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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Reflections on the Interpretation of Heavy Mineral Analyses

Tj. H. Van Andel

Microfacies of Wabash Reef, Wabash, Indiana

Albert V. Carozzi, Valentine E. Zadnik

The Petrology of Some Pennsylvanian Black "Shales"

Charles E. Payton, Leo A. Thomas

Estimation of a Minimum Depth of Burial for a Pennsylvanian Underclay

A. G. Altschaeffl , W. Harrison

Character and Genesis of Massive Opal in Kimball Member, Ogallala Formation, Scott County, Kansas

Paul C. Franks, Ada Swineford

Effect of Size and Genetic Quartz Type on Sphericity and Form of Beach Sediments, Northern New Jersey

Harvey Blatt

The Mineralogy and Texture of Beach Sands of Galveston Island, Texas

John J. W. Rogers, Henry C. Adams, Jr.

Gravels of Alameda Creek, California

Anton L. Inderbitzen

The Importance of Modes in Cross-Bedding Data

William F. Tanner

Feldspar Staining Methods

John R. Hayes, Michael A. Klugman

The Photo-extinction Method for the Measurement of Silt-sized Particles

Gene Simmons

Description of the Mackereth Portable Core Sampler

Alec J. Smith

Significance of Stylolites in Permeable Sandstones

Milton T. Heald

The Origin of Stylolites in the Light of a Petrofabric Study

W. W. M. Brown

Diagenesis of Late Cambrian Oolitic Limestone, Maurice Formation, Montana and Wyoming

C. W. Brown

Analytical Procedures Applicable to Fine-grained Sedimentary Rocks

Robert L. O'Neil

Columnar Contemporaneous Deformation: NOTE

Clyde T. Hardy, J. Stewart Williams

Possible Eddy Markings in the Shinarump Conglomerate of Northeastern Utah: NOTE

J. Keith Rigby

Statistical Study of Heavy Minerals in Sands of the South River, Augusta County, Virginia: REVISION AND NOTES

Dorothy Carroll