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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Thermal Recovery Activity in South Texas
C. P. Suderman, Jr.
Abstract: Petrology and Paleocurrent Study of the Dagger Flat (Cambrian), Marathon Basin, Texas
Fayez S. Anan
Abstract: Biostratigraphy of the Cardenas Formation (Upper Cretaceous San Luis Potosi, Mexico)
Ralph Lawrence Myers II
Abstract: Petrologic Study of Sediments from Selected Central Texas Caves
Ruben Milton Frank
Abstract: Biometry of Enallaster Texanus (A Cretaceous Echinoid)
Herman W. Porsch, Jr.
Abstract: Subsurface Pennsylvanian Geology Eastern Coke County, Texas
Jack H. Mayfield, Jr.
Abstract: Subsurface Geology of Strawn Pennsylvanian Series, Northwest Quarter of Wise County, Texas
Grover Gonzalez