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GCAGS Transactions
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ABSTRACT: A Non-Catastrophic Alternative in the Genesis of the Clastites Referred to the K-T in Central and Western Cuba: Its Importance for Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration
Jorge R. Sánchez Arango
ABSTRACT: Application of 3D GSMP for Water Bottom Multiple Attenuation on Maximo 3D Survey, Perdido Fold Belt, Gulf of Mexico
Jeremy D. Browett, Soumya Deep Das
ABSTRACT: Basement Controls on Salt Related Structures in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Gianluca Grando, João Alberto Bach de Oliveira, Jose A. Borges-Dudt
ABSTRACT: Biostratigraphic Contributions to the Tertiary Burgos Basin, Northeastern México
Graciela Ramírez, Mónica Quintanilla, Marco A. San Martín, Baltazar Hernández, Marisol Pérez, Eloisa Navarro
ABSTRACT: Cenomanian-Turonian Biostratigraphic Update of the Eagle Ford Gas Shale Play, Northeastern Mexico
Anselmo E. González
ABSTRACT: Cenomanian-Turonian Biostratigraphic Update of the Eagle Ford Gas Shale Play, Northeastern Mexico
Anselmo E. González
ABSTRACT: Challenges and Solutions in Subsalt Plays, Southern Mexico
Jorge Barrios-Rivera
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of the Petroleum System of Southeastern Mexico
Lourdes Clara-Valdés, Leticia Bernal-Vargas, Ernesto Caballero-García, Rodrigo Maldonado-Villalón, Luis M. Medrano Morales
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of the Petroleum System of Southeastern Mexico
Lourdes Clara-Valdés, Leticia Bernal-Vargas, Ernesto Caballero-García, Rodrigo Maldonado-Villalón, Luis M. Medrano Morales
ABSTRACT: Characterization of a Dual-Carbonate Reservoir of Gas and Condensate for Simulation, Costero Field, México
Jesús García-Hernández
ABSTRACT: Climate Change: Mitigation Strategies toward Inclusive Growth
Jonathán B. Pérez-Navarrete
ABSTRACT: Current Scope of the High Resolution Biostratigraphy in Cenozoic Subsurface Sedimentary Rocks of the Gulf of Mexico Basins
Daniel García-Urbano, Ana L. Méndez Franco, Bruno A. Reyna-Téllez, Julio C. González-Lara, María E. Gómez-Luna
ABSTRACT: Current Status on Exploration Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico
Manuel Marrero Faz
ABSTRACT: Depositional Systems in the Chicontepec Basin, Central-Eastern Gulf Coast, Mexico
J. Javier Hernández-Mendoza, Abelardo Escamilla-Hernández, Ma. Lidia De la Huerta-Cobos, Domingo Saavedra-Torres
ABSTRACT: Ecologic Territorial Order and Mine Land Aptitude: The Baja California Peninsula Case
Rafael Gutiérrez Aguilar, Francisco de Jesús Cafaggi Félix
ABSTRACT: Ecologic Territorial Order and Mine Land Aptitude: The Baja California Peninsula Case
Rafael Gutiérrez Aguilar, Francisco de Jesús Cafaggi Félix
ABSTRACT: Environmental Challenges in the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Zone
Arturo Carranza-Edwards
ABSTRACT: Evidence of Westward Progression of Multiple Pull-Apart Basins in Central-Eastern Mexico: Transition from Proto-Oceanic Rift to Oceanic Back Arc Setting
Elena Centeno-García, Víctor Dávila-Alcocer, Michelangelo Martini, Claudia C. Mendoza-Rosales, Emiliano Campos-Madrigal, Gilberto Silva-Romo
ABSTRACT: Evidence of Westward Progression of Multiple Pull-Apart Basins in Central-Eastern Mexico: Transition from Proto-Oceanic Rift to Oceanic Back Arc Setting
Elena Centeno-García, Víctor Dávila-Alcocer, Michelangelo Martini, Claudia C. Mendoza-Rosales, Emiliano Campos-Madrigal, Gilberto Silva-Romo
ABSTRACT: Exploration in the Alto de Jalpa, Region Sur, Tabasco, México
Claudia A. Beristáin-Suárez, José F. González-Pineda, José A. Berlanga-García, Daniel Castillo-González, Víctor M. Sánchez-Sánchez, Cosme O. Rodríguez-Cruz
ABSTRACT: Foraminiferal Indicators of Modern and Last Glacial Maximum Water Masses in the Southwestern Gulf Of Mexico
María L. Machain Castillo, Raúl Gío Argáez, Barbara L. Cuesta Castillo, Xavier A. Alcalá Herrera, Barun K. Sen Gupta
ABSTRACT: Formation and Occurrence of Natural Gases in Mexico
Martin Schoell, Maria L. Clara Valdes
ABSTRACT: Fracture Attribute Calculation Based on Diagenetic-Structural Analysis: Application in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs from Southeastern Mexico
Clotilde Prieto-Ubaldo, Faustino Monroy-Santiago, Norma Olaez-Ahedo, Lilia Hernández-Salazar
ABSTRACT: Free-Hydrocarbon Plume Modeling: A Tool for Predicting Remediation Effectiveness in Vulnerable Shallow Aquifers
Antonio Hernández-Espriú, Emilio Sánchez-León
ABSTRACT: Free-Hydrocarbon Plume Modeling: A Tool for Predicting Remediation Effectiveness in Vulnerable Shallow Aquifers
Antonio Hernández-Espriú, Emilio Sánchez-León
ABSTRACT: Geochemical Characteristics and Prospectivity of the Gases from the Veracruz Basin, Mexico
Emilio Vázquez-Covarrubias, Juan Rogelio Román-Ramos
ABSTRACT: Geoscience Education Trends: A Point of View from the School of Earth Science, National Polytechnic Institute
Francisco J. Rocha Legorreta, Julio Morales de la Garza
ABSTRACT: Geosteering with Minimal LWD Capability: Biosteering during Underbalanced, Coiled Tubing Drilling Operations for Gas and the Development of the StratsteerTM Concept
Paul R. Marshall, Paul Watson
ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Mesozoic Biostratigraphic Analysis in Exploratory Wells, Marine Area, Campeche, Mexico
Nicté A. Gutiérrez-Puente, Marcelo Aguilar-Piña, Sonia P. Franco-Navarrete, María E. Gómez-Luna
ABSTRACT: Hydrogeology of Northern Sierra de Chiapas, Mexico, Based on Spring Characterization
Laura Rosales Lagarde, Penelope J. Boston, Andrew R. Campbell, Louise D. Hose
ABSTRACT: Hypothetical Presalt Play in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Northwestern Yucatan Block, Mexico
Lino Miranda, Carlos Williams, José Ruíz, Rodrigo Maldonado, Alejandro Cárdenas-Alvarado
ABSTRACT: Implications of Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Models in the Fractured Reservoir Development of the Middle Cretaceous May Field
Jaime Mandujano, Raúl Ramos Quiroz, Rafael Lievando González, Ignacio Mendoza Santiago, Ociel Flores-Brito, David Suárez-Contreras
ABSTRACT: Influence of Growth Faulting on Lower Cretaceous Clastic Sediment Units, Raleigh Field, Smith County, Mississippi
Erin R. Gore, Danny W. Harrelson, Maurice A. Meylan
ABSTRACT: Insights on the Evolution of Backstop Zones Related to Salt Tectonics in Analogue Models
Diego Gracia-Marroquín, Mariano Cerca
ABSTRACT: Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Attributes for Quantitative Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study of a Pliocene Reservoir, Campeche Sound, Mexico
Efrain Méndez-Hernández, Jesús García-Hernández, Carlos Bahamon, Roger Slatt
ABSTRACT: Is Opening of the Gulf of Mexico Restricted to the Jurassic?
Fraser Keppie
ABSTRACT: Main Characteristics on Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico (Deepwater)
Rafael Tenreyro, Juan G. López, Jorge R. Sanchez, José O. López
ABSTRACT: Mass Movement Hazard Assessment in Zacatecas State, Mexico
Luis D. Barajas Nigoche, Juan P. Moreno Ruiz
ABSTRACT: Matemáticas Aplicadas a Las Ciencias de la Tierra: A Book that can Support Better and Optimal Decisions
Isabel P. Aguilar Juárez, J. Arellano Gil
ABSTRACT: Methodology for Static Characterization of Natural Fractures: Implementation in Pemex Projects and its Application in Oil and Gas Field Development
Faustino Monroy-Santiago
ABSTRACT: Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs in Northwestern Cuba
Osvaldo López Corzo, Olga Castro Castiñeira, Juan Rodríguez Loeches, Carlos Perera Falcón
ABSTRACT: Naturally Fractured Reservoir Characterization Applied to Field Exploitation
Esteban Soriano
ABSTRACT: Neogene Sandstone Provenance and Petrographic Families, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Ricardo Torres, Christian Moya, Ulises Hernández-Romano, Martín Martínez-Medrano, Elena Centeno-García
ABSTRACT: New Exploratory Discovery of Giant Fields in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the Southwest Marine Region, Mexico
Francisco García-Treviño
ABSTRACT: New Exploratory Discovery of Giant Fields in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the Southwest Marine Region, Mexico
Francisco García-Treviño
ABSTRACT: Oil Quality Prediction in the Sonda de Campeche, Mexico
Luis M. Medrano Morales, Ciro Díaz Salgado, José C. Gallardo García, Manuel Machorro Jiménez, Rodrigo Maldonado Villalón, Jorge Pacheco Muñoz, Pedro Peña Sánchez
ABSTRACT: Origin of Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Mexico: Biodegradation versus Maturity
Mario A. Guzmán-Vega, Ernesto Caballero-García, Lourdes Clara-Valdés, Joel Lara-Rodríguez, Gustavo Martínez-Pontvianne, Luis Medrano-Morales, Laura Villanueva
ABSTRACT: Origin of Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Mexico: Biodegradation versus Maturity
Mario A. Guzmán-Vega, Ernesto Caballero-García, Lourdes Clara-Valdés, Joel Lara-Rodríguez, Gustavo Martínez-Pontvianne, Luis Medrano-Morales, Laura Villanueva
ABSTRACT: Paleogene Bio-Zonification of the Tertiary Veracruz Basin, Mexico
Reyna Leticia Rodriguez Contreras, Modesto Landeros Flores
ABSTRACT: Palynological Age Control of Wilcox Group Sediments in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Regina L. Dickey
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Play Distribution and Characteristics in the Southern Gulf of Mexico Petroliferous Basins: From Coastal Onshore to Shallow Water and Deep Water
Vlad Andrus, Edgar H. Guevara
ABSTRACT: Petroleum System Modeling and Hydrocarbon Prediction of the Gulf Mexican Ridges
Joel Lara, Claudia Barrera-Ortiz, Juan R. Román-Ramos
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Systems and Oil Qualities in Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
Juan G. López Rivera,
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Systems Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico Basin with Complex Salt Evolution and its Impact on Fluid Quality Prediction
Changrui Gong
ABSTRACT: Play Analysis in the U.S. Sector of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Basin in the Framework of Tectonic Development and Depositional Systems
Tianguang Xu
ABSTRACT: Play Fairway Analysis and Risk Mapping in the Kimmeridgian Play (Upper Jurassic), Campeche Sound, Mexico
Arnulfo Sánchez
ABSTRACT: Regional Compilation of Seismic Stratigraphy and Structure of the Mexican Sector of the Gulf of Mexico
Anthony B. Rodriguez, Paul Mann, William E. Galloway, Patricia E. Ganey-Curry
ABSTRACT: Remaining Potential in the Burgos Basin, Mexico
Rogelio C. Muñoz, Javier M. Solano, Lauro C. Velázquez
ABSTRACT: Remaining Potential in the Tertiary Southeast Basins, Mexico
Miguel Varela, Guadalupe V. Flores-Moro, José A. Martínez
ABSTRACT: Required Skills to Face Exploration Challenges at Pemex E&P
Roboam León-Sánchez, Laura Villanueva-Rodríguez, Carlos Barajas-Llerenas
ABSTRACT: Reverse Time Migration Using CRS Shot Gathers
Alfredo Caballero, Rodolfo Ballesteros, Eliakim Schuenemann, Ekkehard Tessmer, Humberto Salazar
ABSTRACT: Risk Analysis of the Upper Eocene Yegua Play, a Gravitational Collapse Structure, South Burgos Basin, Northwestern Mexico
Daniel Olivares Ramos, Irving R. Arvizu Gutiérrez,
ABSTRACT: Rock Physics for Prediction of Gas Reservoirs, Tertiary Basin of Veracruz
Víctor O. Mayorga, Juan C. Gloria
ABSTRACT: Safety and Environmental Protection Practices during Marine Seismic Operations in Mexico
Jorge L. Ortiz-Durán
ABSTRACT: Sandstone Provenance and U/Pb detrital zircon ages from the Huayacocotla and Xaltipa Formations, Veracruz State, and their Tectonic Meaning
Elena Centeno-García, Ángeles Verde-Ramírez, Gilberto Silva-Romo, Emiliano Campos-Madrigal, Claudia C. Mendoza-Rosales
ABSTRACT: Sandstone Provenance and U/Pb detrital zircon ages from the Huayacocotla and Xaltipa Formations, Veracruz State, and their Tectonic Meaning
Elena Centeno-García, Ángeles Verde-Ramírez, Gilberto Silva-Romo, Emiliano Campos-Madrigal, Claudia C. Mendoza-Rosales
ABSTRACT: Sedimentological Study of Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) Oolites in the Southern Basins, Mexico
Luis L. Villanueva González, Víctor Chávez Valois, José Robles Nolasco, José Ruiz Morales, Jaime Patiño Ruiz, Arnulfo Sánchez Valerio, Francisco Olivares Pérez
ABSTRACT: Seismic Acquisition with Q-Land Technology, Better Seismic Resolution from Single Sensors: First Project in Mexico
Rodolfo Rocha-Ruíz, Timothy Bunting, Roberto L. Parrado
ABSTRACT: Seismic Imaging and Interpretation of the Fold and Thrust Belt in the Northwestern Cuban Offshore Sector
Rafael Tenreyro, Rene Dominguez, Roberto Otero
ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic Correlations
Rodolfo Guerra-Tapia
ABSTRACT: Structural Characterization of the Deepwater Region in the South Gulf Salt Province, Mexico
Enrique Reyes Tovar, Miguel Ángel Cruz Mercado, Raymundo Sánchez Rivera, Héctor Gilberto López Céspedes,
ABSTRACT: Tehuacán Rift Basin in Southeastern Mexico: Magmatic and Stratigraphic Evidence for Barremian Rifting of the Gulf of Mexico
Claudia C. Mendoza-Rosales, Elena Centeno-García,
ABSTRACT: The Chicontepec Formation in Presidente Alemán Field (Veracruz, Mexico): Depositional Processes and Stratigraphic Architecture of a Submarine Slope Canyon-Fill
Mauro Aldinucci, Bjarte Hellevang, María Blinova, Al Amran Abdullah, Kseniya Hladka, Volkan Özaksoy, Manuel Morales
ABSTRACT: The Influence of Salt Diapirism in Outlining Petroleum Traps: Conjugating Tectonics, Sedimentation, and Surface Expositions— Cardenas Field, Mexico
Pedro Ernesto Villaseñor Rojas
ABSTRACT: The Southern Sector in the Sigsbee Basin: A Possible New Future Oil Province in the Gulf of Mexico
Jorge R. Sánchez Arango, Juan G. López Rivera, José O. López Quintero, Bernardo R. Domínguez Garcés, Orelvis Delgado López
ABSTRACT: Unconventional Play Potential in Northern Mexico
Ricardo Martínez-Sierra, Tellez Mariano, Mario Aranda-Garcia, Juan R. Román, Alejandro Sosa-Patrón
ABSTRACT: Understanding of the Earth's Subsurface through Improving the Seismic Image: Challenges and Solutions
Marco Vázquez-García
ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic Carbonate Ramp, Northern Mexico: Oolite and Lagoonal Limestone Analogues for Oil Reservoirs from Southeastern Mexico
Mario Aranda-García, Jose P. Zarate
ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic Carbonate Ramp, Northern Mexico: Oolite and Lagoonal Limestone Analogues for Oil Reservoirs from Southeastern Mexico
Mario Aranda-García, Jose P. Zarate
ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic Sedimentary Evolution and Oil Plays in the Sureste Basin of México
Víctor M. Chavez Valois, Ramiro Ríos Rojas, Nancy E. Gómez Vázquez, Víctor Martínez Morales, Consuelo Macías Ojeda, López Azuara Roberto, Hugo Peña Ramírez, Ricardo Sandoval Silva, Noemí Aguilera Franco, Marco Antonio Prado Peña
ABSTRACT: Using Dynamic Data to Validate Conductive Fracture Orientations in an Oil and Gas Field from Southeastern Mexico
Norma A. Olaez-Ahedo, Carlos F. Tapia-García, Clotilde Prieto-Ubaldo, Lilia Hernández-Salazar
ABSTRACT: Variable Depth Streamer Acquisition—Benefits of Truly Broadband Marine Seismic
Robert Soubaras, Peter Whiting
ABSTRACT: Vertical Accretion and Sea Level Rise: Implications for Estuarine Wetlands on Mustang Island, Texas
Boris Radosavljevic, James Gibeaut, Philippe Tissot
ABSTRACT: What are the Risk Atlases? Case Study: Risk Atlases in the Municipalities of Altamira, Madero, and Tampico, Tamaulipas State, Mexico
F. A. Arceo-Cabrilla, L. M. Reyes-Campero, E. G. Espinosa Aramburu
ABSTRACT: “Microbial Mound” Play from the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian in the Tampico-Misantla Basin, Mexico
Raúl Hernández de la Fuente, Oscar M. Gutiérrez Márquez, Sergio Paz López, Francisco González González, Aureliano G. Martínez Pontvianne
Analogue Modeling of the Monterrey Salient and the La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico
Mariano Cerca, Rodrigo Portillo-Pineda, Dora Carreon-Freyre
Anisotropic Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Inversion near the “Tiger” Well in Alaminos Canyon Block 818, Gulf of Mexico
Cam Kanhalangsy, Nick Golubev, Jurgen J. Zach
An Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Clastic Facies of the Lower Cretaceous Sligo Formation, Eastern U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain
Colin A. Doolan, Alexander W. Karlsen
Comparison of Data Sources to Constrain Fracture Intensity in Static Fracture Models
R. A. Nelson
Earth Sciences Graduate Programs in the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Fernando Velasco-Tapia, Francisco Medina-Barrera
Economic and Strategic Value of Oxfordian Light Oil Discoveries in the Campeche Sound Area, Mexico
E. Trejo-Vazquez, M. A. Milland Padron, J. Perez Aguilar, M. Bolon Tun, L. A. Vega Munoz, G. Martinez Hernandez
Evaluation of the Petroleum Systems of the Province of Bravo Salina, Mexico
Lazaro I. Rodriguez Arvizu, Juan R. Roman Ramos, Arturo Bautista Lopez, Luis Alarcon Cruz, Ricardo Padilla Bastida
Evolving Thoughts on the Origins of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico Basin and its Impact on Oil Quality
Barry Jay Katz
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Advances and Challenges in Seismic Data Processing and Imaging for Geologically Complex Areas
Rubén D. Martínez
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Application of Fluorescence Microscopy in a Biostratigraphic Context to Dolomitized Limestones in Southeastern Mexico: An Alternative Tool
Consuelo Macías Ojeda, Noemí Aguilera Franco, Víctor M. Martínez Morales, Ricardo Sandoval Silva, Marco Antonio Prado Peña
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Bioevents and Microfacies of the Kimmeridgian Carbonate Ramp Sequence in Southern Mexico
Ricardo Sandoval Silva, Marco A. Prado Peña, Noemí Aguilera Franco, Consuelo Macías Ojeda, Víctor Martínez Morales, Ríos Rojas Ramiro, Víctor M. Chávez Valois
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: First Report of Tempestites in the Lower Tithonian Subsurface in Southern Mexico: Sedimentary Interpretation and Exploration Perspectives
Noemí Aguilera Franco, Marco A. Prado Peña, Ricardo Sandoval Silva, Consuelo Macías Ojeda, Gómez Vázquez Nancy Edith, Ríos Rojas Ramiro, Víctor M. Chávez Valois
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Forward Modelling of Turbidite Sand Deposits on Restored Paleobathymetric Surfaces: Case Studies in Salt Tectonics Affected Areas
Anne Domzig, Stuart MacLean, Dave Waltham, Tim Rice, Ryan Shackleton
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Fracture Identification Using Non-Imaging Open Hole Logs
Britt Hill, Roman Hernandez, Daniel Brooks, Mark Przywara
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: From Isotropic to Tilted Transverse Isotropic Pre-Stack Depth Migration
Nicolas Chazalnoel
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geochemical Characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale Gas System in Northeastern Mexico
Juan R. Román Ramos, Joel Lara Rodríguez, Anselmo González García, Mariano Téllez Avilés, Rogelio Muñoz Cisneros, Ricardo Martínez Sierra
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geological and Geophysical Integration to Estimate the Thermal State in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
Joel Rosales Rodríguez
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Gravitational Collapse and Neogene Sediment Transfer across the Western Margin of the Gulf of Mexico: Insights from Numerical Models
Humberto Alzaga Ruiz, Didier Granjeon, François Roure
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deepwater Portion of the “Salina del Istmo” Province, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
Carlos T. Williams-Rojas, Enrique Reyes-Tovar, Lino Miranda-Peralta, Gerardo Reyna-Martinez, Alejandro Cardenas-Alvarado, Rodrigo Maldonado-Villalon, Veronica Muñoz-Bocanegra, Carlos Lora-delaFuente
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Kinematics of Regional Salt Flow in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Xavier Fort, Jean-Pierre Brun
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: New Application Designed to Enhance the Petrophysical Evaluation of Complex Carbonate Systems
Britt Hill, Roman Hernandez, Daniel Brooks, Mark Przywara
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: New Plays and Play Extensions Revitalize the Northern Gulf of Mexico
S. S. Boettcher, I. A. Russell, N. Way, B. P. West
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Non-Conventional Plays of Mexico: Strategy for Identification, Assessment, and Development
Guillermo A. Pèrez Cruz
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Petroleum Prospectivity at the Salina del Bravo Province, Western Gulf of Mexico
Guadalupe Bernabé Martínez, Juan C. Flores Zamora, Félix A. Ramírez Cuéllar, Aguilar Campos César, Gerardo Ríos Herrera, Arturo Soto Cuervo, J. Trinidad Martínez Vásquez
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Petroleum Prospectivity at the Salina del Bravo Province, Western Gulf of Mexico
Guadalupe Bernabé Martínez, Juan C. Flores Zamora, Félix A. Ramírez Cuéllar, Aguilar Campos César, Gerardo Ríos Herrera, Arturo Soto Cuervo, J. Trinidad Martínez Vásquez
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Petroleum System Analysis in South-Central Deep Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
Rodrigo Maldonado, Carlos T. Williams, José Ruiz, Manuel Machorro, Luis M. Medrano, Pierre Y. Chenet
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Regional Mapping in the Ultra-Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Alfredo Sánchez-Monclú, Claudio Bartolini, B. José C. Vicente
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Resolving Complex Salt Geometry: Iterative Salt Imaging and Interpretation
Gabriel Ritter, Kenneth Waddell
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Salt Tectonics at Passive Margins: Geology Versus Models
Jean-Pierre Brun, Xavier Fort
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Seismic Facies Analysis of Mesozoic and Tertiary Sequences in the Eastern Portion of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
Gerardo Reyna-Martínez, Lino Miranda-Peralta, Verónica Muñoz-Bocanegra, Minerva Arredondo-Delgadillo, José Ruíz-Morales, José Robles-Nolasco, Francisco Olivares-Pérez
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Provenance of Neogene Sandstones of the Veracruz Basin, Mexico
Martin Martinez-Medrano, Esmeralda Gonzalez-Mercado, Enoc Fernández-Avendaño
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Stratigraphy to Seismic (StSTM): Integrating Biostratigraphic Interpretations with Seismic Data
Paul Watson, Caroline Reid, Elisabeth Nairn
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Structural Evolution and Natural Fracture Patterns of the Divide Creek Anticline and Rulison/Mamm Creek Gas Fields, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Bruce D. Trudgill, Michael F. Doe
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Structural Evolution in the Tabasco Coastal Plain, Mexico
Mario E. Vazquez-Meneses, Aurelio España-Pinto, Eduardo Rosales-Contreras,
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Tectonic Controls of the Cuban Arc-Continent Collision on Offshore Sequences in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico
Wenxiu Yang, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The Gulf of Mexico Oil Correlation Study—22 Years Later!
Paul A. Comet
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Unconventional Reservoir Evaluation: Focus on the Eagle Ford
Mark Przywara, Allen Howard, Roman Hernandez, Daniel Brooks
Feasibility Study Methodology for Fracture Analysis Studies Using Seismic Azimuthal Amplitude Variation: Application in Southern Mexico
Alexis Ferrer Balas, Nahum Campos, Jesus Garcia Hernandez
Gas Province in the Deepwater Southern Gulf of Mexico
Leonardo E. Aguilera Gomez, Enrique Guzman Vera, Javier Contreras Trejo, Marco A. Arreguin Lopez, Arturo Escamilla Herrera
Geological Controls on Fracturing in Carbonate Rocks in the Sierra de Chiapas, Mexico
Miguel Hernandez Padilla, Norma Olaez Ahedo, Lilia Hernandez Salazar, Clotilde Prieto Ubaldo, Faustino Monroy Santiago, Ariel Ramirez Espinoza, Juan Juarez Placencia
Hydraulic Mobility in Fractured Systems of the Cantarell and Ku-Maloob-Zaap Oil Fields, Gulf of Mexico
Peter Birkle, Miguel A. Lozada Aguilar, Esteban Soriano Mercado, Jose de Jesus Torres Villasenor
Identifying New Exploration Fairways in the Gulf of Mexico: Deepwater Tuscaloosa/Woodbine Play
Brian W. Horn
The Influence of “Mobile” Evaporite Distribution on Salt Wall Growth and Stratigraphic Architecture in the Northern Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah
Bruce D. Trudgill
Integrated Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Transition in the Gulf of Mexico Region: Key Horizons for Hydrocarbon Oil Exploration
Ignacio Arenillas, Jose A. Arz, Jose M. Grajales-Nishimura, M. Carmen Rosales-Dominguez, Julio C. Gonzalez-Lara, Florentin J.-M. R. Maurrasse, Reinaldo Rojas-Consuegra, Gustavo Murillo-Muneton, Luis G. Velasquillo-Martinez, Antonio Camargo-Zanoguera, Leidy Menendez-Penate
Investigating Salt Domes in Harris County, Texas, Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques
Zheng Y. Huang, Shuhab Khan, Robert Stewart, Ramesh Shrestha
Laser Ablation Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), a Microanalytical Tool for Heavy Minerals Characterization: Principles and Applications
Luigi A. Solari, Arturo Gomez-Tuena, Juan Pablo Bernal
Linked Kinematic Histories of the Macuspana, Akal-Reforma, Comalcalco, and Deepwater Campeche Basin Tectonic Elements, Southern Gulf of Mexico
James Pindell, Ernesto Miranda
Mesozoic Remaining Potential in the Southeast Basins of Mexico
M. Milland Padron, J. Ruiz Morales, M. Teran Garcia
Microstratigraphy and Comparative Taphonomic Analysis of the Upper Core Shale of a Pennsylvanian Cyclothem: Keys to the Recognition of Subtle Cyclic Deposition
James R. Thomka, Ronald D. Lewis, Daniel Mosher, Peter F. Holterhoff, Isabel A. Leon y Leon, Roger K. Pabian
Neogene Depositional Systems in the Comalcalco Basin, Southeastern Mexico
J. Alonso Gomez, J. A. Martinez Mendez, O. Pinto Gomez, O. Granados Molina, M. Varela Santamaria, G. V. Flores Moro, J. Garcia Arias
New Insights into the Eastern Margin of the Tuxpan Platform and its Influence on Deepwater Plays of the Gulf of Mexico
R. Hector Ruiz, M. Carlos Caraveo, Andrew Horbury, L. Angel Saldana
Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Submarine Canyons and Thick Deepwater Sands of the Gulf of Mexico: Very Large Systems in a Greenhouse World, Not a Messinian-Like Crisis
M. L. Sweet, M. D. Blum
Petrographic and Provenance Analysis of the Miocene Sandstones in the Salina Basin, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Ricardo Torres Vargas, Elena Centeno Garcia, Ulises Hernandez Romano
Plate Kinematics of the Gulf of Mexico Based on Integrated Observations from the Central and South Atlantic
Erik A. Kneller, Christopher A. Johnson
Recent Developments in Marine Acquisition and Data Processing Technology to Improve Imaging through Complex Overburdens
Timothy Bunting, Jerry Kapoor, Nick Moldoveanu, Jeremy Browett
Regional Study of Fractures in Cretaceous Rocks of the Campeche Sound, Southern Gulf of Mexico
N. J. Robles, G. D. Obispo, F. L. B. Sanchez, R. J. Zaldivar, M. J. Ruiz, S. F. Monroy, G. M. A. De Anda, E. D. De La Cruz, G. L. Villa
Salt-Related Deformation Recorded by Allochthonous Salt Rather than Growth Strata
Mark G. Rowan, Kerry F. Inman
Salt Provinces in the Mexican Portion of the Gulf of Mexico—Structural Characterization and Evolutionary Model
Miguel Angel Cruz-Mercado, Juan Carlos Flores-Zamora, Ramon Leon-Ramirez, Hector Gilberto Lopez-Cespedes, Rolando Heberto Peterson-Rodriguez, Enrique Reyes-Tovar, Raymundo Sanchez-Rivera, David Barrera-Gonzalez
Seismic Technology Evolution to Support Prospect Evaluation, Exploration Well, and Geological Appraisal
Frederic J. Billette, Yan Quist
Size, Spacing, and Opening History of Natural Fractures: Preliminary Results from the El Alamar Formation, Northeastern Mexico
John N. Hooker, Stephen E. Laubach, Autumn Kaylor, Peter Eichhubl, Andras Fall
Stratigraphy of Sierra Mojada, Western Coahuila, Mexico: An Integrative Study of a Mesozoic Platform-Basin Margin
Sean M. Gryger
Stratigraphy of the Marble Falls Interval (Pennsylvanian), Jack and Wise Counties, Texas
Klinton M. Farrar, John A. Breyer
Structural and Stratigraphic Relationships of Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Geological Factors Contributing to Migration Variations
Margaret Dalthorp, Thomas H. Naehr
Structural Characterization and Tectonic Evolutional Onshore-Offshore Model at the Mexican Northwestern Portion of the Gulf of Mexico
Rolando H. Peterson Rodriguez, Juan C. Flores Zamora, Miguel A. Cruz Mercado, Enrique Reyes Tovar, Hector G. Lopez Cespedes, Raymundo Sanchez Rivera, David Barrera Gonzalez
A Survey of the Production Time-Scale Compaction Behavior of Unconsolidated Sands
Lori A. Hathon, Michael T. Myers
The Teaching-Learning Process Paradox of Earth Sciences Engineering Education
Antonio Hernandez-Espriu, Emilio Sanchez-Leon
Tectonic Domains in the Rio Grande / Rio Bravo Border Region, Texas and Mexico: Laramide Structures Suggest Earlier History
Thomas E. Ewing
Tectonic Evolution of the South Gulf Salt Province in the Gulf of Mexico
Raymundo Sanchez Rivera, Miguel Angel Cruz Mercado, Enrique Reyes Tovar, Hector Gilberto Lopez Cespedes, Rolando Heberto Peterson Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Flores Zamora, Ramon Leon Ramirez, David Barrera Gonzalez
Tectonics, Structure, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Mexican Ridges Fold Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico
Luis E. Salomon-Mora, Miguel Cruz-Mercado, Ian Alsop, Stuart Archer
Tertiary Progressive Folding and Faulting Systems on Evaporite Terrains at the Oil Province of Southern Mexico
Irasema S. Olvera-Barroso, Mario Aranda-Garcia
Tertiary Turbidite Systems in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
Marco Antonio Arreguin-Lopez, Gerardo Reyna-Martinez, Hilarion Sanchez-Hernandez, Arturo Escamilla-Herrera, Aaron Gutierrez-Araiza
Thermal Anomalies Near Salt: A Porosity Preservation Window
Thomas R. Taylor, Melvyn R. Giles, Lori A. Hathon, Gino V. Birbiglia, Mark G. Kittridge, Neil R. Braunsdorf
Transactions: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; Frontmatter
Jose Manuel Grajales-Nishimura, James J. Willis, Sandra Ortega, Armando Altamira, Ricardo Torres, Renato Castro, Jill C. Willis, Kristen M. Willis
Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resources in the U.S. Gulf Coast Jurassic Norphlet and Smackover Formations
Ofori N. Pearson