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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Primary Structures of a Seif Dune and Associated Deposits in Libya
Edwin D. Mckee, Gordon C. Tibbitts, Jr.
Comparison of Sediments from Bay of Fundy and Dutch Wadden Sea Tidal Flats
George DeVries Klein, John E. Sanders
Relative Abundance and Order of Stability of Amino Acids in Some Aquatic Plants and Associated Freshwater Sediments
Frederick M. Swain, Gunta Venteris, Francis Ting
The Petrology of Lower Pennsylvanian Sewanee Sandstone, Lookout Mountain, Alabama and Georgia
Chih Shan Chen , H. Grant Goodell
Depositional Mechanisms from the Size Analysis of Clastic Sediments
Basanta K. Sahu
Glauconitization of Rhyolite Sand Grains
Richard W. Ojakangas , W. D. Keller
Streaked-out Mud Ripples Below Miocene Turbidites, Puriri Formation, New Zealand
P. F. Ballance
Authigenic Kaolinite in Sandstone
John W. Shelton
Tank Experiments on the Sorting Of Beach Material During Cusp Formation
N. C. Flemming
Geodes and Concretions from the Mississippian Warsaw Formation, Keokuk Region, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri
John B. Hayes
The Prediction of Strength in the Sediments of St. Andrew Bay, Florida
C. W. Holmes, H. G. Goodell
Surface Morphology of Some Limestone Types as Revealed by Electron Microscope
Rikii Shoji, Robert L. Folk
Modification of Sediment Size Distributions
William F. Tanner
Interpreting the Concept of the Sedimentation Unit
Alan V. Jopling
Bottom Sediments of Saginaw Bay, Michigan
Leonard E. Wood
Box-Type Sediment-Coring Device: NOTES
J. E. Klovan
Gas Rings From Terry County, Texas: NOTES
C. C. Reeves, Jr.
A Note on Thin Section Mechanical Analysis: NOTES
Sudhir Basumallick
Some Remarks on the Phi Notation: NOTES
W. C. Krumbein
Cause of Hatchured Weathering Patterns Produced on Dolomite: NOTES
Gerald L. Feder
Iron Oxide Removal in Thin Sections: NOTES
Daniel H. Horowitz