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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Sequential Aerial Photographs in Monitoring Coastal Changes
J. K. Raj
Abstract: Mélange and Subduction in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan
Shigeki Hada
Abstract: The Motion of Africa and Europe and its Relevance to Alpine-Mediterranean Tectonics
A. G. Smith
Zon Tanah Lemah Di Atas Batukapur Dasar (IN MALAY), Weak Soil Zone above Limestone Bedrock
Tan Boon Kong, Ch'ng Soo Chau
The Sabah Melange - A Stratigraphic Unit?
Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Tan Teong Hing
An Introduction to Weathered Rock and Residual Soils for Engineers
P. G. Fookes
Subduction Zones
S. Uyeda
Abstract: Anorogenic Tin Granites: Classical Examples from Africa
P. Bowden
Abstract: Palaeomagnetism and tectonic displacement
J.C. Briden
Abstract: Orientation of Geological Planes (Joints): Their Indirect Determination and Meaning in Underground Construction
Abdul Ghani Rafek
Abstract: The Indosinian Orogeny and the Problem of the Triassic Basins
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: Disparate Late Quaternary Shorelines in Peninsular Malaysia: Shift of the Geoid or Crustal Movement?
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Granitoids, Enclaves and Magma Mixing
S. Chandra Kumar
Abstract: Pembandingan Geokimia Granit Trias dan Kapur-Tersier di Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Geochemical Comparison of the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Triassic Granites of the Malay Peninsula
Hamzah Mohamad, Mohamad Noor Rani
Abstract: Interfacial Energy and Spatial Distribution of Crystals in Rocks
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: The Role of Geophysical Techniques in Quaternary Geology
Abdul Rahim Haji Samsudin
Abstract: Gravity Mapping of the Coastal Plain of Selangor
C. A. Foss
Abstract: Depth of Penetration of Geophysical Exploration Methods as Applied in Shallow Engineering Geological Investigations
Abdul Ghani Rafek
Abstract: A Case Study of the Seismic Reflection Method Applied to Subsurface Geological Mapping in the Kuala Lumpur Area
J. K. Raj, Preamakanthan
Abstract: Engineering Properties of Some Igneous Rocks in Peninsular Malaysia
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: The Stability of Slope Cuts along the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway
J. K. Raj
Abstract: Rock Slope Stabilization for Hillside Residential Development - A Case Study in Kuala Lumpur
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Foundation Grouting of Batu Dam, Kuala Lumpur
Saim Suratmen
Abstract: Structural Geology of the Macincang Formation, Langkawi Islands
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Stratigraphic analysis of the Sungai Arip area and its regional implications
No Chee Kwong
Abstract: Palaeoenvironment of the Subis-Ulu Niah Area, Sarawak
Lim Heng Gaul
Abstract: Some Sedimentological Studies in the Teres-Pakau Area, Sarawak
Ann Yasmin
Abstract: Tertiary Molasse Deposition in the South-Eastern Ulu Sebuyau Area, West Sarawak
Seitle Singh
Abstract: Groundwater Facies in Peninsular Malaysia
Ismail Mohd Noor
Abstract: A Study of Groundwater Hydrology in the Lower Kelantan River Basin with Environmental Isotopes
Daud Mohamad
Abstract: Recharge of Deep Aquifer in Kelantan, Malaysia
Ismail Mohd Noor
Abstract: Investigation on the Presence of Excessive Arsenic and Fluoride in Well-Water in Kg. Sekolah, Ulu Kepong
Chow Weng Sum
Abstract: Trace Element Distribution Patterns in Cassiterites from Different Geologic Environments
Teh Guan Hoe, R. W. Hutchinson
Abstract: Some Petrographical Implications of the Coal from the Mukah-Balingian Area
Sriyanee De Silva
Abstract: Estuarine Sediments in Exploration Geochemistry
T. H. Tan
Abstract: On the Dispersion Stability of the Singapore Slime, and its Relation to the Malaysian Tin Mining Slime
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Crystallization History of Basic Intrusive Rocks of Singapore and Linden Estate (Johore)
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: Magnetic Susceptability Studies of Basic Igneous Rocks of Peninsular Malaysia
Clive Foss, K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: Conservation of Geological Features in Peninsular Malaysia
Frank S. K. Yong
A Note on the Occurrence of Clay-Associated Dolomite from Offshore Sabah
Mazlan Haji Madon
Radiocarbon Age of a 410-Metre High Reef Flat at Luwuk, Sulawesi
H. D. Tjia, Priyantono Sumosusastro
Evidence for East-Tilt of the Bintang Granitoid near Grik, Perak
H. D. Tjia, Syed Sheikh Almashoor
Petrology and Geochemical Analysis of Coal from the South Mukah-Balingian Region, Sarawak
Sriyanee De Silva
Abstract: Recent Rectonics in Algeria, Greece and Iran
C. Vita-Finzi
Abstract: Exploration Philosophy
B. M. Hanson
The Granites of the Southeast Asian Tin Belt
E. J. Cobbing
Stratigraphy of the South Mukah-Balingian Region, Sarawak
Sriyanee De Silva
A Miocene Shark Tooth from Sarawak
M. B. Idris, D. S. Ngab
Abstract: Evolution of a Passive Margin in Western Tethys
Neil Harbury
Abstract: Diagenesis in Palaeogene Sandstones, California
Peter C. van de Kamp
A Carboniferous Shallow Marine Fauna from Bukit Bucu, Batu Rakit, Terengganu
M. B. Idris, S. M. Zaki
The Classification and Nomenclature for Porous Clastic Rocks
Sriyanee De Silva
Abstract: The History and Geology of Irong Barat Field
Jawati Abu Naim
Abstract: Formation Microscanner Services - A Tool to Define Fine-Scale Geological Features with a 'Core-like' Image
Ali R. Somturk
Abstract: Litho+/Dipmeter Synergy: A Geological Interpretation Technique
G. G. Shanor, Ali Mohd. Shariff
Abstract: Large Scale 3D Marine Seismic Exploration
E. G. Selby
Abstract: Advances in Diplog Data Processing for Stratigraphic Analysis
Terrence H. Quinn
Abstract: Oligocene to Early Miocene Alluvial Deltaic Systems Southeastern Part of the Malay Basin, Offshore West Malaysia
Nik Ramli Nik Hassan
Abstract: Petroliferous Basins of India with Special Reference to the Giant Bombay High Oil Field
V. V. Sastri
Abstract: Geological Configuration of the Betty Field, Baram Delta Province, Offshore Sarawak
H. D. Johnson, T. Kuud, J. H. Archer
Abstract: Better Accuracy from Sidescan Records: The Object-Chord Method
Malcolm Jones
Abstract: PTV-Modelling as a Predictive Tool in Hydrocarbon Exploration with Examples from the Mid-Norwegian Continental Shelf
Odd R. Heum
Abstract: Controls on the Development of a Modern Beach Ridge System - Significance in Interpretation of Ancient Sequences
Noor Azim Ibrahim
Abstract: A Geophysical Case History of the Irong Barat Field
Lye Yue Hong
Abstract: Tectonic Evolution and Structure Styles of Cenozoic Basins around Taiwan Area
Frank Fu Wen Huang
Abstract: Multiple Streamers and Sources in 3D Marine Seismic Surveys, Offshore Sarawak - 1986
Vincent Kong
Abstract: Early Diagenesis of a Holocene Reefal Terrace Merak-Anyer Area Northwest Java Island, Indonesia
M. Cassoudebat, Said El latief, A. Fediaevsky
Abstract: The Hydrocarbon Habitat of Petronas Carigali's Main Operating Areas in the Malay Basin
Md. Nazri Ramli, Jamlus Yassin, Mansor Ahmad