléans Group, Québec
Lindsay A. Dunn, Ron K. Pickerill
Abstract: Fingerprinting natural and anthropogenic organic matter in recent sediments from Lake Ontario
P. K. Mukhopadhyay, M. A. Kruge, C. P. M. Lewis
Abstract: First reported occurrence of schwertmannite related to acid rock drainage (ARD) from the Halifax slates, Nova Scotia
Don Fox
Abstract: Fission track research in Halifax, Nova Scotia: technical procedures and research directions in a changing fiscal environment
A. M. Grist, M. Zentilli, M. Graves, M. Collins
Abstract: Geochemical changes in the soil profile due to deforestation
Kelly A. Janssens, Tom A. Al
Abstract: Geological and geophysical interpretation of the Rawdon Fault, central Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia
Richard J. Horne, Robert C. Boehner, M. Stephen King, Paul Harvey
Abstract: Geology and geochemistry of the Upsalquitch Lake Anticlinorium, northwestern Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick
S. Gower
Abstract: Geology of the Belle Côte Road orthogneiss, Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
Jo Price
Abstract: Gold mineralization in the Neoproterozoic Avalonian rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians
Cyril F. O’Driscoll, Sean J. O’Brien, Benoit Dubé
Abstract: Ground temperature histories from geothermal data: evidence of recent climatic change
Hugo Beltrami
Abstract: Groundwater contamination by agricultural nitrate: a ‘multi-point source’ conceptual model
Cathy Ryan
Abstract: Groundwater nitrate contamination by agri-chemicals: refining the conceptual model
Samantha Evans
Abstract: High temperature X-ray absorption analysis of transition metal complexes in magmatic fluids
Alan J. Anderson, Robert A. Mayanovic
Abstract: Ice-flow history, eastern Bathurst Mining Camp
Michael A. Parkhill, Rod A. Klassen
Abstract: Identifying mineral exploration targets in the eastern Grenville Province
Charles F. Gower
Abstract: Industrial minerals in Newfoundland and Labrador : past, present and future
Jamie Meyer, Ambrose Howse, Lew Higdon
Abstract: Innovations in imaging subsurface geological features from 3-D seismic
Kevin Coflin, John Shimeld, Mark Williamson, Zehui Huang
Abstract: Large slump structures in the Macumber Formation, basal Windsor Group, Ingonish area, northeastern Cape Breton Island
L. A. Cook
Abstract: Late Archean turbidites in the southern Slave Province: very like the Meguma
J. W. F. Waldron, W. Bleeker
Abstract: Magdalen Basin NATMAP program preliminary 1:250 000 compilation of central Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
G. Lynch, P. S. Giles, C. Deblonde
Abstract: Marine operations on Hibernia and the mating and towout of the production platform
Ovyind Hagen
Abstract: Mineral exploration and development highlights in northern New Brunswick
S. R. McCutcheon
Abstract: Miramichi-Tetagouche stratigraphic relationships
L. R. Fyffe, S. R. McCutcheon, R. A. Wilson
Abstract: Modelling and migration of Hibernia seismic data
Irene Kelly, Phil Bording, Andrew Burton, Larry Lines
Abstract: New draft 1:50000 digital maps of the Cobequid Highlands
Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper
Abstract: Nitrate dynamics in a heavily fertilized agricultural watershed: identification of sources and reduction processes using natural abundances of N-15
Lisa Kellman, Claude Hillaire-Marcel
Abstract: Origin of zeolites in zoned amygdales from the North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia
Georgia Pe-Piper
Abstract: Overview of seismic reflection results from the western Maritimes Basin
P. W. Durling, F. J. Y. Marillier
Abstract: Petroleum geoscience research in support of Canada’s east coast hydrocarbon energy option
Mark A. Williamson, Phil Moir
Abstract: Phosphorus-enriched, S-type Middle River rhyolite, Tetagouche Group, northeastern New Brunswick
David R. Lentz
Abstract: Photographic Record of A.G.S. Activities
Laing Ferguson
Abstract: Possible raised marine sediments on the east coast of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland
Cody S. Garlie, T. Bell
Abstract: Progress at St. Lawrence and exploration plans of Burin Minerals Limited
Alex Harris, Fonse Cooper
Abstract: Regional overview of the middle to upper Jurassic, Scotian shelf
Neil Hackett
Abstract: Relative chemical and biological oxidation of sulphides in the Meguma Supergroup, Nova Scotia: the role of mineralogy, texture and composition
Rachel A. Jones, Don Fox
Abstract: Reproducibility of probe-scan analyses of fine-grained media: a case study using modern bone china
Leah DeJong
Abstract: Responding to increased demand for east coast geoscientific data information and knowledge
Phil Moir, Mark Williamson, Kevin Coflin, Jennifer Bates
Abstract: Revised stratigraphy of the Rollingdam area, (NTS 21 G/6), southwestern New Brunswick
L. R. Fyffe
Abstract: Revisions to Carboniferous stratigraphy on Maringouin Peninsula, Cumberland Subbasin, New Brunswick
S. C. Johnson
Abstract: Saline brines of the Sydney Basin: origin as evaporative Windsor residues?
A. T. Martel, A. Kennedy, M. R. Gibling
Abstract: Seafloor pockmarks in Passamaquoddy Bay: evidence for a biogenic methane origin
Bill Gray
Abstract: Seismic velocities of crustal samples from the Torngat Peninsula and Nain: ECSOOT'96
Angie Muzzatti
Abstract: So...you want to be a gem prospector?
Randal Andrews
Abstract: Speciation of elements in the feed coal and combustion residues from the Lingan Power Plant, Sydney, Nova Scotia
P. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. Lajeunesse, A. L. Crandlemire
Abstract: Stratigraphy and mineralogy of the Goldenville Group-Halifax Group transition (GHT) of the Meguma Supergroup at Caribou gold district (drillcore LL81-5A), Nova Scotia
Craig Burns
Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Upper Carboniferous Colindale Member of the Port Hood Formation, western Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Tammy L. Crawford
Abstract: Structural, tectonic and seismo-stratigraphic study of the Terra Nova oil field, Jeanne d’Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland
Michael E. Enacheseu, Steve C. Harding, Gerry R. Smee, Robert G. Briscoe, David J. Emery, Shane K. Hallstrom
Abstract: Structure and tectonics of the external Humber Zone, western Newfoundland: implications for hydrocarbon exploration
Glen S. Stockmal, John W. F. Waldron, Art Slingsby
Abstract: Sustainable Development and the Precautionary Principle: implications for acid rock drainage regulations in Nova Scotia
Joanna C. Spencer Brown, Don Fox
Abstract: The Brunswick No. 6 Cu Zone: petrology, geochemical composition, and petrogenesis
Kirk MacLellan
Abstract: The Carboniferous Joggins section reconsidered: recent paleoecological and sedimentological research
J. H. Calder, M. R. Gibling, A. C. Scott, D. M. Skilliter
Abstract: The economics of west coast petroleum
Steve M. Millan, A. H. vanMeurs
Abstract: The hydrogeology of a tailings impoundment formed by central discharge of thickened tailings: implications for tailings management
Tom A. Al
Abstract: The Lac Volant Cu-Ni-Co showing and the mineral potential of the eastern Grenville Province, Québec north shore
Serge Perreault
Abstract: The Last Billion Years: A Geological History of Maritime Canada
Graham Williams, Jennifer Bates, John Calder, Rob Fensome, Laing Ferguson, Henrietta Mann, David Piper, John Wade
Abstract: The Mesoproterozoic Nain Plutonic Suite in eastern Canada, and the setting of the Voisey’s Bay Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposit
Bruce Ryan
Abstract: The Mesoproterozoic Nain Plutonic Suite in eastern Canada, and the setting of the Voisey’s Bay Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposit
Bruce Ryan
Abstract: The nature of the Columbia River Fault Zone at Revelstoke, British Columbia
Paul D. McNeill
Abstract: The nature of the Triassic-Jurassic transition, Bay of Fundy region, eastern Canada
David J. Mossman, Robert G. Grantham, Falko Langenhorst
Abstract: Thermal history of the external Humber Zone, western Newfoundland, as constrained by apatite fission track modelling: implications for hydrocarbon exploration and evolution of the Maritimes basin
Glen S. Stockmal, Dale R. Issler, Art Slingsby
Abstract: The uranium-organic bearing section of the Sunday Run Formation, northern Labrador
Ginger Rogers
Abstract: Western Newfoundland petroleum exploration: where are we headed?
John D. Harper
Abstract: Windsor Group stratigraphy, Magdalen Islands, Quebec
P. S. Giles
Abstract: Zeolite assemblages in the North Mountain Basalt along the north shore of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
L. J. Miller, G. Pe-Piper
Additions to the New Brunswick Museum Palaeontology Type Collection (1988-1996)
Randall F. Miller
Foreword: Geology and mineralogy of the Meguma Group and their importance to environmental problems in Nova Scotia: Foreword
Marcos Zentilli, Don Fox
Geochemical characterization of the mineralized transition between the Goldenville and Halifax formations and the interaction with adjacent granitoid intrusions of the Liscomb Complex, Nova Scotia
B. I. Cameron, M. Zentilli
Insights into tectonostratigraphic zone identification in southwestern Newfoundland based on isotopic (Nd, O, Pb) and geochemical data
Joseph B. Whalen, Cees R. van Staal, Frederick J. Longstaffe, Clément Gariépy, George A. Jenner
Late-glacial (Allerød) Coleoptera from Joggins, Lantz and Blomidon, central Nova Scotia, Canada
Randall F. Miller
Late-glacial marine invertebrate macrofossils from Point Lepreau, New Brunswick
Randall F. Miller, Jeffrey H. McGovern
Lithogeochemical characterization of the Beaverbank unit of the Halifax Formation, Meguma Group, and acid drainage implications
M. Feetham, R. J. Ryan, G. Pe-Piper, A. M. O’Beirne-Ryan
Lithological and geochemical dispersal in till: McAdam area, New Brunswick
Andrew J. Stumpf, Bruce E. Broster, Allen A. Seaman
Magnetic susceptibility mapping: applications for the Meguma Group, central Nova Scotia
M. S. King
A new species of stalked crinoid (Echinodermata) of possible Late Silurian age from central Newfoundland
S. K. Donovan, W. L. Dickson, W. D. Boyce, J. S. Ash
The opaque mineralogy of metasedimentary rocks of the Meguma Group, Beaverbank-Rawdon area, Nova Scotia
S. J. Haysom, R. J. Horne, G. Pe-Piper
Paleoseismic implications of fluid-escape structures in raised deltas at Lower Five Islands - Economy Point, Nova Scotia
Bruce E. Broster, David A. MacDougall
Pyrrhotite and associated sulphides and their relationship to acid rock drainage in the Halifax Formation, Meguma Group, Nova Scotia
Don Fox, Clare Robinson, Marcos Zentilli
Siluro-Devonian tectonostratigraphic relationships in the Portage Brook area, northern New Brunswick: implications for timing of deformational events in the Bathurst Mining Camp
S. J. Gower, S. R. McCutcheon
Surface subsidence associated with abandoned mine workings in the Goldenville mining district, Nova Scotia
J. D. Hill, L. A. Maddison, C. Kavanaugh
Systematic ichnology of the Mabou and Cumberland groups (Carboniferous) of western Cape Breton Island, eastern Canada, 1: burrows, pits, trails, and coprolites
Dave G. Keighley, Ron K. Pickerill