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Indonesian Petroleum Association
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3-D Tomographic Amplitude Inversion for Compensating Transmission Losses in the Overburden
Barry Hung, Kefeng Xin, Sergey Birdus, James Sun
Advance Petroleum Economics for Making Decisions With the High Volatility of Oil Prices: An Application of Dynamic DCF and Real Options Approach in the PSC Regime
Nuzulul Haq
The Application of 2D Common-Offset Common-Reflection-Surface (CO CRS) Stack Method Towards Synthetic Data
Parapaty Halley, Rachmat Sule, Teuku Abdullah Sanny
Application of Anomaly Impedance in an Integrated Geological Modeling for a Brownfield
Said Sabbeq, Tutuka Ariadji, Sonny Winardhie, John Hisar Simamora
Application of Drill Mud and Cutting Reinjection in Tangguh Project
Lidia Ahmad, Dewanti Oktantina
Application of General Surface Multiple Prediction, a True Azimuth 3D Surface Related Multiple Elimination Technique, in the Deep Water Area of the Eastern Makassar Strait
Andreas T. Waluyo, Frank Büker
Application of Plate Reconstructions and 2D Gravity Modeling to Quantify Crustal Stretching During Continental Break-Up: A South China Sea Case Study
S. Mazur, J.M. Whittaker, K. Wilson, M.G. Stewart, P. East, R. Bouatmani, P.J. Markwick
Application of Recycle System to Inhibit Scale Deposition and Plugging Inside ESP: A Case Study at Mustika A-02 Well, CNOOC SES Area
M. A. Andromedae, Wimbuh Nugroho, Erry Brillyanto
Application of Zero Offset 2D CRS-Stack Method for Low Fold Data: Synthetic and Real Data Examples
R. Sule, A. Hendriyana, P. D. Anggraini, Fatkhan, Alfian, Sardjito, Waluyo, Adriansyah
Architectural Elements of a Longitudinal Turbidite System: The Upper Miocene Halang Formation Submarine-Fan System in the Bogor Through, West Jawa
M. Ma’ruf Mukti, Makoto Ito, Cipi Armandita
Assessing Uncertainty of Coalbed Methane Resources
Tim A. Moore, Tennille E. Mares, Catherine R. Moore
Associated Gas Compression Optimization in Marginal Field
Husnu S. Kusuma, Virzi Firmansyah
Beam Migration for Imaging of Complex Structures
Karl Schleicher, John Sherwood, Lynn Comeaux, Mazin Farouki
Benchmarking Operating Efficiency to Enhance Production From Mature Fields
Richard M. Tucker
Benefits of HT-Hostile Environments on Wellbore Stability: A Case Study From Geothermal Fields in Central Australia
Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez, David Castillo, Doone Wyborn, Dean Hindle
Berai Carbonate Debris Flow as Reservoir in the Ruby Field, Sebuku Block, Makassar Straits: A New Exploration Play in Indonesia
Gadjah E. Pireno, Chris Cook, Doddy Yuliong, Sri Lestari
A Bibliography and Brief History of Indonesia Geology Literature
J.T. (Han) van Gorsel
Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) - Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) Global Potential in Indonesia
Ego Syahrial, Utomo Pratama I.
Cased Hole Frac Pack Completion - Case History of West Natuna Sea Development
Dadang Kurnia, Ricky Manalu, Seth Crissman, Indra Gunawan
Case Study: AVO and Attenuation Gradient Application in Banuwati-Mila Gas Fields
Zha Chaoyang, Shen Shuirong, Ari Masputra, Pei Daqing, Lu Jianjun
Challenges to Processing, Interpretation and Depth Conversion Posed by Dynamic Statics Over the Ujung-Pangkah Field
Donald Easley, Ferry Yustiana
Circular Shooting Survey on the Tulip Discovery: Full Azimuth Streamer Acquisition and Real Time Illumination QC
Michele Buia, Mikael Garden, Emanuele Tozzi, Riccardo Vercesi
Comparison of Multi Azimuth 3D Survey With Conventional Single Azimuth Survey in a Complex Geological Area
Andrea Bergamaschi, Michele Buia
Complex Geomodeling: Dayung Field a Fractured Pre-Tertiary Reservoir in the Southern Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Rita Achiat, Joel Guttormsen, Redo Waworuntu
Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Bird’s Head, West Papua, Indonesia
John Decker, Steven C. Bergman, Philip A. Teas, Peter Baillie, Daniel L. Orange
Continuous Improvements Toward Green Operations in Drilling Support Operations
Irwan Hardiyanto, Esther Elias, Gde Yudistira Rai, Heru Triongko
Corporate Health Risk Mitigation – Elements of an Effective Corporate Health Plan
Dr Armid Azadeh
Crustal Architecture of the East Java Sea-Makassar Strait Region From Long-Offset Crustal-Scale 2D Seismic Reflection Imaging
J.W. Granath, P.A. Emmet, M.G. Dinkelman
Depositional Patterns and Submarine-Fan Development Sequences of Middle-Miocene Cinambo-Rambatan Turbidite Systems, Bogor Trough
Krishna Pratama Laya, Danny Nursasono, Bobby Yusuf, Adam Budi Nugroho, Fussario Yennis, Agata Vanessa Kindangen, Karyono Utomo
Designing Coal-Bed Methane Seismic Acquisition Survey Parameters Using Finite Difference Modeling
Abdul Haris, Befriko Murdianto, Adriansyah
Determination of Velocity Model by Using NIP-Wave Tomographic Inversion: Application to Synthetic and Real Data
A. Hendriyana, R. Sule, Y. Akbar, L.A. Poerwaka, T.A. Sanny, Sardjito, Waluyo, Adriansyah
Determining a Good Hole Cleaning by Judging the Cutting Transport Parameter in 81/2" Horizontal Hole Section Leads to Operational Success During Underbalanced Drilling Operation
Raden Hanggara Tri Poetra, Kitos G. Akbar, Hasnan Rifani, Robani Sadiya
Determining Speed of Electric Submersible Pumps to Optimize Production in ESP Wells
Handoko Saputra
Dynamic Optimization Model and Economic Analysis for Gas Pipeline: Case Study of Matindok Block
Arsegianto, Evi Wahyuningsih, Kunarto, Widia Kusumastuti, Suprapto Sumardan
The Effect of Resistivity Anisotropy on Earth Impulse Responses
Folke Engelmark, Bruce Hobbs, Dieter Werthmüller
Emergence of New Petroleum System in the Mature Salawati Basin: Keys From Geochemical Biomarkers
Awang Harun Satyana
Extending Minas Field Life Through Surfactant-Polymer Flooding
Amin Setyawan, Agus Masduki, Dhani Daradjat, Kris Pedersen, Bruce Smith
ExxonMobil’s Project Approach to Safety - Nobody Gets Hurt
Zainul Bahri, Ryan A. Klue, Joey Tucker, Robi Nugraha, James David Smith
Fault Seal Analysis on Seribu North Field, Sunda Basin, Southeast Sumatra
Ambaria, Agung Gunawan, Benyamin Sapiie, Bintoro Wibowo, Wah Adi Suseno
Finding By-Passed Oil in a Mature Field by Reprocessing and Reinterpreting Existing 3-D Seismic; A Case Study of Petapahan Field, Sumatera, Indonesia
Subambang Anggoro, Ibnu Arif, Yuli Iswanto, William F. Mallett III, Budy Subiyanto
Floating LNG Technology for Abadi Field Development
Ryo Manabe, Akinori Ogawa, Yoshiro Niiho
Formation Evaluation of Type-1 Fractured Basement Rocks Using Borehole Data
Adriaan A. Bal, Javier Franquet, Stephen Dymmock, Robert Maddock, Glen Palamountain, Ali Baradi, Dinah Pantic, Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez
Fracturing Fluids and Proppants Analysis for Hydraulic Fracturing in Unconsolidated Formation of Well “X-3” in Tanjung Field
H.S. Jane, P.S. Anas, Mth. Kristiati
Frontmatter: Proceedings of the 33rd Convention and Exhibition
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Generating the Dynamic Characteristics and Predicting Techniques for Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Production Using Field Performance Data
Ratnayu Sitaresmi, Doddy Abdassah, Taufan Marhaendrajana, Dedy Irawan
Geochemical Identification of Favorable Basins for Biogenic Gas Exploration in Indonesia
Eddy A. Subroto, Dardji Noeradi, Bob Y. Afriatno
Geological and Petrophysical Evaluation of Thin Bed Laminated Shaly Sandstones in Peragam Field, Offshore Brunei, With NMR and Tensor Resistivity Measurements
A. Manescu, A. Bal, I. Donaldson, Z. Ahmad, R. Krishnan
Geomechanical Modeling to Optimize Hydraulic Fracture Designs in the K-Field
Indra Hudaya, Andry Pujiriyanto, Frank Wijnands, Leo Anis, Beni Setiawan
Geomechanical Modelling, Fracture Permeability Analysis and Fault Stability Assessment for a Fractured Basement Field, Offshore Viet Nam
Adrian White, David Castillo, Sanjay Thakur
Gross Sharing With Additional Payments: An Alternative to PSC Non Cost Recovery to Overcome Increasing Cost Recovery Issues
Taufik R Sidik
High Resolution Geochemical Analysis: Enhancing Seabed Coring Programs for Petroleum Exploration
Alan H. Silliman, Harry Anderson, David Goold
Huff and Puff Study: Optimize Huff and Puff Application by Identifying Steam Distribution Profile in Commingled Production Wells
Wynda Astutik
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Savu Sea Basin
Steve Toothil, David Lamb
Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment for Tight Lower Pematang Sandstone Reservoir – Field Case Example
Hani Mohede, Dian Nur Cahyono, Tri Firmanto
Implementation of Technical Career Path (TCP) in Pertamina Upstream: Room for Improvement
Hardjo Basuki Soenandar
Improved Subsurface Analytical Methods to Identify By-Passed Zones in a Mature Gas Field
Ari Wibowo, Budi Srisantoso, William F. Turnbull
Infrasonic Passive Differntial Spectroscopy (IPDS) for Direct Detection of Hydrocarbons in Exploratory, Production and Depleted Fields
Ernst D. Rode, S.R. Das, S. Ravindran, M.K. Mukherjee, S.K. Nandy, Eswar Venkataraman, Amborish Bordoloi, Pydiraju Jinagam
Integrated Geological Modeling and Volumetric Uncertainty Evaluation for the Abadi Gas Field
Kuniaki Takayama, Koichi Kihara, Takahiro Zushi
An Integrated Petrophysical Analysis to Evaluate Low Resistivity Low Contrast (LRLC) Pays in Clastic Reservoirs in SE Asia Based on Core and Log Data
Dr. Lutz Riepe, Yoel Bonnye, A. Sharby, BA Hamid, W N Safawati, W M Zainudin, M Nizam, BM Zain
Integrated Reservoir Study and Simulation Workflow of Lower Sihapas Sandstone in Kurau Field, Sumatra, Indonesia
Tri Firmanto, Iman Suripto Suyatno, Ezzat Gomaa, Jati Priyantoro, Benny Sidik, Andry Pujiriyanto, Diana Ong, Bondan Asmara, Irvan Rahmawan, Henry Septiawan, Eppy Gustiawan, Arif Wibowo
An Integrated Study of a Deepwater Gas Well
Shie-Way Wang, Rob Mathers
Interpretative PSDM Workflow for Solving Complex Imagery Below Faults and Carbonates Reefs in South Mahakam, Kutai Basin: An Interpreter’s Point of View
Cepi Muhamad Adam, Nadir Abdoun, Bertrand Duquet, Florent Bertini, Yves Le Stunff
Intra-Arc Trans-Tension Duplex of Majalengka to Banyumas Area: Prolific Petroleum Seeps and Opportunities in West-Central Java Border
Cipi Armandita, M. Ma’ruf Mukti, Awang Harun Satyana
Managing Social Risk Through Better Understanding of the Stakeholders
Aldi Muhammad Alizar, Adi Prasetijo
Mass Wasting and Detrital Carbonate Deposition, Cepu Block, East Java
Ted Apotria, M. Allan Weidmer, David Walley, Aram Derewetzky, Douglas Millman
Methane High Pressure Adsorption Model Development to Predict Indonesia's Coalbed Methane as New Prospective Energy Source
Doni Pabhassaro, Mahmud Sudibandriyo
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) : Laboratory Investigation for a Field Application in East Kalimantan
Amalia Yunita Halim, Taufik Dwi Saputra, Dea Indriani Astuti, Nuryati Juli, Septoratno Siregar
Middle-Lower Eocene Turbidites: A New Deepwater Play Concept, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Wayne K. Camp, Elly E. Guritno, Deden Drajat, Moyra E. J. Wilson
The New Energy Subsidy Paradigm Subsidy Substitution From Domestic Fuel to Natural Gas Base Energy
Qoyum Tjandranegara, Sri Wahyu Purwanto
New Fault Reinterpretation Using Edge Seismic Attribute to Optimize WF Performance in Bekasap Field, Central Sumatra Basin
Amul Agan, Komut Maneechai, Yuni Budi Pramudyo, Anak Agung Hendra
New Insight Into Structure and Tectonics of the Seram Trough From SeaSeep™ High Resolution Bathymetry
Philip A. Teas, John Decker, Dan Orange, Peter Baillie
A New Seismic Method to Significantly Improve Deeper Data Character and Interpretability
Andrew Long, Guillaume Cambois, Gregg Parkes, Anders Mattsson, Terje Lundsten, Mazin Farouki
Oil and Gas Seeps in Deep Marine Sea Floor Cores as Indicators of Active Petroleum Systems in Indonesia
R. Noble, D. Orange, J. Decker, P. Teas, P. Baillie
Optimising Costs in the Current Environment
Stefan Petry
Palinspatic Reconstruction of the Bird Head Pop-Up Structure as a New Mechanism of the Sorong Fault
Putri Riadini, A.C. Adyagharini, A.M. Surya Nugraha, Benyamin Sapiie, Philip A. Teas
Palynology Analysis and Coal Characterization: A Preliminary Study for CBM Prospectivity of Balikpapan Fm., Kutei Basin
Bayu A. Pramudhita, Ben S.A. Siregar, Heri Tanjung, Mangku Faris, Rian Indrajaya, Satrio, Yanto Kambu
Phyllitic Fractured Reservoirs of Southern Sumatra
Joel Guttormsen, Rita Achiat, Reki Indrawan, Redo Waworuntu
Pre-Tertiary Sedimentary “Keels” Provide Insights Into Tectonic Assembly of Basement Terranes and Present-Day Petroleum Systems of the East Java Sea
P.A. Emmet, J.W. Granath, M.G. Dinkelman
Produced Water Injection Well: “A Choice for Optimizing Mature Field Facilities”
Triputri Syarifah, Teguh Heru Susanto, Tania Irani, Asri Sofia Marwah, Munir Daud, Adhitia Pramadhita
A Proposed Approach for Scale Early Detection
Rachmadewi Bachar, Widartono Utoyo, Riza Agusta, Hanifan M. Biyanni
Quartz Cementation and Reservoir Quality of the Plover Sandstone in the Abadi Gas Field
Ryoichi Matsui, Emiko Shinbo, Mamoru Omokawa, Takahiro Zushi
Regulatory Aspects of Geological Modelling
Stephen Tyson, C. Math
Rejuvenation of an Old Field Through Cased Hole Logs, Pressure Measurements and Fluid Scanning
Sandra Radiansyah, Meutia Nasfiah, Hengky Ng, Andy Djulaini, Udit Guru, Mario Ardila, Dian Sari, Mikhail Charupa
Reservoir Architecture of the Abadi Field
Takahiro Zushi, Sotaro Takano, Ikuo Suzuki
A Reservoir Engineering Study of Gelam Field to Understand Compartmentalization
Ria Amelia Susanto
Reservoir Water Saturation and Permeability Modeling in the Pangkah Field
Sigit Sutiyono
Rethinking LNG Projects in Indonesia: A Commercial Analysis of the East Kalimantan LNG Project
Roy Karamoy, Agus Supriatna
Rock Physics Modeling Optimizing Well Log and Core Data for the Abadi Gas Field
Shinji Matsuura
The Rod Guide System: To Extend the Run Time of Horizontal Rod Pumped Well
Muhamad Wildan
Savu Basin: A Case of Frontier Basin Area in Eastern Indonesia
Bani Tiofan Tampubolon, Yudih Saamena
Scouring Effect at River Crossing Pipelines
Irwan Hardiyanto, Gde Yudistira Rai, Heru Triongko, Hendra Achiari, Dhemi Harland
Seismic Feature of Topography of a Shelf-Slope-Trough and Its Geo-Engineering Applications, West Arafura Sea, Indonesia and Northern Australia
Hiromi Honda, Koichi Kihara, Magnus McNeil-Windle, Henry Banjarnahor, Hiroshi Nagura
Seismic Trace Shape Attribute Analysis in Belanak Arang-3 Sand Reservoir, West Natuna Basin Indonesia
Retno Wijayanti, Mark Boyd, Reza Satria Nugraha
Significance of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy for the Evolution and Demise of the Oligocene Rajamandala Limestone, Padalarang, West Java, Indonesia
Dwiharso Nugroho, Toni Simo, Dardji Noeradi, Shawn M. Fullmer, Melissa K. Hicks, Stephen E. Kaczmarek, Chengjie Liu, J.T. Van Gorsel, Kelley Steffen, Amy Ruf, Benyamin Sapiie, Martin Terrell, Ian Saikia
Slump Scar Reconstruction and Distribution in Tunu Area and Its Impacts on Field Development Strategy
Thomas Yunanto Yoga, Farulian Panggabean, Zainal Abidin
Sour Fields Development: New Bulk Removal Technologies
Liberato Giampaolo Ciccarelli, Anna Chiara Fortuzzi, Marco Bertino, Umberto Cocca, Federica Rossi
Strategies for Surface Geochemical Surveys in Southeast Asia: Best Practice Designs and Recent Case Studies
Daniel C. Hitzman, Dietmar Schumacher, L. Clavareau
Study and Assessment for Landslide Mitigation That Are a Hazard to Pipeline Overstress
Irwan Hardiyanto, Simon Balantyne, Henrico Winata, Gde Yudistira Rai, Heru Triongko
A Study of Relationship Between Permeability and Porosity of Sandstone Reservoir Using Hydraulic Conductivity Method
Agus Susilo, Pudji Permadi
Sundaland: Basement Character, Structure and Plate Tectonic Development
Robert Hall, Benjamin Clements, Helen R. Smyth
Surface and Subsurface Integration to Reconstruct Paleogene Ombilin Basin Development
Lisnanda A. Perdana, Amrizal, Dr. Ir. Dardji Noeradi
A Surface Geochemical Survey From Deep Water Offshore Brunei
Malvin Bjorøy, Ian L. Ferriday, Peter B. Hall
Table of Contents: 33rd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2009
TAML Level 3 Tri-Lateral With Sand Control Application for Saudi Aramco
Anwar Assal, Jeremie Fould, Tim O’Rourke, Ibrahim Refai, Muhammad Habib Haque, Nawaf Sayed Akram
Temperature Insulation Design for Deepwater Gas Well Test, Abadi Field
Masato Okuno, Ken Makishima
Understanding Hydrocarbon-Bearing Reservoirs and Their Critical Factors for Deep Water Exploration in the Tarakan Basin, North East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Ukat Sukanta, Yuyus Kusnandar, Bakhrudin Mansyur, Herastya I. Priyonggo, Antonio Siravo, Andrea Bergamaschi, Sri Hidayati
Understanding Lateral Reservoir Development Through Partial Stack Seismic Forward Modeling - Case Study: “B” Field, Nam Con Son Basin – Vietnam
Wawan Satriawan, Ian Millar, Leonard Lisapaly, Jimmy Ting
Using Pressure Data to Build a Stratigraphic Framework in the Deepwater Ranggas Field, Kutai Basin – East Kalimantan
Ida Njoman Widya Dharmasamadhi, Sena W. Reksalegora
Using SeaSeep Surveys to Identify and Sample Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps in Offshore Frontier Basins
Daniel L. Orange, Philip A. Teas, John Decker, Peter Baillie, Tanya Johnstone
Was That Last Project a "Near Miss" or "Miles Wide of the Target"?
Peter Adam, Lindawati Kusuma, Geodi Naim
West Seno; The First Deepwater Field in Indonesia, a Strategy to Optimize Reserves
Tatang Heri, Robert Mathers, R. Andrew McCarty
Work-Flow for Selecting the Best Seismic Attributes for Effective Basin Analysis
Sigit Sukmono
“Baja” Reservoir Distribution Study in “Permata” Field Central Sumatra Basin Using Seismic Attribute to Determine Proposed Location for Development Well
Yongky Taruna Baja