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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Depositional and Diagenetic Fabric of Gas Reservoirs in the Oligocene Vicksburg Formation, McAllen Ranch Field, Hidalgo County, Texas
Richard P. Langford
Abstract: Evidence for Deep-Water Evaporite Deposition in the Miocene Kareem Formation, Southwestern Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Sharon A. Stonecipher
Abstract: Pennsylvanian Cycle Stratigraphy and Carbonate Facies Control of Reservoir Development in the Salt Creek Field, Kent County, Texas
Dale A. Walker
The Austin Chalk - An Overview
Doug Haymond
Abstract: Expression of Seeps and Seep-Related Features on High-Resolution Seismic and Other Imaging Systems
Gregory J. Nash
Abstract: Diagenetic Framework for Chemical Remanence Acquisition in Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks From W. Newfoundland
R. T. Beaubouef, P. F. Rush
Abstract: Mechanical Models of Compressional Fault-Related Folds: Controls on Deformation and Internal Stress
K. D. Apperson
Abstract: Monitoring Changes in a Sediment-Starved Texas Beach Following the Removal of an Erosion-Prevention Structure
Pamela F. Borne
Abstract: Field Studies of Bronzite Granophyre, Vredefort Structure, South Africa
A. M. Therriault, W. U. Reimold
Chandeleur Sound Offers Petroleum Potential
Rodney W. Jackson