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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Depositional History of the Niagaran Series in Southern Ontario1
Kam K. Chiang2
Carbonate Cycles, Pillara Formation (Devonian), Canning Basin, Western Australia1
J. F. Read2
Grain-Size Distribution and Depositional Environment of Whitemud Sandstones, Edmonton Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Alberta, Canada1
P. L. Binda2, J. F. Lerbekmo3
Regional Geology of Northern Yukon1
Andrew D. Miall2
Restoration of Basin and Range Faulting Across the Howell Creek Window and Flathead Valley of Southeastern British Columbia1
J. E. Labrecque2, E. W. Shaw3
Geology of Crow River - Spring River Area British Mountain Front Yukon, Canada1
W. O. Kupsch2
Planktonic Foraminfera from the Mackenzie Delta Region Subsurface1
B. G. Langhus2, A. N. Petracca2