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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Four Corners Geological Society

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Air-Photo Stratigraphy of the Four Corners Area

R. L. Anderson, E. C. Hutchinson

Biohermal Trends in Pennsylvanian Strata of San Juan Canyon, Utah

Sherman A. Wengerd

A Brief Discussion on the Subsurface Cretaceous Rocks of the San Juan Basin

Dan Bozanic

Cambrian, Devonian & Mississippian Rocks of the Four Corners Area

Jack C. Cooper

Catalog of Stratigraphic Names of the Four Corners Area

James A. Momper

Desert Creek Field San Juan County, Utah

R. W. Spalding

Distillate Production and Dry Gas Reserves in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico

W. B. Macey

East Boundary Butte Apache County, Arizona

R. L. Knight

The Geology and the Uranium Deposits of the Northwest Carrizo Area Apache County, Arizona

William L. Chenoweth

Geology of McElmo Dome Montezuma County, Colorado

V. H. Zabel

Geology of Parts of Paradox, Black Mesa & San Juan Basins, Front Matter and Road Logs

Jack C. Cooper

Geology of the Durango Area La Plata County, Colorado

Lee W. Kilgore

Geology of the Mexican Hat Oil Field San Juan County, Utah

Sherman A. Wengerd

Historical Background of the Four-Corner Area

John A. Frost

Land and Leasing in the Four Corners Area

Joe D. Smith, William H. Carpenter

Notes on the Nomenclature of the Monument Upwarp, Utah

Edward M. Wright Jr.

Permian and Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Four Corners Area

Dix R. Turnbow

Pictured Cliffs and Fruitland Gas Developments of the San Juan Basin Northwestern New Mexico & Southwestern Colorado

Val R. Reese

Proven and Possible Oil and Gas Producing Structures in the Four Corners Area

D. P. Wilson, R. R. Smart

The Salt Anticlines of Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah

Fred W. Cater Jr.

Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Dakota Formation in the San Juan Basin

Guy C. Burton Jr.

Stratigraphic Gas Development in the Blanco Mesa Verde Pool of the San Juan Basin

R. W. Allen Jr.

Suggested Changes in Devonian Terminology of the Four Corners Area

R. L. Knight, Jack C. Cooper

A Summary of Drilling Activities in the Four Corners Area 1945-1954

Paul H. Umbach, Paul W. Lewis

Tectonics of the Four Corners Region

Vincent C. Kelley

Uranium Occurrences on the Colorado Plateau

Clay T. Smith