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Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
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Bosquejo Geologico Y Campos Petroleros al Oriente de la' Faja de Oro (IN SPANISH), Geological Sketch and Oil Fields East of The Faja de Oro
Ernesto Lopez R.
Ejemplos de Afallamiento en el Distrito Noreste de Mexico (IN SPANISH), Examples of Faulting in The Northeastern District of Mexico
Benjamih Alfred Harris
El Hallazgo de Mamiferos del Cenozoico Inferior en el Conglomerado Rojo de Guanajuato (IN SPANISH), The Finding of Mammals of Lower Cenozoic in The Red Conglomerate of Guanajuato
A. R. V. Arellano
El Significado Geologico de los Datos Sismologicos del Area Faja de Oro. Poza Rica (IN SPANISH), The Geological Significance of Seismic Data of The Gold Belt Area, Poza Rica
D. W. Rockwell
Estudio de las Formaciones del Eoceno en la Region de Poza Rica (IN SPANISH), Study of The Eocene Formations in The Region of Poza Rica
Homero Najera Chiapa
Exploracion Geologica del Area la Aguada-Comales, Municipios de Ozuluama Y Tantoyuca, Veracruz (IN SPANISH), Geological Exploration of The La Aguada-Comales Area, Ozuluama and Tantoyuga, Ver. Townships.
J. B. Gibson
Geologia Estructural del Anticlinal Peyotes (IN SPANISH), Sturctural Geology of The Peyotes Anticline
Teodoro Diaz
Historia de la Exploracion de Petroleo en Mexico Antes de la Expropiacion, 1938 (IN SPANISH), History of Oil Exploration in Mexico Before The Expropriation, 1938
E. DeGolyer
Introduccion al Estudio de la Exploracion Sismologica (IN SPANISH), Introduction to The Study of Seismology Exploration
D. W. Rockwell
La Facies Urgoniana del Cretacico Medio de la Region de Tampico (IN SPANISH), The Urgoniana Facies of The Middle Cretaceous in The Tampico Region
Federico Bonet
Recursos Petroleros de Mexico (IN SPANISH), Oil Resources of Mexico
Manuel Alvarez Jr.
Resultado de las Perforaciones en Mexico Durante 1951 (IN SPANISH), Result of Drilling in Mexico During 1951
E. J. Guzmán, F. Mina U.
Revision a las Tecnicas Modernas del Sismografo (IN SPANISH), Review To The Modern Seismograph Techniques
K.E. Burg
Sacamuestras de Pared (IN SPANISH), Side Wall Core Sampler
Martin Nava Garcia