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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Petrology and Diagenesis of Broughton Sandstone (Permian), Kiama District, New South Wales
Alar Raam
The Sedimentation of Westphalian (Ammanian) Measures in the Little Haven-Amroth Coalfield, Pembrokeshire
P. F. Williams
Facies Profile and Other New Methods of Graphic Data Presentation: Application in a Quantitative Study of Libyan Tertiary Shoreline Deposits
Richard C. Selley
Determination of Calcite and Dolomite Composition Using the Air Comparison Pycnometer
Donald H. Zenger
Sedimentary Cycles in the Green River Formation (Eocene), Uinta Basin, Utah
M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.
Composition and Mean Age of Detritus of the Colorado River Delta in the Salton Trough, Southeastern California
L. J. Patrick Muffler, Bruce R. Doe
Simple Linear Regression as a Means of Predicting the Thickness of Middle Allegheny Stratigraphical Interval in Eastern Ohio
Romeo M. Flores
Shallow Marine Currents on the Early (?) Triassic Wyoming Shelf
M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.
Bed Thickness Analysis of Some Carboniferous Fluvial Sedimentary Rocks Near Joggins, Nova Scotia
John Henry Way, Jr.
Water and Sediment in the Norris Glacier Outwash Area, Upper Taku Inlet, Southeastern Alaska
Roger M. Slatt, Charles M. Hoskin
Optical Data Processing of Multispectral Photographs of Sedimentary Structures
Howard J. Pincus , Syed A. Ali
Orientation Distribution Patterns of Graptolite Rhabdosomes from Ordovician Sediments in Central Victoria, Australia
Noel W. Schleiger
A Study of the Effects of Various Core Samples on Mass Physical Properties in Marine Sediments
A. L. Inderbitzen
Diagenetic Patterns in the Wettersteinkalk (Ladinian, Middle Trias), Northern Limestone Alps, Bavaria and Tyrol
Klaus Germann
Relationship Between Paleotopography and the Thickness and Geochemistry of a Pennsylvanian Freshwater Limestone
E. G. Williams , R. E. Bergenback , J. N. Weber
Multiple Parallel-Truncation Bedding Planes--A Feature of Wind-Deposited Sandstone Formations
WM. Lee Stokes
Clay Mineralogy of Pluvial Lake Sediments, Southern High Plains, Texas
W. T. Parry, C. C. Reeves, Jr.
Sandstone Petrology, Evidence from Luminescence Petrography
R. F. Sippel
Petrology of the Buckner Formation in Adjacent Parts of Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas
Kendell A. Dickinson
Sedimentology of the Pleasantview Sandstone, Southern Iowa and Western Illinois
Robert L. Laury
Clay Minerals of the Columbia River: A Qualitative, Quantitative, and Statistical Evaluation
H. J. Knebel , J. C. Kelly, J. T. Whetten
Selective Dolomitization of Recent Sedimentary Structures
Eugene A. Shinn
Gasometric Determination of Carbon in Sediments By Hydroxide Absorption
Ronald L. Kolpack, S. Allen Bell
The Diffusion of Grains in the Lee of Ripples, Dunes, and Sand Deltas
J. R. L. Allen
Trace Element Chemistry, Heavy Minerals, and Sediment Statistics Of Weddell Sea Sediments
Ernest E. Angino, Robert S. Andrews
Dispersal and Petrology of the Silurian Val Brillant and Robitaille Sandstones, Appalachians, Quebec
Jean Lajoie
Modified Centrifuge Apparatus for Heavy Liquid Separations: NOTES
M. R. Sharma, S. P. Krishnaswami
A Note on the Occurrence of Beachrock along the West Coast of Ceylon: NOTES
P. G. Cooray
Natural and Experimental Sodium Uptake in Hudson River Sediments, Kingston to Manhattan, New York: NOTES
Alistair W. Mccrone, Robert C. Koch
An Occurrence of Submarine Cementation of Carbonate Sediments Off the West Coast of Barbados, W.I.
I. G. Macintyre , E. W. Mountjoy , B. F. D'anglejan (5)
Froth Flotation for Impure Carbonate Sediments: NOTES
Stephen V. Smith , Ronald W. Utley
Disposable Syringe Techniques for Obtaining Small Quantities of Pore Water from Unconsolidated Sediments: NOTES
F. T. Manheim
Relationship Between Chlorite Coatings on Quartz Grains and Porosity, Spiro Sand, Oklahoma: NOTES
Edward D. Pittman, David N. Lumsden
Concentration Changes of Ca, Cu, Li, Mg, K, Na, and Sr in the Hudson River, New York: NOTES
Burton P. Fabricand, Eugene S. Imbimbo, Mary E. Brey
Protection of Analytical Balances: NOTES
Robert Schoen
A Comparison of Two Methods of Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis of Sedimentary Rocks: NOTES
M. J. Kaye , A. C. Dunham , D. M. Hirst
Kurtosis and Peakedness: NOTES
R. A. Baker
Fluorescent Dye Penetrant Technique for Displaying Obscure Structures in Limestone: NOTES
Syed A. Ali , Malcolm P. Weiss
Procedure for Recovering Bottom and Interstitial Waters From Cores of Sandy Sediments from the Continental Shelf: NOTES
John E. Sanders , Gerald M. Friedman (5), Robert S. Bennin
Cubic Casts as Indicators of "Top and Bottom" in the Shields Formation (Precambrian Belt Supergroup): NOTES
Dennis C. O'Brien
A Tubular Spring Valve Used as a Tight and Thin-walled Core Retainer: DISCUSSION
A. Kermabon