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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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The Relationship between the Disposition of Primary Tungsten Deposits is Selangor and Negri Sembilan (Peninsular Malaysia) and the Tungsten Distribution Pattern is the Associated Granites
C. H. Yeap, K. F. G. Hosking
A Procedure for Computing the Lattice Constants of Some Crystal Systems
S. H. Chan
Cross Bedding is Sandstones of Probable Carboniferous Age at Tanjung Gelang, Pahang
Peter H. Stauffer
Radiometric Ages of Ignimbrites of Toba, Sumatra
H. D. Tjia
Limitations of Vibratory Sieving Machines
G. S. Gibbons
Pegmatites from the Southern Part of the Western Foothills of Gunung Benom, Pahang
T. T. Khoo
Overturned Structures is Kenny Hill Formation, Selangor
H. D. Tjia
Implications of a Quartz Dyke near Kuantan, Pahang
P. H. Stauffer
Evidence for the Occurrence of an Older Granitold is Pulau Tioman, Pahang
T. T. Khoo
Kadar Pengangkatan Tektonik Sekitar Miri, Sarawak (IN MALAY), Rate of Tectonic Uplift around Miri, Sarawak
H. D. Tjia, Shoji Fujii, Kunihiko Kigoshi
Lepar Fault Zone, Pahang
H. D. Tjia
Enapan Gunungapi Muda Di Trengganu (IN MALAY), Volcanic sediments of the most turbulent
H. D. Tjia