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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Atlantic Geology
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Abstract: A compilation and preliminary assessment of groundwater hydrogeochemical data from Carboniferous bedrock aquifers
Dan Conohan, Tom Al, Darryl Pupek, Yves Michaud, Édith Bourque
Abstract: A deglacial foraminiferal assemblage (or DFA) sequence: meltwater/Heinrich event proxy on the shelf and slope
Ann A. L. Miller
Abstract: A Jurassic hallucination? Wooded oases in the Phanerozoic’s largest desert, Utah
Howard J. Falcon-Lang
Abstract: Alpine glaciation in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland: Who’d a thought?
Gerald D. Osborn, Ian S. Spooner, Douglas H. Clark
Abstract: An assessment of landslide potential in Cape Breton Highlands National Park: a GIS approach
Kimberly A. Wahl, Ian S. Spooner, David L. Colville, Tim Webster
Abstract: A novel 3D seismic survey, Shoal Point, Newfoundland: new data, new interpretation
James A. Wright, Ian Atkinson, Craig Rowe, Chris Pike, William J. Scott
Abstract: A return to the southern Grand Banks; a seismic review of the Bandol No.1 well
Christopher D. Jauer
Abstract: A sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the McCully Reservoir sandstones
Tom Martel, Paul Durling
Abstract: A synthesis of Carboniferous stratigraphy –Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, with new data from southwestern Cape Breton Island
P. S. Giles, R. D. Naylor, P. J Ténière
Abstract: Beach mining, nearshore dredging, coastal erosion, and sedimentation in the McNabs Island area of Nova Scotia
G. K. Manson, D. E. Buckley, G. E. Reinson
Abstract: Biologically mediated reductive dissolution of Mn oxide in river-recharged aquifers: groundwater geochemistry results from laboratory investigations
Barb Petrunic, Tom Al, Kerry MacQuarrie
Abstract: Bioturbation influences dolomitization patterns in carbonate rocks
M. K. Gingras, S. G. Pemberton, B. MacMillan, B. J. Balcom
Abstract: Buckminsterfullerene, and the search for fullerenes in carbonaceous substances associated with the Oklo natural nuclear fission reactors
D. J. Mossman, G. Eigendorf, K. D. Guckert, F. Gauthier-Lafaye, D. Tokaryk, V. Melezhik
Abstract: Building the scientific case for World Heritage designation of Joggins
John Calder, Kenneth Adams, Howard Falcon-Lang, Martin Gibling, Deborah Skilliter, Graham Williams
Abstract: Central Scotian slope stability: the role of gas hydrates
Chris LeBlanc, Keith Louden, Dave Mosher, David Piper
Abstract: Compositional variation in Fe-Ti-Nb-Ta oxides, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia
Karla M. Pelrine
Abstract: Cosmogenic nuclide insights on the interaction between local ice caps and Laurentide Ice in northern Labrador
J. Gosse, J. Gray, G. Marquette, L. Stockli, J. Willenbring, R. Finkel
Abstract: Cryptic erosion on the Upper Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Sable Island area, Scotian Shelf
Andrew MacRae, John Shimeld, Robert Fensome
Abstract: Decompressional reaction textures in the southeast Long Range Inlier, Newfoundland: products of thermal metamorphism adjacent to the Taylor Brook Gabbro Complex?
S. Ings, J. V. Owen
Abstract: Deep-sea corals: their use as climate change indicators
Mark A. Barry
Abstract: Delineating river-bottom recharge to the Fredericton Aquifer by seismic and electrical imaging
K. E. Butler, R. Parrott, J. E. Hughes-Clarke, A. Daigle
Abstract: Delineation of hydrocarbon contaminant plumes in a shallow unconfined aquifer at a central Alberta compressor station
S. F. Rayner, R. B. Louden
Abstract: Deposits of earthenware clay in southwest Cape Breton: origin and economic potential
R. R Stea, P. W. Finck, M. Feetham, S. Pullan, W. Ostrom
Abstract: Diagenetic pyrite in a petroleum reservoir in Cretaceous volcanics in the Andes replaced by hydrothermal copper
Patrick G. Collins
Abstract: Drag folding in the northeastern Thor-Odin culmination, Monashee complex, British Columbia
Stefan Kruse, Paul F. Williams
Abstract: Economic Opportunities Associated with the Geology of Labrador, Canada
Melanie Desirée Sampson
Abstract: Facies and porosity distribution of the Gays River Formation, southside Antigonish Harbour
Conor Doyle
Abstract: Fission track thermogeochronology in the lands surrounding the Nares Strait, Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Greenland: a field report
M. Zentilli, A. M.Grist, J. C.Harrison
Abstract: Fixation of sulphur during framboidal pyrite development in a petroleum reservoir in Cretaceous volcanics in the Andes: implications for Cu metallogenesis
P. G. Collins, R. Boric, N. S. F. Wilson, M. Zentilli
Abstract: Geochronological study of a previously defined geochemical stratigraphy for the Buchans Group, Buchans area, Newfoundland, using LAM-ICP-MS
Jacqueline O’Driscoll
Abstract: Geology of the Dufferin gold deposit, Port Dufferin, Nova Scotia
Richard Horne, Matthew Jodrey, Kirk Woodman
Abstract: Geology of the Orangedale salt deposit, central Cape Breton
L. Cook, P. S. Giles
Abstract: Geophysical investigation of salt tectonics and deeper structure in the eastern Magdalen Basin
Nathan Hayward, Alan Grant, Sonya A. Dehler, Paul Durling
Abstract: Glacial Geology of the Peggy’s Cove Region
Fiona MacDonald
Abstract: Gravity and seismic interpretations for some Maritime Carboniferous basins: implications for Upper Carboniferous basin development
Paul Durling, Ken Howells
Abstract: High resolution palynological records from the southeastern Canadian seaboard: Holocene paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history
Elisabeth Levac, Peta Mudie, André Rochon
Abstract: Humus as a sampling medium for mineral prospecting in glaciated areas: an example from the Popelogan Lake area of northeastern New Brunswick
B. E. Broster, M. L. Dickson, M. A. Parkhill
Abstract: Ilmenite-pyrophanite and niobian rutile in the South Mountain Batholith
Karla M. Pelrine, D. Barrie Clarke, Michael A. MacDonald
Abstract: Inferences on glacial flow from till geochemistry and clast dispersal: Rollingdam area, New Brunswick
S. Allard, B. E. Broster, A. G. Pronk
Abstract: Joints, Faults and Lamprophyres of the Monashee Complex, BC
Alice Gillam
Abstract: Laser ablation ICP-MS geochronology of the Dog Bay Line area, Newfoundland, with respect to the Botwood Basin gold occurrences
Kimberley Morrissey
Abstract: Life and times of some Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary polar forests from northwest Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada
Adam Z. Csank, Howard Falcon-Lang, R. Andrew MacRae
Abstract: Manganese (Mn) in the geologic environment, central Nova Scotia
E. J. Lamond, D. L. Fox, T. A. Goodwin
Abstract: MapTool: a new software program for managing field data
John P. Langton, Peter Benton, Rob van de Poll
Abstract: Mechanisms of lithification of lunar breccias
K. A. MacCarthy, J. G. Spray, G. Ryder
Abstract: Mercury in till and bedrock, Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia
B. M. Culgin, T. A. Goodwin, D. L. Fox
Abstract: Metamorphism, microstructure, and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the Humboldt Bay High Strain Zone, Wabigoon Subprovince, Lake Nipigon, Ontario
Melanie Purves, Nicholas Culshaw, Peter Reynolds
Abstract: Metamorphism and structure of the White Rock Formation in the Yarmouth area, Nova Scotia
D. P. Moynihan, C. E. White, R. A. Jamieson
Abstract: Methods in the sampling and studying of natural abundances of 15 N in lichens
Sarah Eaton
Abstract: Mineralogy and potential recovery of rutile (TiO2) as a by-product in porphyry copper deposits
T. Finlayson, A. Arnott, M. C. Graves, A. Puig, M. Zentilli
Abstract: Modelling of Horton Group (Devonian-Carboniferous) paleolakes, southern New Brunswick –are we still out of our depth?
David Keighley, Murray Gingras
Abstract: Monitoring bioremediation after oil spills, old and new, using marsh foraminiferans as indicators
Roxanne A. McMillan
Abstract: Nares Strait expedition: collaborative research to solve a geological controversy
H. Ruth Jackson, Gordon N. Oakey
Abstract: Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) sediments of the Musquodoboit and Shubenacadie basins, Nova Scotia
Kathryn Eisnor
Abstract: Passive treatment of mine drainage using sulphate-reducing bacteria: a field experiment
Nicolette Stanley
Abstract: Petrology and age of the Lower Coverdale high-Ti, -P, and -V gabbro-anorthosite complex and associated granite, Moncton area, New Brunswick
S. M. Barr, C. E. White, D. V. Venugopal, M. A. Hamilton, J. A. R. Stirling
Abstract: Petrology and tectonic setting of the Wedgeport Pluton, southwestern Nova Scotia
Natalie J. MacLean
Abstract: Physical processes controlling soil respiration: results from four sites in eastern Nova Scotia
Dave Risk, Lisa Kellman, Hugo Beltrami
Abstract: Preliminary bedrock geology of the Tusket (20P/13) map sheet, southwestern Nova Scotia
Chris E. White, Rick J. Horne, M. Steve King
Abstract: Provenance of clasts in conglomerate units in northeastern mainland Nova Scotia and southwestern Cape Breton Island
P. C. Barker
Abstract: Quaternary and Late Tertiary seismic stratigraphy of the central Scotian Slope from high-resolution seismic
C. Simon Newton
Abstract: Recent vertebrate fossil discoveries from the (Hettangian) McCoy Brook Formation
Tim J. Fedak
Abstract: Regional implications of the structural geology and tectonics at Chignecto Bay, Nova Scotia
Ellie MacInnes
Abstract: Research on mercury contamination of an aqueous system in New Brunswick, Canada: a hydrologic and hydrogeochemical approach
Antu Maprani, Tom Al, Kerry MacQuarrie, John Dalziel, Phillip Yeats, Matthew Leybourne
Abstract: Revised geology of the New River Belt and proposed correlations in southern New Brunswick
Susan C. Johnson
Abstract: Sangamonian interglacial sea-levels of + 20 m in Maritime Canada
Rudolph R. Stea, David B. Scott, Dorothy Godfrey-Smith, Robert J. Mott
Abstract: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and depositional setting of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation in the West Indian Road pit, Nova Scotia
Jean-Philippe Gobeil, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J.W. Piper, Rudolph R. Stea
Abstract: Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Sydney Mines Formation at Morien Bay, Nova Scotia
Heidi L. McDonald, Martin R. Gibling
Abstract: Stratigraphy and structure of the Horton Group in the Lochaber-Mulgrave area, Nova Scotia
Paul J. Ténière, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White
Abstract: Structural geology and basement-cover relations in the southeastern Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia: preliminary results
Amy M. Tizzard
Abstract: Structural geology and tectonics of the Albert Mines-Taylor Village area, Moncton subbasin, southeast New Brunswick
Paul Wilson
Abstract: The comparison of LIDAR and traditional elevation data for watershed modelling
Tim Webster
Abstract: The granitoid units of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: a catalogue of background information to aid assessment of their potential as building and/or dimension stones
Karen Johnston, Sandra Barr, Phillip Finck, Garth Prime
Abstract: The Harvey-Hopewell Fault, New Brunswick
C. St. Peter
Abstract: The impacts of coastal storms on the north shore of Prince Edward Island
G. K. Manson, D. L. Forbes, G. S. Parkes, L. A. Ketch, S. M. Solomon
Abstract: The Jurassic North Mountain Basalts, Nova Scotia: more than just simple flood basalts
Daniel J. Kontak
Abstract: The Klinkit Formation: stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleogeographic reconstruction of an arc system offshore from the Paleozoic Pacific margin of the North American craton
Renée-Luce Simard, Jaroslav Dostal, Charlie F. Roots
Abstract: The Last Billion Years –past, present, and future
Robert A. Fensome, Graham L. Williams
Abstract: The life and death of a Pennsylvanian meandering river
Dawson Brisco, Pierre Jutras
Abstract: The Mira –Bras d’Or terrane boundary in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: potential field and petrophysical investigations applied to tectonic analysis in the northern Appalachian orogen
M. S. King, S. M. Barr
Abstract: The missing record of subduction in ancient orogens: consideration of modern analogues
Brendan J. Murphy, Andrew J. Hynes, Stephen T. Johnston, Gary L. Oppliger
Abstract: The petrology of the Lake George granodiorite stock, New Brunswick: implications for crystallization conditions, volatile exsolution, and W-Mo-Au-Sb mineralization
Xueming Yang, David R. Lentz, Douglas C. Hall, Guoxiang Chi
Abstract: The pressure and temperature conditions, and timing of glass formation in mantle-derived xenoliths from Baarley, West Eifel, Germany: the case for amphibole breakdown, lava infiltration, and mineral-melt reaction
Cliff S. J. Shaw, Andreas Klügel
Abstract: The role of offset dykes in complex crater formation; the Sudbury example
Alain J. Murphy, John G. Spray
Abstract: The St. Francis Xavier University Environmental Earth Science Research Laboratory: current research and research facilities
Shari Hayne, Dave Risk, Lisa Kellman, Hugo Beltrami
Abstract: Transient character of the South Tibetan Detachment: microtectonic documentation from the Bhutan Himalaya
Alia Bigio
Abstract: Ultramafic rocks in an arc environment: Neoproterozoic magmatism in the Avalon terrane, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
Dan MacNeil
Abstract: Update on the Eastern Shore Compilation Project, Nova Scotia
L. J. Ham, P. K. Smith
Arenig volcanic and sedimentary strata, central New Brunswick and eastern Maine
W. H. Poole, Robert B. Neuman
Deep drill hole in the Devonian South Mountain batholith, Nova Scotia: a potential for hidden mineral deposits within the batholith
A. K. Chatterjee, J. Dostal
Deformation of the Macumber Formation, Antigonish Basin, Nova Scotia: implications for the Ainslie Detachment
D. B. Thomas, R. D. Nance, J. B. Murphy
Evidence for post-Acadian through Alleghanian deformation in eastern Maine: multiple brittle reactivation of the Norumbega Fault system
Chunzeng Wang, Allan Ludman
Geochronology of the Letete and Waweig formations, Mascarene Group, southwestern New Brunswick
B. V. Miller, L. R. Fyffe
Granitoid plutons of the Brookville terrane, southern New Brunswick: petrology, age, and tectonic setting
Chris E. White, Sandra M. Barr, Brent V. Miller, Michael A. Hamilton
A petrochemical study of basaltic layering at Henley Harbour, Labrador, using multidimensional scaling
John D. Greenough, J. Victor Owen
A synopsis of the geology of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper
Zeolite minerals from the North Shore of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
Georgia Pe-Piper, Lisa Miller
The “medullosalean forest” at the Lloyd Cove Seam (Pennsylvanian, Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Erwin L. Zodrow