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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
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An Analysis of Dipmeter Survey Results in the Langkat Area
Abdul Wahab
Carbon Black Manufacturing
Suroso W. S., D. Djoearsa, M. S. M. Situmorang
The Cibulakan Formation as One of the Most Prospective Stratigraphic Units in the North-West Java Basinal Area
Arpandi D, Suyitno Patmosukismo
Contribution to the Stratigraphy of the Jiwo Hills and Their Southern Surroundings (Central Java)
Sumarso, Tutty Ismoyowati
Design of Jatibarang Development and West Java Exploration Oil Well Drilling
Iman Sutadi, Kahar Kusmen
The Development of a Standard Blowout Control Procedure for a Drilling Rig
W. A. Rehm
Development of the Arun Gas Field
M. E. Alford, L. L. Cargile, M. B. Siagian
Direct Evidence of Hydrocarbon Accumulations from Seismic Data
E. G. Selby
The Effect of Quaternary Tectonics and Climates on Erosion and Sedimentation in Sumatra
H. Th. Verstappen
Ethane Extraction for Petrochemical Feedstock
Bambang Bramono, R. G. Hutton, R. E. Losbaugh
Exploration and Petroleum Prospects, Bula Basin, Seram, Indonesia
N. J. Zillman, R. J. Paten
Exploration of the Mentawai Block – West Sumatra
Hariadi N., R. A. Soeparjadi
Geochemical Evaluation – N.W. Java Basin
G. L. Fletcher, Kirby W. Bay
Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Timor Area
A. A. Crostella, D. E. Powell
Geology of Pungut and Tandun Oil Fields Central Sumatra
Suwahjuhadi Mertosono
Geology of the South Central Java Offshore Area
W. Bolliger, P. A. C. De Ruiter
The Handil Oil Field in East Kalimantan
Ph. Magnier, Ben Samsu
Handling of Heavy Jatibarang Crude Oil Production
A. K. Soejoso, R. M. Indrarto
Hydrocracking of Vacuum Distillate of Minas Waxy Residue for Lubricant Base Stock and Fuel Oil Production
A. S. Nasution
Offshore Evaluation of Hydrogen Sulfide Reservoirs
A. G. Edwards
The Prediction of Water Cut in Initial Production from Log Analysis
B. Marchette, W. J. Prins
Slalom Line
R. Garotta
Strategic Planning in Drilling Operations
M. A. Warga Dalem, R. M. Pranoedjoe
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan
Luki Samuel, S. Muchsin
Submerged System for Offshore Oil and Gas Production
T. W. Childers, J. A. Kopecky, W. D. Loth
Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia
S. Warren Carey
The Three R's of Petroleum Exploration: Resources, Risks and Rewards
Mason L. Hill
Use of Cable Suspended Submersible Pump Systems in the Java Sea
Luis Caycedo
Use of Log Data to Detect Plastic Failure Zones for Analysis of Completion and Drilling Operations
C. A. Kohlhaas
Utilization of Gas Turbines for Power Generation in Petroleum Production Operations
A. S. Wahyosudibyo