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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

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Algunos Foraminiferos Caracteristicos de los Ambientes de Transicion de Plataforma y de Talud. IN SPANISH. Some Foraminifera Characteristic Of Platform And Slope Transitional Environments.

Sergio Cavazos Pardo

Aplicacion e Importancia Economica de las Microfacies en la Formacion El Abra. IN SPANISH. Application And Economic Importance Of Microfacies In El Abra Formation.

Rene Cabrera Castro, Silvio Menes Lopez

El Desarrollo de Mexico y la Industria Petrolera. IN SPANISH. The Development Of Mexico And The Petroleum Industry.

Pablo Suarez Diaz

El Desarrollo Paleogeografico de America Central. IN SPANISH. Paleogeographic Development Of Central America.

R. Weyl

El Problema Energetico del Sector Electrico en Mexico. IN SPANISH. The Energetic Problem Of The Electricity Sector In Mexico.

Jorge Young Larranaga

Esquema Tectonico del Borde de la Placa del Caribe Al Este de Yucatan. IN SPANISH. Tectonic Outline Of The Caribbean Plate Edge at East Of Yucatan.

Luis Del Castillo G., Alberto Vivas V.

Estudio Estratigrafico de la Porcion Noroccidental de la Cuenca Morelos-Guerrero. IN SPANISH. Stratigraphic Study Of The Northwestern Portion Of Morelos-Guerrero Basin.

Guillermos Ontiveros Tarango

Estudio Geologico de la Peninsula de Yucatan. IN SPANISH. Geological Survey Of The Yucatan Peninsula.

E. Lopez Ramos

Homenaje de los Ingenieros al Benemerito de las Americas. IN SPANISH. Tribute from the Engineers To the Merited Of The Americas.

Carlos Castillo Tejero.

Modelo Sedimentario del Albiano-Cenomaniano en la Porcion Sureste de la Plataforma de Coahuila (Prospecto Parras, Edo. de Coahuila). IN SPANISH. Albian-Cenomanian Sedimentary Model In Southeastern Coahuila Platform (Parras Prospect, Coahuila State).

Romeo Garza Gonzalez

Observaciones Estratigraficas en Sonora, Noroeste de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Stratigraphic Observations In Sonora, Northwestern Mexico.

W.T Keller

Paleogeografia del Paleozoico de Chiapas, Mexico. IN SPANISH. Paleozoic Paleogeography Of Chiapas, Mexico.

Rosalio Hernandez Garcia