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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Atlantic Geology
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Abstract: A Chelsea porcelain (London, mid-18th century) P-Pb repair glaze: results of analogue firing experiments and implications for in situ analytical authentication studies
D. Quick
Abstract: A geoheritage strategy for Nova Scotia
John Calder
Abstract: Alleghenian deformation in Nova Scotia: revolution, disturbance or localized transpression?
Fraser Keppie
Abstract: A microbial mat and associated trace fossil assemblage at Coal Mine Point, Nova Scotia: paleoenvironmental significance and evidence of a previously unrecorded transgression
Zabrina M. Prescott, Matthew R. Stimson, Lynn T. Dafoe, Martin R. Gibling, R. Andrew MacRae
Abstract: Analysis of the effect of principle stresses in the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of St. Lawrence, offshore Nova Scotia, and Grand Banks on faults in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Ella Goldberg, Djordje Grujic
Abstract: A new geological interpretation of the Antigonish Highlands, northern mainland Nova Scotia
Chris E. White, Sandra M. Barr, Donnelly B. Archibald, Katherin E. Voy, Trevor G. MacHattie, Edwin A. Escarraga, Chris R. M. McFarlane
Abstract: An Investigation of factors influencing drumlin erosion in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
J. R. Caines, I. Spooner, B. Nodding
Abstract: An overview of the McCoy Brook sauropodomorph dinosaur bone-bed and description of 3D photogrammetry methods for new research methods and documentation of paleontology quarries and site erosionsuture zone, southwestern Iberia
Tim J. Fedak
Abstract: A paleolimnological record of anthropogenic impact on water quality in First Lake, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
D. Tymstra, I. S. Spooner, C. E. White
Abstract: Architectural elements of Mesozoic rift basin sediments: offshore Scotian margin
Darragh E. O’Connor, Grant D. Wach
Abstract: Archival documentation of the 1755 maremoto de Lisboa, on the shoreline of Brazil
Alan Ruffman, Jose Alberto Vivas Veloso
Abstract: A revised biostratigraphic and well-log sequence stratigraphic framework for the Scotian Margin, offshore eastern Canada
A. MacRae, J. Weston, P. Ascoli, K. Cooper, R. Fensome, D. Shaw, G. Williams
Abstract: Assessing two methods for estimating bulk density of particles in suspension
Alexander J. Hurley, Paul S. Hill
Abstract: Bedrock incision and surface uplift rates of the western Hangay Dome, Mongolia
T. Forstner, J. Gosse
Abstract: Biotite analysis of felsic intrusive rocks near the Sisson Brook W-Mo-Cu deposit, west-central New Brunswick
W. Zhang, D. R. Lentz, K. G. Thorne, C. R. M. McFarlane
Abstract: Climate proxies from the Siwalik Group in the eastern Himalaya: an oxygen and hydrogen isotope record from authigenic clays
Beth Cowan, Djordje Grujic, Isabelle Coutand
Abstract: Coastline change detection utilizing ground-based laser scanning
Tim Webster, Kevin McGuigan, Nathan Crowell, May Kongwongthair
Abstract: Cooling history of shock melts in meteorites: constraints from finite element cooling models
Cliff S. J. Shaw, Erin L. Walton
Abstract: Current and recent research at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site
Melissa Grey
Abstract: Determining the presence of aqueous fluids in Canadian kimberlites
Natalie Paterson, Yana Fedortchouk
Abstract: Development of a GIS-based approach for the assessment of seawater intrusion vulnerability in Nova Scotia
G. W. Kennedy
Abstract: Early Devonian regional-contact metamorphism in the Juniper region, central New Brunswick, Canada
Carlin Lentz, Chris R. M. McFarlane, Sean H. McClenaghan
Abstract: Employing contact metamorphism to assess the conditions of pluton emplacement in southwestern Kellys Mountain, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
N. A. Shawwa
Abstract: Ephemeral sedimentation in the Early Triassic Bjorne Formation of the Sverdup Basin Nunavut, Canada
Derrick W. Midwinter, Thomas Hadlari
Abstract: Evaluation of the controls on the distribution of scheelite and wolframite in mineralized zones at the Sisson Brook W-Mo-Cu deposit, west-central New Brunswick: a petrogenetic analysis
A. L. Bustard, D. R. Lentz
Abstract: Field observations on D1 and D2 deformation fabrics and metamorphic mineral growth in the Newton Fjord region on Hall Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada
Z. Braden, M. D. Young, M. St-Onge, D. Skipton, D. Mate
Abstract: Field relations and petrology of the Trafalgar plutonic suite, northeastern Meguma terrane, central Nova Scotia
Raya Puchalski, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White
Abstract: Fluid-inclusion thermometric and stable isotope data constraints on the occurrence of quartz-carbonate-copper sulphide vein/fracture infill in the Caledonian Highlands, New Brunswick
F. M. Tweedale, J. J. Hanley
Abstract: Form, distribution, and genesis of gold within the contact metasomatic aureole of the Early Devonian Lake George granodiorite, southwestern New Brunswick
C. P. E. Lentz, C. R. M. McFarlane, K. R. Thorne
Abstract: Fracture studies in the Horton Group, Windsor-Kennetcook subbasin, Nova Scotia
Morgan E. Snyder, John W. F. Waldron
Abstract: Geological provenance of the Titanic gravestones in Halifax, Nova Scotia: a 100th anniversary forensic igneous petrology progress report
D. Barrie Clarke, Alan Ruffman, Peter H. Reynolds, Gregory R. Dunning, William C. Allan, Ian G. Meighan, Donald R. Bowes
Abstract: Geophysical modeling in the Cabot Strait - St. Georges Bay area between Cape Breton Island and western Newfoundland, Canada
L. Zsamboki, S. M. Barr, S. A. Dehler
Abstract: Ice cap evolution and polythermal ice dynamics derived from multiple terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating of tors on Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island
A. Margreth, J. C. Gosse, A. S. Dyke
Abstract: Impact of inconsistent density scaling on physical analogue models of margin-scale salt tectonics
Janice Allen, Christopher Beaumont
Abstract: Influence of native Newfoundland sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa on sediment mineralogy and texture
M. R. Joury
Abstract: Integrated water quality forecasting system for the Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia
N. Crowell, T. Webster, S. Oldford-MacLellan, S. Butler, W. Livingstone, G. Rose
Abstract: Investigation of the form and age of the Bloody Creek Crater, southwestern Nova Scotia
Mariella Nalepa, Ian Spooner, Peter Williams
Abstract: Laser-ablation ICP-MS analysis of freshwater ferromanganese nodules
Shubhi Singh, Tom Al
Abstract: Late Pleistocene regional unconformity in the Bay of Fundy, coastal southwestern New Brunswick
C. L. Legere, B. E. Broster, J. E. Hughes Clarke
Abstract: Late Quaternary variations of the Labrador Current in Flemish Pass
N. Marshall, D. J. W. Piper
Abstract: Lithogeochemistry of host rocks to the Bisha Cu-Zn-Au volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit, Eritrea
Ronald J. Massawe, Clifford R. Stanley
Abstract: Mineralogical study of a uranium-niobium-rich alteration zone at the Lofdal Carbonatite-Silicate Complex, Namibia
M. A. Gaudet, S. Swinden, Y. Fedortchouk
Abstract: Monchiquite dykes on Machias Seal Island, New Brunswick, Canada
J. Gregory McHone, Sandra M. Barr
Abstract: Monitoring coastal areas in Newfoundland and Labrador
Melanie L. Irvine
Abstract: Multi-scale permeability modelling of the Cretaceous Missisauga Formation of the Scotian Shelf offshore Nova Scotia
L. Manoukian, G. Wach
Abstract: New Brunswick surficial mapping program: review and highlights
Serge Allard, Pam Dickinson
Abstract: Occurrence and origin of ring schlieren in the Halifax Pluton, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada
Fergus M. Tweedale
Abstract: Oil production enhancement strategy by using integrated simulation and well log data, Norne Field, Norway
L. Selviz, T. Johansen, L. James
Abstract: On the discovery of a new ichnofossil assemblage from the Early Carboniferous Bloomfield Formation in Bloomfield, New Brunswick
M. Stimson, S. Hinds, A. MacRae
Abstract: Paleolimnological records of post-glacial wetland evolution from the Chignecto Isthmus region, eastern Canada
Hilary White, Ian Spooner, Chris White, Nelson O’Driscoll, Dewey Dunnington, Timothy Jull
Abstract: Paleoproterozoic Mississippi Valley-Type Pb-Zn mineralization in the Ramah Group, northern Labrador
James Conliffe, Derek H. C. Wilton, Nigel J. F. Blamey, Sandy M. Archibald
Abstract: Paragenesis and composition of native gold from the Valentine Lake Deposit, central Newfoundland: a secondary ion mass spectrometry and S scanning electron microscope - energy dispersive analysis investigation
S. Tarrant, G. Layne
Abstract: Paragneiss, migmatite, and anatectite of the central Miramichi Highlands: a distinct Ganderian basement block?
Reginald A. Wilson, Sean H. McClenaghan
Abstract: Partial digestion geochemistry of Nova Scotia soil samples: monitoring digestion conditions to understand how samples leach
Cliff Stanley, Biniam Bisrat, John Murimboh
Abstract: Petrological comparison of Devonian megacrystic plutons: Cameron Brook pluton, Nova Scotia, and Gaytons pluton, New Brunswick
Jason Willson, Sandra M. Barr
Abstract: Petrology of the Indian Lake and Leadbetter Road plutons, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
Amy L. MacFadzen, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White
Abstract: Placer gold provenance in the Black Hills Creek watershed, west-central Yukon: exploration strategies from grain morphology and geochemical analysis
Mark R. Higgins, Michael D. Young, Richard D. Cox, Dan Macdonald, Adrian Flemming
Abstract: Platinum group element (PGE) mineralization associated with a Fe-Ti-V deposit, located in the Rio Jacaré Intrusion, Brazil
Robert A. Campbell, Yana Fedortchouk, Dan MacDonald, Israel Nonato
Abstract: Post 380 Ma granophile mineralization in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada: evidence from the Clayton Hill and Gardners Meadow mineralized centres
Daniel J. Kontak, Richard J. Horne, April Bertrand, Robert Creaser
Abstract: Probing the composition of unexposed basement, South Portuguese Zone, southern Iberia: implications for the connections between the Appalachian and Variscan orogens
James A. Braid, J. Brendan Murphy, Cecilio Quesada, Luke Bickerton, James K. Mortensen
Abstract: Quantifying the 'deformable bed' using cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in a paleotill
Logan T. C. Brown, John C. Gosse, Marc W. Caffee
Abstract: Quantitative mapping in the Parry Sound domain for structural analysis
Peter J. Regan
Abstract: Racing to the surface - the dynamics of the feeder system to a cinder cone
B. S. Lebert, C. S. J. Shaw
Abstract: Rare earth element and Y substitution in ynthetic apatite
B. Moore
Abstract: Reconstructing restricted to open marine settings using trace fossils in the Jurassic through Tertiary of Orphan Basin and the northern Grand Banks, offshore Newfoundland
Lynn T. Dafoe
Abstract: Relationship of mineralization in the Volcano Sedimentary Complex (Iberian Pyrite Belt) to the Sierra Norte Batholith, Southern Iberia
S. R. MacInnis, J. A. Braid
Abstract: Remarkable sharks from the Early Devonian Campbellton Formation, New Brunswick, Canada
Randall F. Miller, Susan Turner, John Maisey
Abstract: Seascapes of the St. Anns Bank and adjoining area, offshore Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Edward King
Abstract: Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir analysis of the Cretaceous of the Penobscot area, offshore Nova Scotia
D. Tobey, G. Wach
Abstract: Sisson Brook W-Mo-Cu deposit case study, central New Brunswick: indicator mineral and till geochemical signatures
Michael A. Parkhill, M. Beth McClenaghan, Allen A. Seaman, A. G. Pronk, Jessey M. Rice
Abstract: Spatial pattern of mercury in stream and lake sediments in Nova Scotia, Canada
M. Nasr, P. A. Arp
Abstract: Strategies to avoid the nugget effect in soil samples from the Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Deposit, Nova Scotia
J. C. Willson, C. R. Stanley, J. D. Murimboh
Abstract: Stratigraphic and structural relationships of the Norton to Apohaqui areas, southeastern New Brunswick, Canada: preliminary results from 2010–11 field mapping
Steven J. Hinds
Abstract: Structural geology of the Meguma Supergroup and White Rock Formation contact in the Cape St. Marys area, southwest Nova Scotia
C. H. Dickson, N. Culshaw
Abstract: Structure and petrology of the Partridge Island block and the tectonic evolution of the Saint John area, New Brunswick
Adrian F. Park, Robert L. Treat, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, B. V. Miller, P. H. Reynolds
Abstract: Tectonic evolution of mafic dykes in a suture zone, southern Iberia: implications for the formation of Pangea
D. E. Nicolle, J. A. Braid, J. B. Murphy
Abstract: Tectonic significance of a mafic mélange in the Pangean suture zone, southwestern Iberia
Dustin R. L. Dahn, James A. Braid, J. Brendan Murphy
Abstract: TGI-4 intrusion-related mineralization project: identifying new vectors to hidden mineralization
Neil Rogers, Bob Anderson, Alain Plouffe, M. Beth McClenaghan
Abstract: The Gil Marquez Pluton, southern Iberia: magmatism during continental collision and the amalgamation of Pangea
Evan R. Gladney
Abstract: The impact of ice sheets on slope sedimentation: a long-term perspective
T. J. Huppertz, D. J. W. Piper
Abstract: The Mabou Group in the Penobsquis area, Sussex, New Brunswick: preliminary chemostratigraphy and correlation
Nazrul Islam, David Keighley
Abstract: The paleogeography of glacial lake Shanadithit in the Red Indian Lake Basin, Newfoundland
Jennifer S. Smith
Abstract: The Paleozoic development of fluvial systems as terrestrial vegetation evolved, and implications for organic evolution
Martin R. Gibling, Neil S. Davies
Abstract: The petrogenesis of REE-enriched dykes in the Eastern Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
S. Broughm, T. MacHattie, R. Cox
Abstract: The smallest known tetrapod footprints: Batrachichnus salamandroides from the Carboniferous of Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada
Matt Stimson, Spencer G. Lucas, Gloria Melanson
Abstract: Three-dimensional identification and orphological characterization of a Trichichnus-like trace fossil
A. Noftall, D. Mcllory
Abstract: Tracking the crystallization of a magma chamber: rare earth element geochemistry of amphibole, Greendale Complex, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
J. Brendan Murphy, Stephanie A. Blais, Michael Tubrett, Daniel MacNeil, Matthew Middleton
Abstract: Using a portable XRF spectrometer to determine geochemical and spatial correlations between alteration and gold mineralization at the Beaver Dam deposit, Nova Scotia
Jessica A. Guselle, Michael D. Young, Rick J. Horne
Abstract: Withdrawal of Windsor evaporites and the stratigraphy of the Maritimes Basin
John W. F. Waldron
Abstract: X-ray diffraction results from the weathering zone above the Bisha volcanic hosted massive sulphide deposit, Eritrea
Kacper Halama, Cliff Stanley
Abstract: “Teardrop” structures of the Nepewassi domain in the Central Gneiss Belt of the Grenville Province, Ontario
S. Tyler, N. Culshaw
The Cape Porcupine Complex, northern mainland Nova Scotia - no longer a geological orphan
S. M. Barr, C. E. White, J. W. F. Ketchum
A eurypterid from the lacustrine facies of the Early Devonian Campbellton Formation, New Brunswick, Canada
Randall F. Miller, Kirsten Kennedy, Martin R. Gibling
A model for uranium mobility in groundwater in the Grand Pré region, Nova Scotia, Canada
Mary A. Samolczyk, Ian S. Spooner, Clifford R. Stanley
Precise age and petrology of Silurian-Devonian plutons in the Benjamin River - Charlo area, northern New Brunswick
Jean-Luc Pilote, Sandra M. Barr, Reginald A. Wilson, Sean McClenaghan, Sandra Kamo, Vicki J. McNicoll, Mary Lou Bevier
Provenance of the Lower Carboniferous Horton Group, Petit-de-Grat Island, Nova Scotia, as revealed by detrital zircon ages
Eric R. Force, Sandra M. Barr
Regional hydrothermal alteration and 18O-depletion of the ca. 620 Ma Huntington Mountain pluton and related rocks, Cape Breton Island, Canada
Duane C. Petts, Frederick J. Longstaffe, Joanna Potter, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White
Specimen Collections from Abraham Gesner’s Geological Survey of New Brunswick (1838 to 1842)
Randall F. Miller, Diane N. Buhay, Michelle Hébert