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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Placer Gold Discovery in Thailand
Jon L. Rau, Prinya Nutalaya
Abstract: Lateritic Soils of Peninsular Malaysia
S. Paramananthan
Abstract: A Chromium-Nickel Laterite in Bukit Punggor, Malacca, Peninsular Malaysia
B. K. Tan
Abstract: Residual Soils over Granite
J. K. Raj
Viewpoint: The Exploitation and Conservation of Natural Resources
Kiew Bong Heang
A Reappraisal of the Bok Bak Fault Zone
J. K. Raj
A Chromium-Nickel Laterite in Bukit Punggor, Malacca, Peninsular Malaysia
B. K. Tan
Abstract: The Wonderful Properties Ascribed to Geodes
K. F. G. Hosking
Abstract: Resistivity technique as currently applied to Groundwater Exploration in Australia and the Klang Valley Groundwater Project, Peninsular Malaysia.
A. Bowden
Abstract: Quaternary Geology Study of Peninsular Malaysia by the Geological Survey of Malaysia
T. Suntharalingam
Abstract: Soil Scientist View of the Quaternary of Peninsular Malaysia
S. Paramananthan, S. Zauyah
Abstract: River Terraces of the Tambunan Plain, Sabah, East Malaysia
J. K. Raj
The Localised Occurrence of Hornblende in Granite from the J.K.R. Quarry, Kuala Dipang, Perak
D. Santokh Singh, S. K. Yong
The Granites of Peninsular Malaysia: A Collaborative Study by Institute of Geological Sciences and Geological Survey of Malaysia
E. J. Cobbing, D. I. J. Mallick, Yap Fook Loi, Teoh Lay Hock
Gravity Traverse across Northern Peninsular Malaysia - Preliminary Results
G. Van Klinken, Ho Choon Seng
Role of Groundwater in the Malaysian Environment
Stephen Hancock
A Note on the Age of the Weathering Profiles of Peninsular Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Viewpoint: The Exploitation and Conservation of Natural Resources - a Discussion
P. C. Aw
Perkembangan Dalam Penerbitan Buku-Buku Geologi (IN MALAY), Developments in Publishing Books of Geology
Mohamad Ali B. Haji Hasan
Abstract: A Yellow Tin-Spar from Ireland
K. F. G. Hosking
Applications of the Fission Track Age Method: with Examples from the Ries Meteorite Impact Crater (Germany), Bergell Mountains (Switzerland), Adirondack Mountains and Catskill Mountains (New York)
D. S. Miller
Abstract: Complex Tungsten Deposits (Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Genesis)
G. H. Moh
Abstract: Environmental Significance of Clay Minerals
B. W. Nelson
An Interesting Exposure of Unconsolidated Sediments in the Kuantan Area of Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Ujian Pantulan Tukul Schmidt Untuk Menganggar Kekuatan Batuan Dengan Contoh-Contoh Batuan Granit Di Kawasan Pulau Pinang (IN MALAY), Schmidt Hammer Rebound Test for Estimating the Strength of Granite Rocks: Example from Penang Area
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Occurrence of a not Unexpected Dolerite in Central Kedah - A Discussion
C. S. Hutchison
Abstract: Occurrence of a not Unexpected Dolerite in Central Kedah - A Reply
T. T. Khoo, B. K. Tan
Abstract: Alphabetising People's Names - It's Driving Me Crazy, Dr. Sigmund!
Peter H. Stauffer
Abstract: Origin of Kinta Limestone Hills - By George!
T. T. Khoo
Geostatistics and its Application for the Evaluation of Tin Deposits
L. Sandjivy
Abstract: Some Aspects of Earthquake Prediction in Japan
I. Murata
Abstract: Some Aspects of Mineral Development in the Asean Region: Needs for the Promotion of Mechanisms for Overcoming Non-Technical Obstacles to International Mineral Development
J. F. McDivitt
Abstract: A Case History - Prospecting, Evaluation and Development of the Mamut Mine
Yoshio Akiyama
Abstract: Loci of Primary Tin Mineralization in the Kinta Valley - A New Look at Old Data
Aw Peck Chin
Abstract: Gravity Surveys for Tin Bearing Geological Structures in the Pusing Area, Perek - Some Preliminary Results
Loke Meng Heng, Ho Choon Heng, Lee Chong Yen
Abstract: The Tungsten Deposits of Xihuashan, China
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: The 6-Inch Bangka Drill as a Sampling Tool for Auriferous Placers in Kelantan
Choo Mun Keong, Andrew Spykerman
Abstract: Prospects for Placer Tin around the Dindings Area, Perek
T. Suntharalingam
Abstract: Origin of Some Granitoids and Their Possible Implications in the Exploration for Sn, W, U and Base Metal Deposits in Malaysia
Cheang Kok Keong
Abstract: Subaquatic Plants as Geochemical Samples
Tan Teong Hing
Abstract: Observations on the Geology of the Porphyry Copper Sub-Province of Southwest Negros, Philippines
C. K. Burton
Abstract: Reinterpretation of the Fe-Sn Mineralization at the Waterfall Mine, Pelepah Kanan, Johore
Yeap Ee Beng
Abstract: Niobium-Tantalum Minerals from Peninsular Malaysia
Wan Fuad Bin Wan Hassan, Oleg Von Knorring
Abstract: Limestone Survey by Seismic Reflection
Abdul Halim Quazi
A Large Prehistoric Landslide near Raub, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
Ong Guan Bee, Peter H. Stauffer
Disharmonic Folds at Tanjung Mat Amin, Trengganu
H. D. Tjia
A Chromium-Nickel Laterite in Bukit Punggor, Malacca, Peninsular Malaysia - A Discussion
C. S. Hutchison
A Chromium Nickel Laterite in Bukit Punggor, Malacca, Peninsular Malaysia - A Reply
B. K. Tan
Peninsular Malaysia Place-Names
S. K. Yong
Abstract: Geological and mineral exploration of the Kalahari, SW Africa
C. R. Jones
Abstract: Geological Aspects of Materials Requirements in Road Construction Specifications
P. J. Clutterbuck
Abstract: Geotechnical Problems Associated with Construction of Major Structures over Subsurface Marble Bedrock
Tan Bock Kang
Abstract: Engineering Properties of Weathered Granite Profiles - A Preliminary Study
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Weathering and Rock Strength
John Kunaraj
Abstract: The Dimension Stone Industry of Peninsular Malaysia
Yeap Ee Beng
Abstract: Extraction of Sand and Gravel in Peninsular Malaysia
Aw Peck Chin
Abstract: Construction Materials for the Sembrong and Bekok Dams, Johore
Au Yong Mun Heng, Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Closure of the Batu Caves Quarries and Alternative Rock Sources for the Federal Territory
Aw Peck Chin
Abstract: Material Survey for the Kemasin-Semerak Project, Kelantan
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Emulsion Explosives in Rock Excavation
Stig Olofsson
Abstract: Seismic Refraction Surveys in Areas of Tropical Weathering and Rugged Topography: An Example from a Damsite Investigation in Pahang, Malaysia
C. A. Foss, K. Preamakanathan
Abstract: Weathering Profiles over Granitic Bedrock - Morphological Zones, Seismic Velocities and Excavability Characteristics
John Kunaraj
Abstract: Conservation and Management of Construction Materials
Mohamad Ali Hasan
Abstract: Exploitation of Construction Materials and Their Relation with Geological Environments
Agus P. P. Brotodihardjo
Abstract: Geologic Input, or the Lack of it, in Civil Construction
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Exploration History of the Semangkok Field
Lye Yue Choong
Abstract: Semangkok Field Delineation and Evaluation
Mohd. Noor Ismail
Abstract: Rapid Source Rock Evaluation by Programmed Pyroanalysis in Petroleum Exploration
Douglas Whyte
Abstract: Seismic Relfection Survey in Bangladesh for Hydrocarbon
Abdul Halim Quazi
Abstract: Neogene Biostratigraphy of Western Taiwan
Tunyow Huang
Abstract: A Preliminary Study on the Dielectric Properties of a Malaysian "Rock" Saturated with Water and Crude Oil
S. Ibrahim, A. H. Shaari, K. Khalid
Abstract: Carbonates: A Potential Exploration Target in the Malay Basin
Koh Tuck Wai
Abstract: Pre-Tertiary Basement of Borneo: What and Where?
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: New Frontiers in Seismic Exploration
Svein Kjellesvik
Abstract: Proposed Calcareous Nannofossil Zonation Scheme for the Miocene to Holocene of Southeast Asia
O. Varol
Abstract: Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data, a Review
Ted Selby
Abstract: The Tembungo Field, 1979–1982
M. R. Dixon, S. Chakravathy
Abstract: The Effects of Petroleum Exploitation and Development on the Physical Environment - (The Malaysian Scene)
Mohamad Ali B. Haji Hasan
Abstract: Diagenesis and Depositional Environment of the F6 Reef Complex, Central Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak
Md. Nazri Ramli