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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Texture and Composition of Some Weathered Granites and Slightly Transported Arkosic Sands
Michael C. Mcewen, Franklin W. Fessenden, John J. W. Rogers
Stability of Index Minerals in Soils with Particular Reference to Quartz, Zircon, and Garnet
James D. Raeside
Petrology and Source of Sediments in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts
Kenneth M. Towe
Mineralogy and Petrography of Marine Bottom Sediment Samples off the Coast of Peru and Chile
E-An Zen
Petrography of Some Minnesota Tills
H. F. Arneman, H. E. Wright, Jr.
Underwater Geology and Analysis of Recent Sediments Off the Northwest Florida Coast
J. E. Vause
Near-Shore Studies in Sedimentology and Morphology Along the Florida Panhandle Coast
William F. Tanner
The "Sorting Out" of Geological Variables Illustrated by Regression Analysis of Factors Controlling Beach Firmness
W. C. Krumbein
Mineral Compositions Calculated from Chemical Analyses of Sedimentary Rocks
John Imbrie, Arie Poldervaart
Analysis of Factors Affecting Quantitative Estimates of Organism Abundance
Louis S. Kornicker
Zeolites in Sedimentary Rocks
Kenneth S. Deffeyes
The Formation of Cross-bedding by a Meandering or Braided Stream
Michael D. Wright
Pisolites Formed from the Oilfield Water of the Luling Field, Caldwell County, Texas
Augusta Hasslock Kemp
Paragenesis of Eocene and Cretaceous Sands of West Tennessee: NOTES
Robert E. Hershey
Removal of Heavy Liquid Separates from Glass Centrifuge Tubes: NOTES
Franklin W. Fessenden