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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Upper Palaeozoic Stratigraphy of the Area West of Kampar, Perak
T. Suntharalingam
The Permian System in Malaya
D. J. Gobbett
The Tembeling Formation---A Litho-Stratigraphic Description (West Malaysia)
B. N. Koopmans
Physical and Chemical Differentiation of West Malaysian Limestone Formations
Charles Strachan Hutchison
Abstract: The Northwest Borneo Geosyncline in Its Geotectonic Setting
N. S. Haile
Abstract: The Effects of Late Tertiary and Quaternary Tectonic Movements on the Geomorphological Evolution of Brunei and Adjacent Parts of Sarawak
G. E. Wilford
Abstract: Glaciation of Mount Kinabalu
P. H. Stauffer
Tectogene Hypothesis Applied to the Pre-Tertiary of Sabah and the Philippines
Charles Strachan Hutchison