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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

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Measured Sections, Magnetic Polarity and Biostratigraphy of the Eocene Wiggins, Tepee Trail and Aycross Formations Within the Southeastern Absaroka Range, Wyoming

Kent A. Sundell, Peter N. Shive, Jeffrey G. Eaton

The Colter Formation: Evidence for Miocene Volcanism in Jackson Hole, Teton County, Wyoming

Anthony D. Barnosky

Abstract: Hydrocarbons in the Northern Basin and Range, Nevada and Utah

Louis C. Bortz

Abstract: The Permian-Triassic Transition — or — In One Era and Out The Other

Donald W. Boyd

Abstract: Evaporites: A review from around the world and into the past

Peter J. Chimney

Abstract: The Black-Footed Ferret Conservation Program

Tim Clark

Abstract: The Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Jurassic Gypsum Spring and Sundance Formations, Sheep Mountain Anticline Area, Big Horn County, Wyoming

Alison Doyle

Abstract: The Flasher: A New Potential Tool for Petroleum Exploration; Initial Studies from the Overthrust Belt

S. O. Farwell, M. R. Dolenc, C. J. Barinaga

Abstract: Paleozoic Geology and Seismic Stratigraphy of The Northern Uncompahgre Front, Grand County, Utah

Claudia Wolfbauer Frahme

Abstract: Petrographically-sited Stable Isotopes of the Sulfide-Bearing Bonneterre Formation (Cambrian), Southeast Missouri

Tom Freeman

Abstract: Seismic Amplitude Measurement for Primary Lithology Estimation (SAMPLE): Case Histories From Tertiary Western Basins

G. S. Gassaway

Abstract: Basement Topographic Control of Structural Highs and Lows in the Sedimentary Section in the Midcontinent, U.S.A.

S. Parker Gay, Jr., Joseph A. Laravie

Abstract: Mode of Extension of Continental Crust

Warren Hamilton

Abstract: Early Eocene Tectonics and Sedimentation in Northern Fossil Basin, Wyoming Overthrust Belt

Don Hurst

Abstract: The Cowlitz Formation: Stratigraphic Relationships and Depositional Environment in the upper Nehalem River -Wolf Creek area, northwestern Oregon

Michael Jackson

Abstract: Origin of Dolomite and Its Spatial and Chronological Distribution — A New Insight

Miriam Kastner

Abstract: Petroleum Geology of the Upper Casper Formation in the Northern Laramie Basin

Anne Kelly

Abstract: Paleotectonic, Stratigraphic, and Diagenetic History of the Weber Sandstone in the Rangely Area

Mark Koelmel

Abstract: Shallow Gas Fields in High Porosity Chalk: An Independent’s Exploration Strategy

John P. Lockridge

Abstract: Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Hanna Basin, Carbon County, Wyoming

Roger Matson

Abstract: Did the Basement Fold During the Laramide Orogeny in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province?

Vincent Matthews

Abstract: Paleogeographic Setting of Pennsylvanian Tyler Formation and Relation to Underlying Mississippian Rocks in Montana and North Dakota

Edwin K. Maughan

Abstract: Possible Basal Phosphoria Coquinite Trend, Fremont and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming

Walter R. Merschat

Abstract: The Stratigraphy of the Gypsum Spring Formation (Middle Jurassic), Northwestern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

John Meyer

Abstract: Huascaran: A Climb to the Top of the Earth’s Equator

John S. Moore

Abstract: Pennsylvanian Tyler Strat-Seis Concepts

Cari Moore-Piatkowski, Rebecca J. Archer

Abstract: Gravity Slide Thrusting and Folded Faults in The Western Arbuckle Mountains and Vicinity, Southern Oklahoma

Eric H. Phillips

Abstract: Outline U.S. Oil Outlook

Max G. Pitcher

Abstract: Camp Payne - Richard’s Trading Post Site, Evansville, Natrona County, Wyoming

Art Randall

Abstract: The Significance of Botryoidal Aragonite in the Early Diagenetic History of Phylloid Algal Mounds in Bug and Papoose Canyon Fields, Southeastern Utah and Southwestern Colorado

Michael H. Roylance

Abstract: Where Are The Experts?

Carl H. Savit

Abstract: Hydrocarbon Distribution in The Thrust Belt

Philip H. Stark

Abstract: Volcanic Stratigraphy, Timing, and Petroleum Exploration in Southeastern Absaroka Range, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

Kent A. Sundell

Abstract: The Castle Rocks Chaos: A Gigantic Eocene Landslide-Debris Flow within the Absaroka Volcanic Sequence, Northwestern Wyoming

Kent A. Sundell

Abstract: Enhanced Oil Recovery in Wyoming

Ron Terry

Abstract: The Carbonated Sands of Time — 1984 Field Trip Revisited

Paul Tromp

Abstract: Rocks, Pores, and Enhanced Oil Recovery — A Geological Challenge

Norman C. Wardlaw

Abstract: Oil and Gas Potential of the Idaho Thrust Belt North of the Snake River Plain

John Warne

Abstract: Rift Deformation Produced by Combined Extension and Shearing

Martha O. Withjack

Abstract: Success in Mineral Exploration: A Matter of Confidence

Roy Woodall

Abstract: The Future of Natural Gas

Richard E. Wyman

Abstract: Permian-Pennsylvanian Seismic Stratigraphy, Powder River Basin, WY

Rodney Armstrong

Abstract: Petroleum Source-Rock Potential of Pennsylvanian Black Shales in Powder River Basin, Wyoming, and Northern Denver Basin, Nebraska

Jerry L. Clayton, Robert T. Ryder

Abstract: Hydrodynamics of the Fountain and Casper Formations, Laramie Basin, Wyoming

Richard W. Davis

Abstract: Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Middle Member of the Minnelusa Formation, Central Powder River Basin Wyoming

Robert J. Desmond, James R. Steidtmann, Donald F. Cardinal

Abstract: Cyclic Sedimentation and Depositional Environments of the Upper Minnelusa Formation, Central Campbell County, Wyoming

Gene R. George

Abstract: Mineral Resources of Permian and Pennsylvanian Rocks in Wyoming

Ray Harris, Dan Hausel

Abstract: Significance of Interdune Deposits in the Upper Casper Formation

Anne O. Kelly

Abstract: Tectonic Setting and Paleogeography of Permian and Pennsylvanian Rocks in Wyoming and Adjacent States

Edwin Maughan

Abstract: Possible Basal Phosphoria Coquinite Trend, Fremont and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming

Walter R. Merschat

Abstract: The Tensleep Formation of the Southeastern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

David A. Moore

Abstract: Permian Tectonism in the Rocky Mountain Foreland and Its Importance in Exploration for Minnelusa and Lyons Sandstones

W. Richard Moore

Abstract: Permian Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies, and General Petroleum Geology, Wyoming and Adjacent Area

James A. Peterson

Abstract: Origin and Peleotectonic Setting of the Pennsylvanian Quadrant Sandstone, Southwestern Montana

Herb I. Saperstone, Frank G. Ethridge

Abstract: Leo Depositional Environments, Southeastern Powder River Basin

Paul L. Tromp