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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Abstract: An Alternative to the Barrovian Interpretation? Evidence from Stratiform Ores.
R. L. Stanton
Collapsed Pumice Phenoclasts in a Meta-Breccia of Pulau Tioman
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: An Alternative to the Barrovian Interpretation? Evidence from Stratiform Ores.
R. L. Stanton
Abstract: An Overview of Engineering Geologic Problems is Malaysia
Tan Bock Kang, Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Soil Density Measurement by the Thermal Probe Method
Siah Boon Seng
Abstract: Use of Rice Husk Ash for Soil Stabilization
M. S. Subrahmanyam, Lee Lih Cheran, Lee So Cheran
Abstract: Preliminary Studies of Price, Composition, Type and Index Properties of Common Construction Bricks from Selangor and Federal Territory
Aw Peck Chin, Tan Yee Nuo
Abstract: Discontinuity Analysis in Rock Slope Stability
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Reconditioning the Impregnated Microbits - The Way to Study Rock Drillability on a Laboratory Scale
B. Sirimbumrungsukha
Abstract: Kelantan Groundwater Computer Model
Ismail M. Noor
Abstract: Selection of Solid Waste Disposal Sites - Some Geologic and Hydrogeologic Considerations
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Well-Field Design for Aquifer near Bachok, Kelantan
Ismail M. Noor
Abstract: Problems and Application of the Seismic Refraction Method in Civil Engineering Projects in Malaysia
Lim Beng Kung
Abstract: Geophysical Surveys in Civil Engineering Site Investigations
Stephen J. Jones
Abstract: Offshore Geophysical Site Investigations in the Malay Basin
D. F. Duncan, Khee Kok Kean
Magnetic and Tectonic Trends, Southern Peninsular Malaysia
G. Van Klinken
On the Suggested Effects of Potassium Metasomatism on Some Rocks in Peninsular Malaysia
T. T. Khoo
Fission-Track of Zircons from the Serdang Volcanic Ash, Peninsular Malaysia
Susumu Nishimura, Peter H. Stauffer
Abstract: The Margins of the Central Belt, Peninsular Malaysia
B. K. Tan
Abstract: Background and Progress of the Geochemical Exploration Programme Central Belt Project
Fateh Chand
Abstract: Interpretation of Regional Gravity Data across South-Central Peninsular Malaysia
Loke Meng Heng, Lee Chong Yan, G. A. Van Klinken
Abstract: Metamorphic Episodes of the Western Foothills of Gunung Ledang (Mt., Ophir), Johore-Malacca
T. T. Khoo
Abstract: K-Ar and Rb-Sr Mica Mineral Ages from the Gunung Ledang Granite
Yap Fook Loi
Abstract: Osmiridium - A Discovery in Cheroh, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
Shu Yeoh Khoon
Abstract: Manson Lode - A Stratabound Submarine Exhalative Base Metal - Silver Deposit
Gan Lay Chin
Abstract: Airborne Geophysical Survey Central Belt Project of Peninsular Malaysia
A. S. Gan
Abstract: Preliminary Geological Studies of the Chini-6 Area, Pahang Tenggara
Low Keng Lok
Abstract: Association of Barite and Sulphides in East and Central Belts of Peninsular Malaysia - Significance and Prospects
Aw Peck Chin
Abstract: Geology of Southern Songkhla, Yala, Narathiwas and Pattani Areas, Southern Peninsular Thailand
Sahat Muenlek, Assanee Meesook
Nature of the Contact of the Semanggol and Mahang Formations at the Dublin Ridge Area, Kedah
T. T. Khoo
A Late Wolfcampian (Early Permian) Conodont Fauna from Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
I. Metcalfe
A Preliminary Note on the Geology of the Chini-6 Area: a Base Metals Prospect in the Eastern Belt of the Malay Peninsula
K. L. Low
A Quaternary Fault in Peninsular Malaysia: a Nontectonic Interpretation
H. D. Tjia
An Unusual Tin Mine in Limestone Pothole, near Pusing, Perak
P. C. Aw
Granit Terluluhawa: Koluvium Atau Granit Terurai? (IN MALAY), Weathered Granite: Granite Unraveling Or Colluvium?
Ibrahim Komoo
Occurrence of a Not Unexpected Dolerite in Central Kedah
T. T. Khoo,B. K. Tan
Tektonik Keping Dan Tektonik Lempeng (IN MALAY), Tectonic Slices And Plate Tectonics
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Northwest Extension of the Patani Metamorphics Terrane
T. T. Khoo
Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Machinchang and Tarutao Formations
C. P. Lee
Abstract: Lineaments in Granite and the Relationship to the Distribution of Alluvial Tin Deposits in NW Peninsular Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Abstract: Geophysical and Geological Aspects of the Exploration of Carbonate Buildups in Central Luconia, Sarawak
Lim Tee Peng, Goh Leng Siang
Abstract: 3D - Marine Seismic Data Recording and Processing
W. Houba
Abstract: Cuttings Gas Analysis and its Application in Petroleum Geochemistry
K. Le Tran
Abstract: The Geology and Development of the Bekok Field - Offshore Peninsular Malaysia
Abdullah Haron, S. E. Sabatka
Abstract: EPMI'S Use of the HP-41C for Wellsite Log Analysis
Don M. Murdock
Abstract: Origin and Distribution of Pores in Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks for Potential Hydrocarbon Reservoir
Osamu Sato
Abstract: Extended Baseline of a Modified Hifix/6 Chain
Lee Swee Guan, Derek Alder
Abstract: Sedimentary History and Palaeofacies Development of Upper Oligocene to Pleistocene Deposits in the Balingian, Southwest and Central Luconia, Provinces of Sarawak
M. J. Brolsma
Abstract: Regional Tectonics and the Neogene Geology of Northwest Sabah
M. J. Brolsma
Abstract: Use of the Lithology Density Tool (Ldt) to Improve Lithology Identification and Gas Detection
B. A. Marchette, M. Jennings
Abstract: Seismic Reflection Applied to Sedimentology
J. Delaplanche
Abstract: In-Place Hydrocarbon Volume Calculation Techniques
Abdul Malek Rani, Yew Chee Cheong
Abstract: Quality Control of Navigation
M. James
Abstract: Search for Hydrocarbons in Bangladesh with German Assistance
Karl Hiller
Abstract: Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Marine 3-D Data
Ted Selby
Abstract: Application of Palynology to the Stratigraphic Study of Neogene, Series, Offshore Sabah
Cl. Poumot