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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Petrography and Isotope Geochemistry of Diagenetic Carbonates in the Lower Cape Phillips Formation, Cornwallis Island, Arctic Archipelago, Canada
Mario Coniglio, Michael J. Melchin
The Manetoe Dolomite - A Cretaceous-Tertiary or A Paleozoic Event? Fluid Inclusion and Isotopic Evidence
David W. Morrow, Kathy L. Aulstead
Field Evidence for Erosion-Induced Underpressuring in Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata, West Central Alberta, Canada.
Kevin P. Parks, Jozsef Toth
Tertiary Structural Evolution of the Beaufort Sea - Mackenzie Delta Region, Arctic Canada
Larry S. Lane, James R. Dietrich
Multiphase Systems, Overpressure and Migration
Lloyd R. Snowdon
Cretaceous Igneous-Clast Conglomerate in the Blairmore Group, Rocky Mountain Foothills and Adjacent Subsurface (Bow Island Formation), Alberta, Canada
Dale A. Leckie, Lee F. Krystinik
Biostratigraphic Evaluation of a Sequence Stratigraphic Bounding Surface: The Cardinal/Leyland Unconformity ("E5/T5 Surface") in the Cardium Formation (Upper Cretaceous; Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian) at Seebe, Alberta: DISCUSSION
Roger G. Walker, A. Guy Plint, Katherine M. Bergman
Biostratigraphic Evaluation of a Sequence Stratigraphic Bounding Surface: The Cardinal/Leyland Unconformity ("E5/T5 Surface") in the Cardium Formation (Upper Cretaceous; Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian) at Seebe, Alberta: REPLY
Federico F. Krause, Russell L. Hall, Siegfried D. Joiner, Keith B. Deutsch