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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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AI: Game-Changer in Development or Exploration — or Both?
Mark Brownless, Ryan Williams, Dave Brett
AI and Petroleum System Risk Assessment
Mathieu Ducros, Félix Gonçalves
Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Our Understanding
Mark Brownless, Ryan Williams, Abdulqadir Cader, Geoteric
Bangladesh Upstream: Delayed but Not Out
Madeleine Slatford
Big Data and Post-Graduate Training
Mike Bowman
A Bridge Between Two Worlds
Jane Whaley
Broadband 4D Seismic Provides New Level of Detail
Yulia Biryaltseva, Tor Vegar Mårdalen, Per-Harald Saure-Thomassen, Marta Wierzchowska, Anastasiya Tantsereva, Julien Oukili
Buscador: The 'Searcher-Engine for Oil' in Mexico's Hottest Hotspot
Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Searcher
Central Utah Thrust Belt: A Lost Cause?
Thomas Smith
Chasing Plays Along the Rona Ridge
Matthew Dack
China's Deep, Hot, Harsh Reservoirs Spur Innovation
Susan Smith Nash
Cinder Cone or Mud Volcano? Experience Bias and Observation on the Papuan Plateau
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez
Comprehending Climate Complexities
Jeremy Woods, Victoria Hoare
Could LNG Prove Transformational for Mozambique?
GeoExpro Staff
CSEM: Back from the Brink
Richard Cooper, Lucy MacGregor
Egypt's Buried Secrets
Mark Davies, Gary Barnes
Empires of Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean
Peter Elliott, Jon Ford
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part IX: How CO2 Emits IR Photons
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part VII: Arrhenius' Greenhouse Rule for CO2
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part VIII: How CO2 Absorbs Earth's IR Radiation
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landroø
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part X: How quickly does atmospheric CO2 mix into the ocean and biosphere?
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage Part VI: More on the Simple Greenhouse Model
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Gabon: Staying Ahead of the Herd in the Ultra-Deep Waters
Jake Berryman, Gregor Duval, CGG
Game Changer for Unconventional Reservoirs
Thomas Smith
Geochemistry and Microbiology in Seep Prospecting
Martin Fowler, Casey Hubert
A Geoenergy Collage
Julien Mouli-Castillo
Geoscience in a Low Carbon Future
Dean Baker
A Global Exploration Hotspot
Wei Mingchi, Shi Kuitai, Gao Jing
The Guyana-Suriname Connection
Peter Elliott, Rog Hardy
The Hotspot That Keeps On Giving
Rog Hardy, Peter Elliott
How is Natural Gas Priced?
Vivek Chandra
Hydraulic Fracturing and Environmental Issues
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Hydrogen and CCS in Future Energy
Corin Taylor
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Sven Philit, Sebastien Lacaze, Benjamin Durot, Jake Marson
The Khoshtaria Concessions: Oil and the Northern Provinces of Iran
Michael Quentin Morton
Kwanza Shelf: New 3D Seismic Imaging Reveals Pre- and Post-Salt Plays
Georgina Katzaros, Avril Burrell, Jean Afonso Colsoul, Naire Judith Ricardo Cahumba Quengue, PGS, ANPG
The Land That Oil Forgot: Palestine, 1913–1948
Michael Quentin Morton
Locating Sweet Spots: Shale Petroleum Systems
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Making Waves with Big Seismic Computing
Bill Shea
Mapping in Microns
Shane Butler, Blaise Mibeck, Bethany Kurz, Alexander Azenkeng
Marine Site Investigation and Reducing Risk
Mark E. Vardy
MCG's Regional Deep Imaging Project: Norwegian Sea 2019
Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Tor Åkermoen, NGU, MCG
MER: The Race to Find Proven Oil
Matt Mulcahy, Fazrie Wahid
Mexico's Energy Reform
Aruna Mannie
Mexico: Maximus Survey: Opportunities in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Jeroen Hoogeveen, Jeniffer Masy, MCG, Geoex
Morocco: Lixus Offshore: How new data analysis techniques are transforming a basin
Melissa Chin, Duncan Wallace, Chariot Oil & Gas
The Nile Delta
Peter Elliott
No Longer a Dream
Alan J. Cohen, Hamed Soroush, Salah Faroughi
Norway: The North Sea Super Basin Story Continues
Marit Stokke Bauck, Jaswinder Mann-Kalil, Idar A. Kjørlag, Anna Rumyantseva, Thomas Latter, CGG
Offshore Argentina: Tertiary Play Potential in the Malvinas Basin
Krista Davies, Peter Hoiles, Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Searcher, Discover Geoscience
Orphan Basin, Canada: From Regional Prospect Screening to Reliable Reservoir Attributes Estimation
Scott Opdyke, Cyrille Reiser, Tiago Alcantara, Elena Polyaeva, PGS
Pangea III: At the Heart of E&P
Pierre-Olivier Lys, Paul Robin
Pannonian Basin: Repeated and Repeatable Success
Jon Ford
The Philippines: A Land of Irony and Opportunity
John Mark Bautista
Pitfall Petrofacies
Anne McAfee, Simon Greenfield, Joseph Whiting
Ras Al Khaimah: Great Hydrocarbon Potential
Giacomo Firpo
Revolutionising the Prediction of Reservoir Performance
Sina Mohajeri, Matthias Hartung
Ruminations on CO2
Susan Fellows
Salt Biostratigraphy: An Untapped Source of Data?
Gil Machado
Seein the World in Three Dimensions
Susan Fellows
A Simple Guide to Seismic Horizon Interpretation
Gil Machado
Tackling the Local Content Gap
William Pollen
Tantalising Opportunities in Angola
Matt Tyrrell, Alessandro Colla, Mike Oehlers
Teaching the Machines
Jake Bouma
Try Before You Buy!
Lars Zühlsdorff, Trond Haugland
Underexplored African Source Rocks
Nick Cameron, Mike Rego
Unlocking University-Industry Collaboration
Kristoffer J. Zieba, Kristoffer Lund Vik-Langlie
Using Super Basins as Analogues
Charles A. Sternbach
Who Needs Geoscientists?
Mike Simmons, Andy Davies, Andy W. Hill, Mike Stephenson
Why Exploration Offshore Somalia Could Reveal an Oily Surprise
Richard Hedley, TGS
The Wilson Cycle and Petroleum Plays
Rasoul Sorkhabi