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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society
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Active Faults in the Houston, Texas Area as Observed on Landsat Imagery
John R. Everett, William M. Reid
Bibliography on Subsidence, Faulting, and Ground Water of Southeast Texas with Special Emphasis on the Houston - Galveston Area (1892 - 1979)
Rosa Ekimov
Historically Active Faults in the Houston Metropolitan Area, Texas
Earl R. Verbeek, Uel S. Clanton
Land Development and Fault Investigations in the Houston, Texas Area
DeWitt C. Van Siclen
The Legal Implications of the Consulting Relationship: Professional Liability of Consulting Geologists in the Urban Environmental Context
Lynn N. Hughes
Liability for Geologic Hazards
Alan H. Coogan
Photographic Portrait of Active Faults in the Houston Metropolitan Area, Texas
Uel S. Clanton, Earl R. Verbeek