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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Extended Abstract: Geoscientists Without BordersĀ®: Adventures in Geoscience for Global Sustainability and Building Community Resiliance
Robert K. Merrill
Extended Abstract: Sustainable Water for Developing Countries
Troy W. Meinen
Extended Abstract: Distribution and Detachment Level of Salt Keels in the Deep Water Northern Gulf of Mexico: Insights into Canopy Advancement, Salt Sediment Interplay, and Evidence for Unrecognized Mass Sediment Displacement
Carl Fiduk, Vivian Robertson, Marianne Clippard, George Jamieson, Sarah Power
Extended Abstract: Petroleum Systems and Prospects in the Deepwater Mozambique Channel
Robert G. Bertangne
Abstract: Aramco Research in Support of Unconventionals
Dr. Dan Georgi