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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
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Ardjuna B–Structure – A Case History
W. R. Scheidecker, D. A. Taiclet
Arun Reef, Bee Block, North Sumatra
J. R. Houpt, C. C. Kersting
Aspects Carbonate Sedimentation in Indonesia
Michael Scrutton
Aspects of Diagenesis and Porosity in Indonesian Miocene Carbonates
J. T. Berry
The Baturaja Formation of the Sunda Sub-Basin Area: Abstract
Robert Larue
Biostratigraphy of the Jatibungkus Section (Lokulo Area) in Central Java
F. Paltrinieri, Sri Sajekti, Suminta
Carbonate Build-Ups on Volcanic Highs South of Java: Abstract
M. Hughes Clarke
The Carbonate Rocks of the Baturaja Formation in its Type Locality, Baturaja — South Sumatra
Tjahja Hadi, Simbolon B.
Case History of the Bekapai Field
M. De Matharel, G. Klein, T. Oki
The Comparison of Using a Whipstock and a Dyna Drill in Directional Drilling
Bambang Widjanarko DS, R. W. Prajogo
Contribution to the Pre–Baong Stratigraphy of North Sumatra
Z. A. Kamili, J. Kingston, Z. Achmad, A. Wahab, S. Sosromihardjd, C. U. Crausaz
Depositional Study of the Lower Keutapang Sandstone in the Aru Area, North Sumatra
Development Drilling from a Floating Rig
R. J. Eckerfield, Bambang Soemantri
Distribution of Carbonate Build-Ups in Stanvac's South Sumatra Area: Abstract
A. E. Harsa, A. Kohar
Drilling in a High Temperature and Overpressured Area Sunda Straits, Indonesia
Alfred K. Noujaim
Early Miocene Carbonate Depositional Environments, East Java Sea: Abstract
C. S. Kenyon
Electrical Dehydration and Desalting of Crude Oils
Roy N. Lucas
The Evolution of Porosity in Carbonate Rocks and the Emplacement of Cement
R. G. C. Bathurst
Exploration History and Random Drilling Models
H. W. Menard
Floating Production Systems and Their Possible Application in Indonesia
P. J. Klein, W. van Heijst, B. Soemantri
Geology of East Benakat Oil Field, S. Sumatra
Hermanses Akuanbatin, D. Ardiputra
Geothermal Exploration Drilling and Testing in Kamojang, West Java Indonesia
S. Soerjadji
Geothermal Exploration in West Java
Solia Wiradiradja, Surahman Suari, Yunus Razali, L. Pekar
Geothermal Gradient Map of Indonesia: A Progress Report
C. S. Kenyon, K. J. Roberti, M. De Matharel, M. W. Hughes-Clarke
The Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Baturaja Formation in South Sumatra
Basuki P., S. Z. Pane
Indonesian Oil: The Economics of Supply and Price Under Current Government Policy
E. Anthony Copp
Lower Miocene Duri Formation Sands, Central Sumatra Basin
Abiratno Wongsosantiko
Mesozoic Evolution of the Margins of Tethys in Indonesia and the Philippines
M. G. Audley-Charles
Miocene Algal Reef Mounds, Sengkang Province, Sulawesi: Abstract
P. R. Ashton
Modern Environments of Dolomitization — Tidal Flat and Seepage Reflux Models
J. N. Bubb
Modern Reefs in the West Java Sea
Michael E. Scrutton
Mud Solidification, a Solution to Pollution
Jerry E. Haston
New Developments in Well Stimulation
Gerald R. Coulter
New Guinea Limestone Group Bomberai Peninsula, Irian Jaya
R. J. Rossetter
The Occurrence of Hydrocarbons in Overpressured Reservoirs of the Baram Delta (Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia)
G. Schaar
Organic Geochemistry as an Aid to Exploration in the Eastern Java Sea
K. L. Russell, C. Sutton, W. C. Meyers
The Petrography and Depositional Environment of Belumai Formation Limestones in the Bohorok Area, North Sumatra
C. K. Peter, Z. Achmad
Problems in the Recognition of Ancient Carbonate Environments
R. G. C. Bathurst
Recent Developments in Logging Techniques and Interpretation in Indonesia
Yves M. Pirard, William J. Prins, Carlos Cramez
Recognition of Carbonate Buildups on Seismic Sections
J. N. Bubb, W. G. Hatlelid
Reef Exploration in Bintuni Basin and Bomberai Trough — Irian Jaya: Abstract
J. L. Collins, M. K. Qureshi
Remote Control Systems for Offshore Oil Production in Attaka Field
Eddy Dharmawan, Bruce B. Monroe
Remote Sensing as an Aid to Petroleum and Mining Exploration
J. C. Rivereau, A. Fontanel
Reservoir Simulation of the Arun Field
M. B. Siagian, V. C. Stone
Sand Control Using Inside Casing Gravel Packs and Epoxy Coated Gravel Slurries
Robert D. Erickson
Sediment Distribution Patterns in the Modern Mahakam Delta
G. P. Allen, D. Laurier, J. Thouvenin
Seismic Expression of Carbonate Build-ups, Northwest Java Basin: Abstract
J. E. Burbury
Selection of Drilling Fluids to Minimize Shale Instability in Indonesia
Doyle D. Waller, Michael J. Lawlor
The Significance to Indonesia of Hydrocarbon Production from Carbonate Reservoirs
Warren C. Leslie
Subduction in the Indonesian Region
Warren Hamilton
The Subis Limestone Complex — Sarawak, Malaysia: Abstract
B. H. G. Sleumer
Subsidence and Deformation of Terminal Regressive Sequences in the Indonesian Region
Richard E. Chapman
The Tendeh Hantu Atoll-A Lower Miocene Carbonate Build-Up in Mangkalihat Peninsula, East Kalimantan: Abstract
P. Suessli
Tertiary Carbonates Distribution and Oil Potential in Indonesia
A. Pulunggono
Tertiary Carbonate Sedimentation in Irian Jaya with Special Reference to the Northern Part of the Bintuni Basin
R. P. Koesoemadinata
Use of a Total Field Numerical Simulator to Plan Badak Field Gas Government
Kent W. Maggert, A. S. M. Anwar
Walio Oil Field and the Miocene Carbonates of Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
John L. Redmond, R. P. Koesoemadinata
Well Test Logging
J. Exbrayat, W. Machtalere
World's First Totally Offshore NGL Facility, North West Java Sea, Indonesia
David M. Leach, Don E. Rainey
Wrench Fault Tectonics and Aspects of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Java
B. Situmorang, Siswoyo, Endang Thajib, F. Paltrinieri