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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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3D Printing: A Dip Into an Evolving Technology
Lawrence Pidsley
Introduction to Deep Learning: Part I
Hongbo Zhou, Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
An Introduction to Deep Learning: Part II
Lasse Amundsen, Hongbo Zhou, Martin Landrø
Advancing Geoscience in South East Asia
GeoExPro Staff
The Angle of the North
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Anongporn Intawong
Arthur Beeby-Thompson: Oil Pioneer
Paul C. Logan
Australia: New Imaging of the Vulcan Sub-basin
Tony Pedley, Richard Palmer, Polarcus, Spectrum
Beneath Belize
Gareth Williams
Benin: The Low Cost, High Impact Frontier
Emma Tyrrell, Peter Elliott, Matt Lofgran, Blandine Biaou
Brazil is Back in the Game
David Contreras Diaz, Polarcus
Breaking Up is Never Easy: The Complexities That Create Opportunities in the Distal Domain
Helen Doran, Gianreto Manatschal
Brent: An Aging Giant
Jane Whaley
A Cleaner Future for Drilling
Kathryn Shepherd
Communicating Geoscience: What is Geology?
Jane Whaley
Côte d’Ivoire: Completing the Jigsaw
Matthew Tyrrell, Ibrahima Diaby, PGS
Deep Offshore Exploration in Greece
Yannis Bassias
The East Shetland Platform
Stefano Patruno, Christine Roche, PGS
Exploration Opportunities in the Mediterranean
Verity Agar, Paul Bellingham, Nicola Clarke, Elisabeth Gillbard, Ken McDermott, ION
Exploring West of Shetland: The Northern Flett Sub-Basin
Alex Birch-Hawkins, Ashleigh Hewitt, James Clarke, Jennifer Halliday, Will Bradbury, TGS
Frontier Exploration in Egypt’s Mediterranean Sea
Simon Baer, Øystein Lie, Matthew Pyett, Chris Davies, Rune Sakariassen, Ayman El Morshedy
The Future is at the Bottom of the Ocean
Petter Steen-Hansen
The Future of Marine Seismic Acquisition?
Luc Haumonté
The Geological Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Stephen P. J. Cossey
The Golden Snitch? Borehole Gravity for Reservoir Monitoring
Jennifer Hare, Matthew Place
Hunting for NULFs
John Dolson
Hydrocarbon Potential in the North Barents Basin
Gennady Kazanin, Sergey Pavlov, Sergey Shkarubo, Valentina Shlykova
Imaging Shallow Reservoirs through Innovation
Jane Whaley
Independents Rockin’ on Alaska’s North Slope
Thomas Smith
Insights into Exploration: Tools for a New Era
Kasper Storrs, Colette Lyle, Christine Yallup, Jonathan Wilson, Richard James
Integrating Seismic Imaging and Inversion
Francisco Bolivar, Richard Cooper, Lucy MacGregor, Jacqueline O’Connor, Jeff Codd, David Kessler
Is There a G in Decommissioning?
John Simpson, John Mcnab
Learning on the Rocks
Jon Noad
Liberia: A Fresh Approach
Ben Sayers, Alex Birch-Hawkins, Rufus Tarnue, Gerrard Spear, Lauren Mayhew
Modeling Exploration Strategies
Daniel Baltar, Neville Barker
The Mysterious Mister Rickett
Michael Quentin Morton
Newark East Barnett Shale’s Spindletop
Thomas Smith
A New Era for LNG
Bill Howe
New Opportunities in the Central North Sea
William Reid, Stefano Patruno
Oil in the Heart of South America
Jane Whaley
Oil Prices and Crises: A Brief History of Booms and Busts: Part I
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Olympus Rising: A Step Change in North Carnarvon Basin Imaging
Julian Mather, Nicolas Hand, Spectrum
Powerful Forecasting for Shale Reservoirs
Thomas Smith
Refining Exploration Opportunities in Mexico: Evaluation of Offshore Campeche Salt Basin with Progressive Data Resolution
Brian W. Horn, Andrew Hartwig, Jeff Faw, Ika Novianti, Antara Goswami, Adrian Mcgrail, ION
Reflection or Refraction?
Aleksandr Nikitin, Nikolay Amelin, Sergei Pokrovskii, Andrey Lekomtsev
Regional Play Types in the Mexican Offshore
Cian O’Reilly, James Keay, Alex Birch-Hawkins, Duncan Bate, Jennifer Halliday, TGS
Revealing Future Opportunities Within the Southern MSGBC Basin
Nick Cameron, Andy Carr, Ben Sayers, TGS
Riding the Switchback: A Brief History of Booms and Busts: Part II
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Sergipe Basin Potential Revealed
Karyna Rodriguez, Mike Saunders, Neil Hodgson, Laurie Geiger, Spectrum
Shaping the Future of Seismic Interpretation
Vianney Savajol
The South-West Barents Sea: New Opportunities from the Atlantic Margin
Paolo Esestime, Spectrum
Time-Lapse Refraction Seismic I: A Complementary Monitoring Method?
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
Time-Lapse Refraction Seismic II: Field Examples
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
Time-Lapse Seismic and Geomechanics
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
UAS: Innovative Technical Solution in a Dynamically Changing Industry
Karen Dalton
Unexplored Malawi
Jane Whaley
Vietnam: Improved Images of Fractured Basement
Jim Keggin, Wathik Alaaraji, Joe Zhou
Why Leopards Can Change Their Software Spots
Alex Stedman