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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Atlantic Geology
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Abstract: Acid-generating/neutralizing conditions within Nova Scotia coal mines: relationship to different mining methods
A. T. Martel, A. Lapierre, M. R. Gibling
Abstract: A history of the Paleoproterozoic Makkovik Province (Labrador)
Nicholas Culshaw, Gavin Sinclair, John Ketchum, Sandra Barr
Abstract: A Neoproterozoic history of the Hollow Fault Zone, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
Jacques Stacey
Abstract: A new interpretation of the stratigraphy, structure and tectonic evolution of the Wild Bight Group, northwestern Exploits Subzone, Newfoundland Appalachians: implications for evolution of the Gondwanan Margin
Kate MacLachlan, Greg Dunning, Brian O’Brien
Abstract: Applied Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Loch Lomond Area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: implications for mineral exploration
F. Isenor, I. Spooner, B. McClenaghan
Abstract: Biomineralization of gold: myth versus reality
D. J. Mossman, T. O. Reimer, H. Durstling
Abstract: Characterization and interpretation of Late Cretaceous to Eocene erosional features and associated submarine fan deposits in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland
Mark E. Deptuck
Abstract: Chemical and textural variations in the Bonnell Brook Pluton, Caledonian Highlands, New Brunswick
G. H. J. Guy, S. M. Barr
Abstract: Cilicia Basin: imaging of salt tectonics in a sedimentary basin in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
Brian D. Rex
Abstract: Comagmatic volcanic and granitoid rocks of the Kingston belt, southern New Brunswick - a Silurian volcanic arc?
S. M. Barr, Chris E. White, M. J. McLeod
Abstract: Controls on the mobility of mercury from gossan mine tailings
Mallory L. Gilliss, Tom A. Al
Abstract: Crustal structure and history from patterns of Lithoprobe seismic data from Newfoundland, Labrador and adjacent areas
Jeremy Hall
Abstract: Did lapetus sea-floor spreading begin at ~570 Ma? Paleomagnetic evidence from the Skinner Cove Volcanics of western Newfoundland
J. P. Hodych, P. J. A. MacCausland
Abstract: Digital Elevation Modelling using relative sea level and deformed shorelines for reconstruction of Late Wisconsinan and Holocene paleogeography of the Atlantic Canada and Great Lakes regions
P. Gareau, C. F. M. Lewis, J. Shaw, T. Quinlan, A. Sherin, R. Macnab
Abstract: Dispersal in areas of variable terrain: examples from west-central British Columbia
Andrew J. Stumpf, Bruce E. Broster
Abstract: Dispersion of neutralized mine tailings from the Stirling Zn-Pb-Cu Mine Site, Nova Scotia
Andrea Hulshof, Alan Macdonald
Abstract: Drift prospecting in the vicinity of the Restigouche deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp
Michael A. Parkhill, André Doiron
Abstract: EarthNet: An Internet Teaching Resource
J. L. Bates, K. C. Coflin, P. Mackin, C. Vodden, G. L. Williams
Abstract: Earth science and engineering: urban development in the metropolitan Halifax region
C. F. M. Lewis, B. B. Taylor, R. R. Stea, G. B. J. Fader, R. J. Horne, S. G. MacNeill, J. G. Moore
Abstract: EdGEO Workshops: Experience the Excitement of Earth Sciences
J. L. Bates, S. Baldwin, H. V. Donohoe, Jr., I. A. Hardy, H. Mann, K. Silverstein, G. L. Williams
Abstract: Effect of flocculation on the grain-size spectra of fine-grained turbidites
Trecia M. Schell, Paul S. Hill
Abstract: Experimental determination of cation exchange capacity of sandstones and shales in the Phalen Colliery, Cape Breton
Natalie M. Boudreau, A. T. Martel
Abstract: Fault reactivation in suspect terranes: insights from the Avalon terrane in the Canadian Appalachians
J. Brendan Murphy, R. Damian Nance, J. Duncan Keppie
Abstract: Fish trace fossils from the Horton Bluff Formation (Lower Carboniferous) of Nova Scotia
Donald Wood, Barry Cameron
Abstract: Form and function of the graptolite prosicula, and its application to biostratigraphic and evolutionary studies
Lorna Clarke
Abstract: Gabbros, metagabbros and waves in the continental crust
Chuck Hurich, Aphrodite Indares, Sharon Deemer
Abstract: Geochemical dispersion in a neutralized mine drainage environment, Walton, Nova Scotia
N. E. Whitehead, A. S. Macdonald
Abstract: Geochronology of the Port Mouton Pluton, Meguma Zone, southwest Nova Scotia: a U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar study
Raymond Fallon, Peter H. Reynolds, D. Barrie Clarke, Larry M. Heaman
Abstract: Geological and geophysical investigation of the western St. Mary’s Basin, central mainland Nova Scotia: implications for palaeoplacer potential
L. C. Jennex, J. B. Murphy, A. J. Anderson
Abstract: Geology of the Guysborough - Isle Madame - L’ardoise area, Nova Scotia
C. E. White, S. M. Barr
Abstract: Geology of the Meguma Group, Kennetcook (NTS Sheet 11E/04)
Rick Horne, Lisa MacDonald
Abstract: Glacier retreat and relative sea-level changes in Maritime Canada
Rudolph R. Stea, Gordon B. Fader
Abstract: Grenville, Appalachian, and Atlantic tectonics in eastern Canada: the Harry Hibbs Effect
Hank Williams
Abstract: Hydrogeological analysis of the watersheds of two tributaries of the Cornwallis River, Nova Scotia: implications for stream restoration and enhancement
H. Fenton, A. Levy, I. Spooner
Abstract: Late Paleozoic events affecting the Acadia fold belt in the Meguma Terrane: fold reactivation, pluton emplacement and rift inversion
Nicholas Culshaw, Pradeep Bhatnagar, Rick Horne
Abstract: Lithoprobe East and the Newfoundland Appalachians: old questions answered and new questions raised
Garry Quinlan
Abstract: Loading the Laurentian margin: correlating foreland basin subsidence with eclogite metamorphism
John W. F. Waldron, R. A. Jamieson, G. S. Stockmal, L. A. Quinn
Abstract: Mass-balance constraints on solution transfer fabric development in the footwall felsic volcanic rocks of the Brunswick No. 6 massive-sulfide deposit, Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick: effects of deformation-induced mass transfer on host rock compositions
David R. Lentz, Cees R. Van Staal
Abstract: Mesoproterozoic arc and backarc deposits on SE Laurentia: the view from the Grenville Province
Toby Rivers
Abstract: Mesozoic extensional tectonism on the northern Grand Banks as expressed at the Hibernia Oilfield
Iain Sinclair
Abstract: Metallogenic principles as applied to the tectonic evolution of Newfoundland
Derek H. C. Wilton
Abstract: Nova Scotia zeolites: mineral oddity or mineral commodity?
Sandra Marshall
Abstract: One hundred and eighty million years of crustal growth in the Makkovik Province, Labrador
John Ketchum, Nick Culshaw, Sandra Barr
Abstract: Optically and thermally stimulated luminescence dating of Birimi, a multi-component archaeological site in Ghana, Africa
Nicole A. Quickert, Dorothy I. Godfrey-Smith, Joanna L. Casey, Alicia Hawkins
Abstract: Petrological and geochemical attributes of the Benjamin River porphyry Cu deposit, northeastern New Brunswick
Kirsten McLaughlin
Abstract: Petrology and tectonic implications of the Silurian Sarach Brook Metamorphic suite, southern Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
K. J. Lister, S. M. Barr
Abstract: Plutonic rocks of the Island Harbour Bay--Kaipokok Bay area, Makkovik Province, Labrador: petrochemistry and tectonic setting
S. Barr, C. White, J. Ketchum, N. Culshaw
Abstract: Production control in the Dunvegan Formation, west-central Alberta
Therese Lynch
Abstract: Provenance of the Namurian Lismore Formation, mainland Nova Scotia
Jacquelyn Stevens, Brendan Murphy, Fred Chandler
Abstract: Relationships between foliation development, porphyroblast growth and large-scale folding in a metaturbidite suite, Snow Lake, Manitoba
Jürgen Kraus, Paul F. Williams
Abstract: Results of mineral deposit studies at the granite-hosted Dunbrack (Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag) and Kinsac (Ba-F) localities, Central Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia: possible implications for Carboniferous Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Ba-F metallogeny in the Meguma Zone
D. J. Kontak, R. J. Horne, K. Ansdell
Abstract: Sedimentation in a macrotidal estuary environment: a multidisciplinary web site
A. D. Scott, I. Spooner
Abstract: Sedimentology and paleoecology of the Upper Parrsboro Formation, Rams Head, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia
Beth McCarthy
Abstract: Simple geophysically-imaged shear zones with complex histories: an example from the southern Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba
Jim Ryan, Jürgen Kraus, Paul Williams
Abstract: Stratigraphy, petrochemistry and tectonic setting of the Silurian New Canaan Formation, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia
Jason A. James, Sandra M. Barr
Abstract: Structural and alteration history of a small gold deposit formed during D3 mylonitic deformation, Buffalo mine, Red Lake, Ontario
Neil Pettigrew, Thomas Menard, John Spray
Abstract: Subsurface geology, paleontology and thermal maturity of Hunt et al. Port au Port #1 and Long Point M16, and their bearing on the structural history of the Port au Port Peninsula
S. Henry Williams, Elliott T. Burden
Abstract: Tectono-thermal evolution of deep crust in a Mesoproterozoic continental collision setting: the Manicouagan example
Aphrodite Indares
Abstract: The Brunswick No. 6 VMS Cu Zone, Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick: petrology, geochemical composition and petrogenesis
K. L. MacLellan
Abstract: The Cinq--Cerf gneiss: evidence for polycyclic reworking of the westernmost Avalonian basement in the Newfoundland Appalachians
Pablo Valverde-Vaquero
Abstract: The EdGEO Workshop Story: Building On Success After Success After...
Howard V. Donohoe, Jr., Jennifer L. Bates, Susan Baldwin, Iris Hardy, Henrietta Mann, Kathy Silverstein, Graham L. Williams
Abstract: The Exploits Group in the context of the Exploits Subzone
Brian H. O’Brien
Abstract: The Fundy Basin story
J. A. Wade, D. E. Brown, R. A. Fensome, A. Traverse
Abstract: The hidden record of Silurian and Devonian stratigraphy in the Cobequid Mountains, northern Nova Scotia
Howard V. Donohoe, Jr., David Piper, Georgia Pe-Piper
Abstract: The HydroPunch tool: a cost-effective method of groundwater sampling
D. A. Pupek, B. E. Broster, M. T. Miller
Abstract: The Last Billion Years: a dream approaches reality
AGS Book Committee
Abstract: The metamorphic development of the McMillan Flowage Formation, central Cape Breton Island
Mariska terMeer
Abstract: The role of conjugate crenulation cleavage and stepwise porphyroblast growth in the development of “Millipede” microstructures
Chris J. Beaumont-Smith, Paul F. Williams
Abstract: The Torngat Orogen of northern Labrador and its role in the evolution of northeast Laurentia
R. J. Wardle, B. Ryan
Abstract: The Upper Ordovician Lawrence Harbour Formation of the Exploits Subzone: new perspectives on structure, stratigraphy and geochemistry
James Carter
Abstract: The use of Chernobyl-derived radiocaesium as a marine sediment tracer in two major bays in the eastern Mediterranean
J. Kronfeld, D. I. Godfrey-Smith, V. Butenko, E. Ne’eman, H. Koral
Abstract: Thrusting of Horton Group over Windsor Group rocks, Cheverie, Nova Scotia
Stanley K. Johnston
Abstract: Trace fossils from the Cenozoic of southeastern coastal Jamaica
R. K. Pickerill, S. K. Donovan, S. F. Mitchell, D. G. Keighley
Abstract: Transpaction in Meguma Group rocks during emplacement of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia
Carol Simpson, Hampton Uzzelle, Declan De Paor
Abstract: Underground natural gas storage in the Maritimes
Alan Ruffman
Abstract: Upper crustal deformation associated with carbonate-rich fluid infiltration, Denali Fault system, Yukon
Joseph Clancy White
Abstract: Vertebrate and invertebrate trace fossils from the Horton Bluff Formation (Lower Carboniferous) near Avonport, Nova Scotia
Donald Wood
Changes in lake-sediment stratigraphy associated with late glacial climate change: examples from western Nova Scotia
Ian S. Spooner
Dispersion of tailings from the Stirling Zn-Pb-Cu mine site, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
A. H. M. Hulshof, A. S. Macdonald
Dispersion of tailings from the Walton Ba-Cu-Pb-Zn mine site, Nova Scotia
N. Whitehead, A. S. Macdonald
Earliest Silurian supra-subduction magmatism in central Cape Breton Island
J. D. Keppie, J. Dostal, D. W. Davis, D. A. Horton
Field relationships and petrology of the Late Devonian Fisset Brook Formation in the Cheticamp area, western Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Sandra M. Barr, Kevin C. A. Peterson
Foreword: Earth Sciences and the Environment
Ian S. Spooner, Sandra M. Barr
Geology of and climatic indicators in the Westphalian A New Glasgow formation, Nova Scotia, Canada: implications for the genesis of coal and of sandstone-hosted lead deposits
F. W. Chandler
Geophysical methods for detecting shallow sulphide mineralization in the Halifax Formation, Nova Scotia: a reconnaissance study
K. Howells, D. Fox
Influence of regional geology and hydrogeology on river habitat quality: examples from Mill Brook and Elderkin Brook, Kings County, Nova Scotia
Ian S. Spooner, Heather Fenton, Melody Myers
Petrology and tectonic implications of Silurian(?) metavolcanic rocks in the Clyburn Brook area and on Ingonish Island, northeastern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Sandra M. Barr, Robert P. Raeside
A review of ice and tide observations in the Bay of Fundy
Con Desplanque, David J. Mossman
Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Horton Group in the St. Marys Basin, central mainland Nova Scotia
J. Brendan Murphy, Randolph J. Rice
Stratigraphy and tectonic significance of the Lower to Middle Devonian McAdams Lake Formation, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
C. E. White, S. M. Barr
Systematic ichnology of the Mabou and Cumberland groups (Carboniferous) of western Cape Breton Island, eastern Canada, 2: surface markings
Dave G. Keighley, Ron K. Pickerill