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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
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An Introduction to the Operational Application of Limestone Thin Sections
R. E. Chancellor
ABSTRACT: "Jefferson Island Salt Dome"
Jay B. Wharton, Jr.
ABSTRACT: Application of Micrologging to Determination of Porosity
H. G. Doll, R. Sauvage, M. Martin
ABSTRACT: Avondale Field Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Eugene A. Gibson
ABSTRACT: Down-Dip Pinchout in the Mustang Island Trend
James K. Rogers
ABSTRACT: Electric Log Study of the Pettet Limestone of the Ark-La-Tex Area
Roger H. Ogden, B. J. Peck
ABSTRACT: Entrapment of Petroleum under Hydrodynamic Conditions
M. King Hubbert
ABSTRACT: Geology of the Danbury Salt Dome Brazoria County, Texas
P. F. Sollars, John E. Walters
ABSTRACT: Origin of the Sandsheet in Southwest Texas
Dr. Alan Lohse
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Geology of the Smackover Formation of Southern Arkansas
Jack H. Vestal
ABSTRACT: South Louisiana Fault Trends
W. E. Wallace
ABSTRACT: The Fairview Field Concordia Parish, Louisiana
Robert J. Moffatt
ABSTRACT: The Geology of the Tal Vez Field Webb County, Texas
Dale H. Rowden
ABSTRACT: The Oil & Gas Possibilities of the Southeastern Gulf Coastal Plain
Morgan J. Davis, P. H. O'Bannon
ABSTRACT: The Use of the Micro-Contact Log in Southwest Texas
Ralph W. Garrett, Jr.
ABSTRACT: West Cote Blanche Bay Field, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana
R. E. Hackbarth, J. A. Seglund
Application of Micrologging to Determination of Porosity
H. G. Doll, R. Sauvage, M. Martin
Gulf Coast's Two-State Phoenix Lake Field
R. M. Wilson
Isolation and Comparison of the Wilcox (Eocene) Multiple Producing Reservoirs through Diamond Coring in the Overton Field, Adams County, Mississippi
Walter H. Rose, Warrel J. Whipple
Mustang Island Field Nueces County, Texas
Travis E. Hicks
Preliminary Notes on the Geology of the Mineola Basin Smith and Wood Counties, Texas
R. W. Eaton
A Structural Analysis of the Delta Farms Field Lafourche Parish, Louisiana with Notes on the Stratigraphy
A. L. Morgan
The Use of the Micro-Contact Log in Southwest Texas
Ralph W. Garret, Jr.