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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society
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Atwater Valley 24 #1
Andrew Cole
Atwater Valley 92 #1, 1ST1
Paul Wieg
Garden Banks 600 #1
Christopher B. Latkiewicz, Charles Oliver
Green Canyon 474 #1
John O'Brien
Keathley Canyon 199 #1
Steven Schulz
Mississippi Canyon 379 #1
Toby A. Roesler
Onshore/Fort Bend Co., TX #1
Keith Potter
S. Timbalier 250 #A2-ST
Walter Phillips
South Pelto #12ST2BP2
Bruce A. Matsutsuyu
South Timbalier 130 #D-21
George H. Rhoads
South Timbalier 315 #1
Brian Rader